Part 18

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**Prem's POV**

Mom: She comes into my room and sits on the bed looking concerned. "Prem are you okay? You've been staying in bed all morning, usually you come down for breakfast and hang out with your father and I. It's currently 9, do you want to watch the game show with us?"

Prem: I pull the covers over myself as I Groan. "I'm okay mom, it's just a stomach ache. I'll be okay in a few days, you guys can watch it without me for now."

Mom: She attempts to rub my head from over the covers. "Okay, I'll make you some soup for your stomach in a few hours. Your favorite show is going to be on in about 10 minutes if you change your mind."

Prem: Mumbling as she stands up to leave. "Thanks mom."

Once she had closed my door and I could hear her footsteps receding down the hallway I pull the covers from my head and let out the breath I was holding in.

Even though my parents know I like someone I never really told them who or what gender the person was and now that I'm not sure where I stand with Boun I haven't been able to do anything the past few days except lay in bed and feel sad. I want to call him but I'm not sure how he will react to me, I know he likes me or he did so why did he disappear like that?

God my head hurts but I'm hungry.

The talk of my mom making soup was making my stomach growl and it made me realize that I haven't eaten since yesterday morning.

Feeling over whelmed with my need for food I slowly get out of bed and head to my closet to pull a shirt on. As I had it half way down my chest I pulled open my door and began to head down the hallway. I could hear the sound of the tv and the soft snores of my father, I found it funny that he could fall asleep anywhere no matter what time of day it was.

Trying to avoid the cheerfulness of my mother I slowly make my way into the kitchen and attempt to stay as quiet as possible. Apparently the drinks in the fridge didn't get my memo though because as soon as I tried to close the door all of the drinks in the side shelf began to clank together making me grit my teeth together.

Mom: "PREMM?!? Is that you?"

Prem: "Uhm yea, I got hungry."

Mom: "I told you I would make you some soup for lunch in a few hours."

Prem: "I know but I haven't been eating much and my stomach is yelling at me."

Mom: "Well there are some left overs on a plate for you in the fridge if you don't want to wait."

Prem: I stare down at the slice of watermelon I had in my hand and set it down before pulling the fridge back open to find the plate she was talking about. "THANK'S MOM."

I thought she was trying to say something to me but I got distracted with the sound of my phone ringing.

Prem: Feeling curious I pull it out of my pocket and see Mew's caller ID. What does he want? "Hello?"

Mew: "Hey Prem, from a scale from 1-10 how mad are you at Boun?"

Prem: "Uhm why, what's going on?"

Mew: "No, that's not important just answer the question."

Prem: I'm so confused but I was focusing more on the fact that he had asked me a question and my brain was having a hard time processing it so I just said the first number that came to mind. "4 I guess..."

Mew: I mean I wasn't even really mad at him just confused and sad. "A 4? Really?"

Prem: "Yea I guess so, Mew what the hell is going on?"

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