Part 5

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I really don't know where I would be right now if I didn't have mew's support with my situation with Prem. Yes I know that Gulf is my best friend but he never really takes this seriously because long lasting affection and relationships don't make sense to him after his parents broke up. He doesn't understand how I can only have Prem in my mind for the past 3 almost 4 years.

There isn't a whole lot I can say to explain it to him any clearer either. It's just like when I see Prem laugh or smile it feels like I can do anything. It's like he is this giant ball of energy that I didn't know I needed until he showed up and now that I know how that feels, it's strange when he isn't next to me. Almost like I feel a little empty and sad. Nothing seems as joyful as it does when I'm with him, even if it's from a distance. I know I should have asked him out a long time ago but I'm afraid that he will no longer be the way he is around me right now. I don't want things to change in a bad way.

It's still a little hard to adjust to the fact that he is now in the majority of my classes. Thankfully there Is this class project that we got paired up together for. The end of the school year is in a week so we don't have a whole lot of time to finish this before it's due. Which is why I asked him to meet me in the library today after class. I don't think we have ever actually hung out together just the two of us before.

That's when my hands begin to shake as I search for a book while I wait for him to show up. I really need to calm down before he gets here. Why do I have to be so freaking awkward?

Yea Gulf is super confident and handsome the majority of the time and I honestly don't know why he's friends with me. All I am is a sporty, ugly dumbass that sometimes doesn't know my right foot from my left. I've even heard people talk and question how we became friends. It's frustrating sometimes.

Prem: I let out a sigh as I feel soft hands close around my eyes. "Who is it?"

Boun: I couldn't help but start to smile as I recognize his familiar voice. "Hmmm, I'm not fully sure. Earth maybe? Can I have a hint?"

Prem: I could hear the pout in his voice as I try not to laugh. "Bounnn how can you not know who I am?"

Boun: Letting out a soft chuckle I move his hands from my face and turn around to smile at him. "Of course I recognize you Prem, I just wanted to mess with you a little bit is all."

Prem: I start to ruffle the hair on his head as his cheeks begin to turn red. "Your always teasing me though, doesn't that get boring?"

Boun: I lean my head to the side. "Boring? You boring? Never!"

Prem: He scrunches his face up in a cute scowl. "Your teasing me again aren't you?"

Boun: With a sigh I lean maybe 6 inches away from his face and smile. "Prem I want you to listen to me. You are cute and smart, don't think any less of yourself okay? I don't think anymore could ever find you boring and that's a fact not a tease."

Prem: I could see the surprise on his face before he turns toward the bookshelf. "W-what are we looking for today?"

Boun: I begin to grin to myself as I walk up behind him and gently press my chest to his back as I reach up to pull a book out from over his head. "I was looking earlier while you were still on your way and I thought this would be a good one for our project."

Prem: He had gone still ever since I had pressed myself against him and I could see that his face was now as red as a cherry tomato. "O-ooh, yea that seems like a good choice."

Boun: I poke his arm playfully with a soft chuckle. "You haven't even looked at it yet?"

Prem: He slowly turns around as he keeps his gaze on the floor before pulling the book out of my hands. "I-I read this last summer so I'm familiar with its contents."

Boun: I raise an eyebrow at him as he makes his way to one of the tables. "Oh really, is it any good then?"

Prem: He refused to look up at me as we sat down and now he was staring into the book like it held all the answers in the universe. "You chose well, this will help us a lot for what we're looking for. What made you pick this one? I had been thinking all night for the right book and I kept coming up blank."

Boun: I just shrug my shoulders even though he couldn't see it and let out a sigh. "I asked my dad last night what he suggested and he gave me three recommendations but the library only had this one. So really I'm not that smart, I just know how to ask the right questions to the right people."

Prem: That made him look up with shock as he begins to laugh. "You? Not smart? Boun do you realize your ranked number 8 in the school rankings?"

Boun: Now it was my turn not being able to look at him as I feel butterfly's starting in my stomach. "I'm really not that smart though. If I was anywhere near yours and Mew's level I would be in the top 5 spots. Your currently ranked number 1 and I'm afraid I might drag you down a spot."

Prem: He begins to laugh as he pulls out some papers and begins to write down notes. "That's nonsense, just because I have the top ranking doesn't mean anything. I'm not actually that smart I just have a lot of free time on my hands so I study a lot. My father also wants me to get a good job so he pushes me a little bit to continue to study hard. If I'm being honest though if Mew didn't have to work and take care of his dad all the time he would be ranked number 1 not me. It's sad that he isn't able to show everyone his full potential. Did you know that he is actually so smart to the point where he was supposed to skip a few grade levels and take higher ranked classes. He turned down the offer when we started at this college though because he was worried it would be too much. Now that he has quiet his second job though he could be able to do it if they offered it to him again."

Boun: Feeling slightly surprised because I talk to Mew all the time but I never knew this about him. "Damn, he's never mentioned that before."

Prem: He just shrugs as he continues to write. "He's embarrassed that he is practically a genius which is also why he can pick up any instrument easily. I think he knows how to play 12 different instrument at this point. I don't know where he stores all this information."

As he was talking I had started to pull my own things out of my bag and started to write my own notes until I moved my free hand and my pinky brushed against his.

Boun: I was about to say something about his last sentence when he sucks in a breath and pulls his hand away from mine before putting it into his lap. I felt dumb for leaving my hand next to his now. "I-I'm sorry..."

Prem: I could see the panic in his face because he waves his hands frantically with big eyes. "No, no its okay. M-my hands are just a little could and I didn't want you to be able to feel it..."

Boun: I was trying so hard not to grin as I look down at my own hands and start to write again as I hold my head up in my other hand as my elbow is perched on the table. "Oh..."

He had a soft pink glow to his cheeks as we continued to study in a comfortable silence.

After some time he had begun to hum a soft song that I had never heard before and it was kind of relaxing. I think he had noticed me staring at him though because he stops singing as soon as our eyes meet and then he clears his throat and stares back down at his paper.

Boun: Finding a small amount of courage I moved my foot over to his and rested my leg against his under the table. I watched as he tensed up once again and I just give him a gentle smile. "Please don't stop. I don't know what song that is but I like it..."

Prem: He continued to open his mouth to say something and I thought he was going to move his leg away for a second but he stayed put and whispered with a blush. "Okay..."

I couldn't help but feel delighted as he continues to hum the soft song while we worked. I could hear that he was more nervous while humming since he was doing it intentionally this time but I found it cute as hell.

Every once in a while I would move my leg against his and I could hear the quiver in his voice while he hummed.

Remind me to never take my time with him for granted, every second he is with me is good enough as long as I can see that smile and hear his voice. Even if we only remain friends I don't think I would mind.

I just really wish I could stop time right now...

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