Part 22

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**Bouns POV**

Yesterday Mew and Gulf had said that they were going hiking today so I decided to wake up early and surprise Prem with some of his favorite snacks and sandwiches from the restaurant down the street from his house. We are supposed to be studying today since school will be starting in a month or so. He likes to be prepared and I want to be able to have a higher ranking this year.

Things have been going so well recently, I tend to come over almost every day and then leave around 7 or 8 at night so that mom doesn't get upset with me for missing dinner. A few weeks ago she had asked me about Prem and I decided to tell her the truth. At first she was a little concerned but she had no objections to us being together. She just didn't want us to go through the hardships that gay couples go through nowadays. I haven't told Prem yet that my mom knows because he was hesitant to tell his parents and I don't want to stress him out any more than he already is.

For now I am happy with the way things are and it's nice to be able to see him every day. To be fair I never even thought I would actually get the chance to be with him period so this has been more than I have ever imagined.

I was happily humming to myself as I make my way down the stairs and begin to fill a plastic bag with some snacks from our pantry.

**Ring, Ring, Ring**

Boun: I quickly pull out my phone without looking at the caller ID and answer it as I continue to pack up. "Hello?"

Bright: Sounding happy but stressed. "Hey cuz, how have you been?"

Boun: I pull back and look at my watch, it was currently 8 in the morning so it had to be at least 11 at night where he was. "I'm doing pretty good, nothing much has happened since you called me last week though. When are you coming back?"

Bright: He was silent for a second before he lets out a sigh. "My papers were rejected so I have to re-enroll which will take about 6 months. After that though I should be back for good. I've missed being home."

Boun: "Well you should have never left in the first place."

Bright: "You know I have my reasons for leaving, I wouldn't make such a big decision if it wasn't important. Things were going really well over there but I needed to leave. Plus now I'm in a much better spot than I use to be, I own a half a mill company and I am currently mastering the art of Muay Thai (Sometimes referred to as Thai Boxing)."

Boun: "You were fine just the way you were though, I don't know why your ego got so big in such a short amount of time. Your family makes enough money and there was literally no reason for you to learn Muay Thai to begin with."

Bright: "I won't fight with you about this anymore, I just want things to go back to the way they were before I left. How is Gulf doing?"

Boun: Why does he keep asking about Gulf? "He's doing fine, just like I had said before. You know he's been a lot happier lately and it's nice. Don't think about disappearing again when you get here, he was hurt enough the first time. You were his best friend Bright, I still think you're an asshole but whatever."

Bright: He was chuckling on the other side of the phone. "Your just upset that we were closer than you guys were."

Boun: "Hey we were the 3 musketeers, not 2. Even though it did feel like it sometimes, plus your my cousin and he was my friend first. It was just frustrating feeling second okay and then you left me here to pick up the pieces of our friendship."

Bright: "Fine, fine. I'll stop talking about it now."

Boun: "When can I tell Gulf that your coming back?"

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