Part 6

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I am such a wimp and Mew knows it. Mew and I have been best friends since we were 8 years old so we practically know everything about each other and when we keep things from each other it doesn't last long because we feel guilty when we don't share things. The hardest thing for him to share with me was about what happened with his mother. I don't think anyone else but his dad and I know about the scars on his wrist from the accident. He never wears short sleeve shirts which makes me feel bad for him because some days it's hot as fuck outside. I have tried to suggest him putting makeup on them if he was that self-conscious about it but he said he wasn't self-conscious he just didn't want to make others uncomfortable.

I will never understand where he gets his will power from or his determination to work so hard all the time. I really admire him for everything he has been able to accomplish in his life even if I do think he is wasting some of his potential.

No matter what though he will always be my best friend. I might need him to burry my body soon though because I am dying a little bit inside every time I see Boun. He makes me nervous but happy and I can never know what he's thinking. There's days I think he likes me back but then there's days where I think he has no interest in me at all. The mood swings are killing me.

Like today, in class he was acting him his usual self, a little distant and goofy but as soon as I met up with him in the library it was like a light switch had changed and he was flirting with me or was that all in my head?

I know that his hand brushing against mine had to have been an accident because we are both studying and he looks so content with what he was doing but as soon as I felt his skin against mine I couldn't help but pull my hand away because I really wanted to grab his hand and hold onto it for dear life. If my thoughts are wrong and he doesn't like me back than that would definitely be something really awkward to explain and I don't think I could deal with that humiliation.

Which Is exactly why I began to hum while I was writing down notes. Everything was okay for a while until it began to feel like I was being watched, at first I looked behind me but as soon as I turned back around in my seat I could see that Boun was the one staring at me. It made me nervous and self-conscious so I immediately stopped humming and cursed myself for feeling embarrassed. Clearing my throat I stare daggers at my paper and try to act like nothing happened.

Boun: Right as I was beginning to feel calm again I could feel his foot hitting against mine which I ignored until I felt the entire inside of my leg getting pressed against his and that's when I feel goose bumps run up my spin and I go still. I glance up out of the corner of my eye and he begins to smile. "Please don't stop. I don't know what song that is but I like it..."

Prem: I wanted to tell him no because it was embarrassing and then I wanted to say that I sucked at singing but I could see that he really wanted me to so I just whispered something that made me nervous. "Okay..."

As I began to hum again I could feel myself getting uncomfortable but I didn't want to do anything about it, I could see his smile from the corner of my eye. What wasn't okay, was that while I was trying to hum in peace and do my work he would move his leg against mine and it made my voice quiver. With each passing minute I could feel myself becoming more and more embarrassed but I couldn't admit that I actually enjoyed the feeling of his body pressed to mine no matter where it was...

Some time had passed before we were both fully done taking notes and figuring out the structure of our project that we needed to put together in the next few days. Now that it was time for me to leave I was kind of sad. I didn't want to leave just yet but I didn't have anything I could use as an excuse.

Boun: I was in the middle of packing my things when I see him stop packing and then pokes my arm. "Hey would you like to go get something to eat?"

Prem: Without thinking. "YES!..." Realizing that I practically just shouted in the library I feel my face turning red as I clear my throat and shake my head with a nervous laugh. "I mean, yes I would like to get something to eat. I didn't really get to eat much for lunch today."

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