Part 25

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It burns...

Breathing burns...

I could feel bits and pieces of my body that were numb and sore while other parts were okay but I couldn't seem to figure out how I had gotten this way. I don't even know where I am.

Stranger: I was groaning when someone walks over to my bed. "Mew? Are you awake?"


My name is Mew?

Whoever it was that was calling my name and asking questions sounded nice and it felt like I should recognize the voice but I couldn't no matter how hard I tried. It was like I was stuck in quick sand and I was slipping farther and farther away from my memories.

Mew: I try to pry my eyes open as light hits me and then a fairly young looking woman appears in my view with a very sad looking man behind her. "Hello?..."

Lady: She starts to laugh as tears fall down her face and than moves forward and gently holds me in a hug. Who is this person? "I'm so glad you're alright, your father and I have been worried sick about you and Gulf hasn't woken up yet and we didn't know if you guys were going to make it and we were so worrie..."

Man: He puts a hand on her shoulder to stop her from bombarding me with information of people I didn't know. Were they family? "Honey stop, he just woke up. Give him some time to adjust first and then we can tell him about Gulf."

Mew: "Excuse me?"

Man: He turns to look at me with a smile. "What's wrong?"

Mew: I wanted to rub the back of my head but there were wires in my right arm and my left arm was in a cast. "I don't want to worry you guys but could you tell me who you are?..."

Man: His smile slowly disappears from his face as a tear slides down his cheek and he looks at the lady beside him. "You don't know who I am?" I shake my head and then he points at the lady. "You don't know who she is?" I shake my head again before I notice his hands beginning to shake. "Do you remember your brother Gulf?"

Mew: "I don't remember anyone, like I know what objects are and how to do things I think, kind of like instincts but people's faces and my memories before I got here don't seem to be there..."

Lady: I could see her whole body shaking and it hurt to watch but I couldn't figure out why. She turns around and walks out of the room. "I'm sorry I just can't..."

Man: He pats my leg as he begins to cry again and then wipes his face with his arm before taking a deep breath. "It's okay son, we will figure this out. As for reminders." He points a thumb at himself. "I am your father." He points his finger behind him toward the door. "The lady that just walked out of here is your mother and Gulf that I mentioned earlier is your brother. He passed out while trying to get help for you and he hasn't woken up yet."

Mew: "I have a brother?"

Dad: He starts to laugh. "I tell you about your family and the first thing you do is sound like a little child when finding out you have a brother."

Mew: I couldn't help but laugh/cough with him. "It's common sense to know I have parents or at least I think so but finding about siblings can be anything so I thought it was cool. For some reason it feels like I always wanted a brother..."

Dad: "That's understandable, will you be okay if I go check on your mother?"

Mew: "Okay..."

He gives me a faint nod before walking out of the room. I could see that he was a lot sadder than he was saying and I felt bad but I didn't know how I was supposed to recover something I don't remember. What was even worse was that I could feel that I was forgetting something important and it was giving me a migraine trying to remember what it was.

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