Part 14

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**Mew's POV**

It's official, I have feelings for Gulf and it's kind of driving me insane.

I ended up waking up this morning to him being fully curled into me and I don't know how I should react to that, I know he likes me but he has no idea that I know. Soo what am I supposed to do with that information? Do I try and sway him to be mine or do I let time tell me how we end up?

If I went by what's right I would wait until he was ready but it's getting hard to hide how I feel at this point. I just don't want him to run away from me...

Not to mention that he has something that he's been hiding from me and I really want to know what it is. When the fuck did he get those scars and how did he get them?

After we woke up he ended up leaving to go to the gym and I guess he was so tired last night that he didn't even realized it was me that changed him. Maybe his mind is somewhere else today.

Today is our mom's day off, so I was currently helping her prep the food for when dad and Gulf come home for lunch. Dad was at his restaurant right now, I guess there was some sort of emergency with the ventilation system so he might not be home for a while but Gulf should be back soon and I was glad.

I miss his face...

Mom: She was stir frying some onions as I cut more vegetables. "Mew, Can I talk to you about something?"

Mew: I continue to cut vegetables as I try to bring my attention to her words. "Of course, what's going on?"

Mom: She lets out a sigh. "..." She sets down the spatula as she leans against the counter. "I can see the way you look at my son Mew..."

Mew: I froze for only a second but tried to continue to prep so she wouldn't see that I was kind of worried now. "What do you mean?"

Mom: "I've seen that look you have on your face before on someone else that use to love Gulf. You have feelings for my son don't you?"

Mew: I could feel my hands sweating as her words fill my head. Someone else use to love him? "I don't know what you're talking about Mom, he is my brother and I just want to take care of him. Don't over think things."

Mom: She completely ignores my words as she continues to cook. "You should stop now, it wouldn't be good for the two of you. He doesn't need any more problems that come with being with a guy."

Mew: That made me stop cooking as I put down my knife and turn toward her. "Wait he's been with a guy before?"

Mom: She nods her head as she continues to cook. "When he was 18 he loved someone very deeply and things did not go very well. I know it might not look like it but that relationship took a very big toll on him and sometimes I can't even recognize my own son. Thankfully he seems to be getting better ever since we became a family and I want to keep it that way. I don't want to see him get hurt like that again. So please hide your feelings from him. He deserves to feel happy."

Mew: "I could make him happy though."

Mom: She grabs the chopped vegetables that were in front of me as she pores them into her pan. "You might think what your doing will make him happy but it will only bring out feelings he doesn't need to be reminded of. So please stop caring for him in that way and be his brother, he needs a brother more than he needs a lover."

Mew: I didn't know what to say at this point as I just stare down at the vegetables I hadn't cut yet. "..."

The kitchen was quiet until the sound of the front door slamming shut.


I tried my best not to smile because he was being way too damn cute, why is he always so loud when he tries to talk to his mom. I was about to yell a response when I see mom staring at me with a plea in her eyes. So I shut my mouth and looked back down at my cutting board.

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