Part 34

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**Gulf's POV**

**A Year Later**

I was currently doing our laundry as Mew stays in bed since mom and dad wouldn't be home the next few days. They were at the restaurants new location until this weekend.

Time has flown by like crazy but it's been nice, when we had found out about Boun and Prems engagement last year we spent two weeks partying until we were all exhausted and partied out. Than Boun ended up moving into the house with Prem so now the both of them lived next to us and its nice this way. Having your best friends as your neighbors has been an experience for sure.

Mew and I had talked about marriage in the last year but we agreed that we are happy the way things are right now. We already live together and we see each other every day like were practically already married so there's no rush. He wants the family business to be stable again first before we put money into a wedding. After buying the second place things have been tight for everyone but they were able to pull through in the end.

He has always been stiff when it comes to money but I can understand why.

Another thing too is that since that day I haven't seen Bright again, Boun tells me that he comes down to visit once every 3 months but avoids me on purpose and I'm grateful for that. I might have forgiven him months ago but I don't think I ever want to see him again.

I want to leave him in the past...

Letting out a sigh I continue to hang up the laundry as a smile crawls onto my face, I'm so happy right now. In the end everything was worth the wait in my eyes. Mew treats me like the most valuable thing he owns and it makes me want to cry sometimes.

Sadly we will both be pretty busy after we graduate because he wants to take over his family business and I think I'm going to except the football position I was asked to join. They asked around a month ago but I wasn't sure if I wanted to do it or not, now that Mew will be busy I figured it would be best if I stayed busy too.

We want to move out in a few years and live on our own so we need to be independent ourselves. He is in charge of most of the expenses and things though because he has more experience with all of that than I do.

If I'm being honest with myself, I am not the most responsible human being.

With that I couldn't help but start to laugh as I finish hanging everything up and then grab the empty basket to bring it back to our room. Mew was laying on the bed in his boxers as he stares at the ceiling.

No matter how many times I see him do this I will never get tired of it.

This is my man...

Gulf: placing the basket on the floor by the door I walk over to him with a smile before crawling into his arms. "What are you thinking about?"

Mew: He looks over at me before curling his arm around my waist. "You."

Gulf: "Your thinking about me?"

Mew: He nods before looking back up at the ceiling. "I was just thinking about everything we've gone through."

Gulf: "Why think about depressing things like that? It's all in the past."

Mew: "It might be in the past but it's our past."

Gulf: "True."

Mew: "I don't mind thinking about the past when I know what the future looks like. Don't worry I'm not sad, just reminiscing. Is the laundry all done?"

Gulf: "Yea I had to do it twice because the first time everything fell off the clothes line and got dirty again. It should be dry by the time we eat dinner."

Mew: "I'll keep that in mind but for now I just want to hold you. Do you know when mom and dad are coming back?"

Gulf: "Three days I think."

Mew: He holds my cheek in his hand before leaning up to kiss me softly. "So we don't have to be quiet for 3 days?"

Gulf: Not believing he just said that I playfully smack his shoulder. "Mewww!?!"

Mew: He raises his brow innocently. "What?"

Gulf: "Is that all that's on your mind nowadays?"

Mew: "Hey mom watches me like a hawk and the only time we can do anything is after everyone has gone to sleep, even then we have to be super quiet and its never very often because were always tired from classes."

Gulf: "It hasn't been that bad."

Mew: He starts to chuckle as my face turns red. "You have fallen asleep on top of me while riding me 3 times this month because you've been so tired. Than whenever I'm being dominate you get too comfortable and fall asleep against the pillows no matter how rough I'm being with you. Your body is so use to me now you fall asleep. I blame the school for giving us so much work."

Gulf: I could see what he meant but I mainly just found It funny. I didn't think he had cared so much. "I'm sorry I fall asleep all the time."

Mew: In one quick motion he rolls us over so that he was pressed on top of me with a grin. "Apology not excepted."

Gulf: "Mewww, I have to clean the house right now!"

Mew: "No, right now you are mine. Afterwards I will help you clean."

Gulf: "Really?"

Mew: He leans down and kisses my forehead. "I promise."

Gulf: "Okay fine but when I say clean I actually mean helping me clean, don't just sit at the dinner table and point out the things that need to be cleaned."

Mew: He inwardly groans as he slowly pushes a hand under my shirt causing me to gasp from his touch. "I will actually clean Gulfie, Now will you behave?"

Gulf: With a grin I press my hands to his chest before balling the fabric of his shirt into my hands and pulling it over his head. "I'm all yours..."

I don't know what our future holds for us but I do know that right now he is the man I love and I am willing to do anything for him as long as he loves me back.

Thank you for excepting me through all that we have gone through and never giving up on me even when I gave up on myself. For excepting the scars of my past and showing me that they do not define me.

Thank you Mew, I love you.



That marks the end to another story, I want to thank each and everyone of you for reading and supporting my stories. I hope you enjoyed it and fell in love with the characters just like I have. 

I am now working on my most recent story called "Midnight Rose", go check it out if you would like. I hope all of my Little sprinkles have an amazing day. 

A smile a day will keep the darkness away.   :)

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