Part 2

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**Small trigger warning toward end of the chapter.**

**Mew's POV**

I usually like waking up early now because dad doesn't get out of bed easily. He always stays up past midnight trying to figure out new recipes for his cook books and lessons that he gives.

Ever since my mom passed away 10 years ago he has always been working extra hard to be able to provide for me and pay for my college. I tried to help him as much as I could but there wasn't much a 10 year old could do at the time. Now I try to make things as easy on him as possible, which usually consists of cooking his meals and doing his laundry so he can come home to a clean house when he gets off of work.

Recently I found out that he's been seeing someone and I thought it was a good thing for him, he needed someone to look after him and love him. It was getting a little exhausting spending every waking minute making sure that he is okay, especially with school and drumming. No matter what though I will be grateful that he supports whatever I decide to do with my future. He has been more supporting than I would have ever imagined.

This is why I can't pay attention to anyone else but myself and my dad, I know I might come off as rude for ignoring the girls that give me gifts and confess their feelings but I can't give any of them false hope. I am too busy and invested in the family I have right now to have anyone else. Maybe after college and I find a job, than I can allow myself to love someone.

For now I need to take care of my dad.

I was currently making breakfast when he walks out of his bedroom down the hall and wipes his face sleepily before collapsing into one of the dining room chairs. He doesn't like to talk much in the mornings so I just continued what I was doing while he reads the newspapers.

Mew: As I was plating his food and walking over to the table I could see him scribbling in a note book now. "New recipes?"

Dad: He looks up with a smile before pushing it away as I set down the food. "Rose likes easy to make spicy foods and her son also enjoys spicy food so I want to come up with a dish they could enjoy together when she's not busy at work."

Mew: I set down my own plate as I sit down to join him. "I don't think you ever mentioned that she has a son. How old is he?"

Dad: "His name is Gulf kanawut, he goes to the same school as you and I heard that he is quiet popular. I told Rose that I figured you guys might know each other."

Mew: I could feel my hand tightening against my chopsticks as I stare at the table, I can't believe it's that guy... "You're really dating that guys mom?"

Dad: He raises an eyebrow at me with a frown. "So you do know him?"

Mew: I let out a sigh as I push my food away because I had lost my appetite. "Yea I know him. Do you remember the kid I told you about that was causing me problems when I first went to school? The one that was stealing my drum sticks and spreading a rumor around the school that I was gay so the girls would stop talking about me."

Dad: He was mid bite when he stops and tries not to laugh. "That's the same guy?"

I just nod my head as he pushes my plate back toward me. He didn't like it when I waisted food. We ate in silence for the rest of the morning and I could feel him staring at me. Other than the realization that I might have to spend more time with that annoying and childish kid I actually had a good morning. Getting ready to leave the house wasn't that bad and dad was waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs.

Dad: "You know I can cancel my plans for tonight if things are going to be a problem for you with her son, I would never want to cause you any pain after everything we've been struggling to accomplish over the years."

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