Part 13

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**Okay it took me 4 and a half hours but here it is!! Probably one of the longest chapters I have ever written but I am so proud of it. Just a warning though, this chapter is very intense so grab some tissues. I hope you guys enjoy. :)**

**Gulf's POV**

**Flashback - 5 Years Ago** 

It was around 5ish and all I could do to keep myself occupied before going to dinner was sit at my desk and study. Dad always likes it when I study more than I need to but I wouldn't dare fight him on this since we finally got on good grounds about me being gay. It's only been around a month since I came out to my parents and introduced them to my boyfriend. Sadly him and I haven't been able to go public yet because I'm not sure how everyone at school will react, especially my best friend and his cousin Boun.

Right now he only thinks were just the three musketeers type of thing with our friendship but it's not like that. It's not my fault his cousin found his way into my heart over the last two year.

I can't help who I fall in love with...

So far we've been dating for about 8 months now and things are going really well. He takes really good care of me and I hope I never have to experience the feeling of heartbreak. Yea we were only 18 but I know that our feelings are real.

Dad: I was grinning like an idiot to myself as I work on some math I hadn't gotten to yet when he walks in and comes over to my desk to look over my shoulder. "Hey bud, what are you working on?"

Gulf: I lift up my text book without looking back at him as I continue to work. "Math, my teacher gives out extra credit if we can solve the questions in red boxes correctly. I've completed around 30 of them and I only have another 13 to do. What's up?"

Dad: He lets out a sigh as he sits on my bed. "That person is down stairs waiting for you, I guess tonight is your guy's uhm date night right?..."

Gulf: I was trying not to smile as I continue to work, I knew bringing him up always made my dad feel uncomfortable but I know he'll get used to it eventually. "Okay, I just want to finish this first before I head downstairs, is it cool if you could ask him to come upstairs and wait for me in here?"

Dad: As I turn toward him I could see that he wanted to say no. "Does he have to?"

Gulf: I just shake my head as I continue to work on what I was doing. "I mean he doesn't but I feel better when he's near me."

Dad: Letting out a defeated sigh as he stands up to head for the door. "Fine I will ask him to come upstairs but no funny business, I don't need that person getting rid of your innocence just yet."

Gulf: "Yes dad." I turned around in my seat right when he was walking out. "Hey dad!"

Dad: He pokes his head back into the room with a smile. "Yea son?"

Gulf: I couldn't help but start to grin. "He has a name you know."

Dad: He scrunches his face into a scowl as he lets out a sigh. "Not in this house he doesn't, he needs to earn a name for me to acknowledge it."

With that he walks away from my room as I hear him talking from down stairs. I wasn't worried about my dad because I knew that he just wanted what was best for me.

Bright: I was about to refocus on my work when he softly knocks on my door frame. "Hey babe, what are you up to?"

Gulf: I stayed in my seat as he walks over to me and wraps himself around my shoulders with his head resting on top of mine. "I'm trying to finish this math assignment before tomorrow. Did my dad give you a hard time?"

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