Part 20

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**Mew's POV**

**Beep, Beep, Beep**

Mew: I annoyingly move my arm to my side and search for Gulf's body until my fingers graze against his side. I guess he moved around in his sleep again, I really wish he would stop getting night terrors from whatever it is that happened to him 5 years ago but there's no way for me to help him except to be here when he needs me. "Gulf, it's time to wake up."

Gulf: I glance over at him as he grabs my hand and gently pulls me into him. "Mmmm... Mew, can't we go later. I want to sleep a little longer."

Mew: I softly kiss his neck and make my way down his shoulder blade. "How about you get ready for me and then you can rest in the car while I'm driving there?"

Gulf: I could see him glancing at me over his shoulder and I couldn't help but smile. "How long is the drive?"

Mew: "Around 2 hours."

Gulf: He closes his eyes and buries his head in the pillow with a groan. "I guess that's enough time for a nap."

Mew: Not wanting to waist anymore time I sit up in bed and slowly pull him into my arms before scootching to the end and standing up. "Good, now we can get ready."

He lets out the most adorable sigh as he stays quiet and allows me to carry him to the closet.


We were ready and packed in my car within the next 30 minutes and I could see him immediately passing out as soon as I got onto the highway. The only things we brought was a back pack with some water bottles and Gatorade in it. We agreed that we should eat once we get down the mountain that way were not nauseous.

As he slowly drifts off to sleep in the passenger seat I begin to think about how I can convince his mother to let us see each other in her eyes. I don't mind hiding it from everyone but I really want our parents to know and except us...

I glance over at him with a smile on my face as I listen to the GPS give directions.

This navigators voice is kind of annoying but there isn't much I can do about that.

There was also a stupid amount of traffic on the way there but it was fine because it allowed Gulf to sleep a little longer. I wonder what time he actually went to bed last night.

I hope he'll be able to make it during this hike, I know he doesn't really like hiking very much but it was the only thing I could think of that made sense in such a short amount of time.

Another thing too is that we didn't want to be interrupted by the outside world so we decided to leave our phones at home. It's the perfect way to make sure that we get to spend time together and if mom wants to yell at us about not picking up her calls we can just tell her that we forgot them before we left. I mean there wasn't much she could say to us if we forgot our phones, it's kind of genius.



Gulf: He jumps a little in his seat at the very rude noise the car behind us was making. "W-what's going on?"

Mew: I point to the car in front of us that was trying to pull out of the spot I wanted to pull into. "I want to pull into this spot and the car behind us is honking like crazy because I'm taking forever but it's not my fault the people in front of us are super slow."

Gulf: He lets out a small yawn as he squints at the car in front of us. "How long have you been waiting here?"

Mew: "A few minutes, they were putting stuff in the trunk when I stopped the car to wait."

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