Part 17

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**Boun's POV**

It was around 8 in the morning when my mom decides that she wants to do yoga in the middle of the house with the volume on full blast. I could hear the instructors talking and encouraging her to keep going and it just sounded all types of wrong from my bedroom. So I figured it would be safer to get dressed and go to the living room instead of staying in here all day.

The past couples of days it has taken everything in me to not call or pick up any of Prem's phone calls. I know what I did to him was wrong but I wasn't able to think straight after he confessed his feelings. I wanted more than anything to continue kissing him but for some reason Gulf had popped into my head and then I felt guilty. I know he didn't truly mean what he said but it was still bugging me.

I just want my friend back but Prem told me he's been sick so I haven't even tried to go back over there yet. I'm also afraid that I'm going to run into him by accident like last time if I do.

It was frustrating having two different feelings in my heart now. On one side I want to be with Prem and show him how much I love him but on the other side I want to be a good friend to Gulf even if were not on speaking terms by not rubbing my happiness in his face. Especially now that I know how he feels about me liking guys...

Boun: Letting out a sigh I get out of bed and begin to get dressed. "Why are people so freaking complicated?"

I know nobody is going to answer me but I felt like I had to say it anyways.

School break is so boring when you have no one to spend it with...

Mom: She was currently doing downward dog position when I walked in and she smiles from between her legs. "Honey your finally up! How about you throw on some shorts and you could do some moves with me?"

Boun: Feeling slightly grossed out I sit on the couch and just point at the tv. "Mom you're going to miss the next pose if you don't pay attention, you know I don't like yoga."

Mom: She glances at the tv before perfectly matching the next pose as she glances at me with another smile. "What do you have planned for today?"

Boun: I just shrug my shoulders as I stare at the tv. "Nothing."

Mom: She was looking confused now. "Nothing? How can you have nothing to do? I thought you went over to Gulf's house to apologize, did you guys not make up?"

Boun: Shit... "Uhm, actually I didn't get a chance to apologize to him. He's been kind of sick."

Mom: "He's sick? Well that's perfect, why don't you bring over some of my chicken noodle soup and see if that helps his health. Just say I wanted you to bring it over, it's the perfect excuse."

Boun: "Isn't that kind of lame though?"

Mom: "lame? Are you calling my master plan lame?"

Boun: "Yes mom, you are lame."

Mom: I could see her grinning but I knew she was annoyed as she whispered. "Ungrateful..."

Boun: I just roll my eyes as I head to the kitchen, even if I did think it's lame I will still do it. My mom asked me to so I will, I know she does everything she can for me and it's the least I can do to repay her. "Fine, I will bring him soup. Happy now?"

Mom: "Almost, I need you to also stop by the store for me on your way home. We need some grocery's for dinner this weekend."

Boun: I just nod as I begin to pack up the soup. "Okay, depending on how this goes I should be home around noon."

Mom: "Don't forget to make up with him!"

Boun: "I won't!"

Without listening to her response I grab the container and made my way out of the house. I can't believe my mother is making me go over to his house again!

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