Part 21

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**Don't worry this chapter is suppose to be short, hehehehe**

**Gulf's POV**

Mew was grinning to himself as I stare at the water and a wave of coldness hits me. I didn't think that the weather was going to be bad so I didn't bother bringing a jacket. I could hear him ruffling around in his backpack but I was too distracted with the view and avoiding his gaze to look.

I can't believe he doesn't remember saying he loves me last night, even if it was in his sleep. Don't you have to dream about the things you say or Is that wrong?

I was lost in my thoughts when a jacket is pushed into my line of view as I look up to see Mew smiling at me. Feeling a little better that he had brought one just in case I except it and pull it on as he zips the backpack back up and places it on his shoulders. He was peacefully staring at the water when a thought crossed my mind and I couldn't help but grin.

Pulling out my phone that I had told him I had left at home but didn't, I hand it to him and point to the spot Infront of me that had to have been at least 3 to 5 feet away. Pleaseee don't scold me for bringing my phone I knew I was going to want to take pictures if we were coming all this way.

Mew: He just rolls his eyes at me as he walks over to the spot I had pointed out without a word about me bringing my phone. "You know if you wanted to take pictures you could have asked."

Gulf: I begin to laugh as I cross my fingers into a heart for him. I love this man... "I already knew I wouldn't have to ask though."

Mew: I knew I shouldn't be a smart ass but he's cute when he's flustered. "Your right."

First I did a dorky hands on my hips and stare at the sky pose because it made me feel like king of the mountain. Plus it was making him laugh which I love hearing. Than I did the bend on one knee with my elbow resting on my knee and my chin in my hand. I didn't even care that these were stupid, I wanted to be able to remember this for a long time.

I want to be as happy as I am right now.

I was so into giving him goofy poses that I didn't notice his face changing when some voices became audible.

"Mommm, Kristie keeps cutting me off and biking in front of me."

"Well if you wouldn't bike so slow I wouldn't have to cut you off so I don't fall off my bike."

"But you're the on..."

"GIRLS!! Your giving your mother a headache."

I had gotten so focused on the conversation that I hadn't realized Mew was moving toward me with worry on his face as I glance over toward the voices to see 4 cyclists coming right at me but didn't see me.


Mew had pulled me into his arms right as they went by and moved us over but we started to lean to one side when he lets go of me with wide eyes. I didn't understand what was going on until I see that he was falling because there was nothing under his right foot.

Mew: Turning fully toward him I try to grab him to pull him toward me but all I felt was his fingertips brush against mine and then the look of understanding crosses over his face before he smiles and whispers "I love you."

Gulf: I could feel every nerve in my body screaming at me as my eyes begin to water and I begin to panic. "MEWWW!!"

Right before my eyes I watch as he falls off the cliff and lands on the grounds below that had to be at least 50 feet. I could see that he had hit his head and there must have been at least a few broken bones because there was blood seeping in from god knows where.

I fumble in my pockets as my hands shake uncontrollably and I try to find my phone to call for help when I go still because it had just dawned on me that Mew had my phone and it had gone over the edge with him.

Gulf: Forcing myself to stand up I begin to shout with everything in me as I break down in sobs. "S-SOMEBODY H-HELP!! PLEASE SOMEBODY HELP ME!!" I didn't want to leave him alone but I didn't know what else to do. The base of the mountain/cliff was at the water line so maybe if I can get down to the water from the parking lot someone will be able to help. With that thought I run as fast as I could as my lungs begin to burn. It probably took me at least 20 minutes to get to the bottom but I was light headed and dizzy. "PLEASE SOMEBODY H-HELP ME..." I could see people looking at me as some begin to walk toward me but I couldn't fully keep myself upright from shock and exhaustion as my body begins to sway. I tried my best to point toward the shore as I fall onto my knees. "P-please my friend fe-fell off the cliff and he-he is on the shore. Please h-help me..."

I could hear everyone shouting and rushing around but my body had given up as I drift off into the darkness.

Please be okay Mew...

It should have been me.

It should have b...

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