Part 19

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**Wasn't able to proof read yet because I am exhausted but I still wanted to publish the chapter so you guys could read it, I will try to fix it when I can. Enjoy.  :)**

**Gulf's POV**

**A Month Later**

I swear this is a dream, I never thought I was going to feel like this again but I have and it's been amazing. Mew seems to know my limits for what we can and can't do without even asking me.

He really is a gentleman...

Honestly though we haven't really done much to begin with, yea we've seen each other naked but it hasn't passed that yet other than cuddling. There are some nights where I wished we could do something but other nights I'm just happy to be beside him when I fall asleep.

So whatever pace he wants to go at I will except it because I don't want to make him uncomfortable or think that all I think about is sex because it's not. It's actually been one of the least most thought things from me in the past 5 years but he tends to bring out a side of me I haven't been familiar with since I was with Bright...

Why the fuck did I just think of him?

I have issues...

Letting out a sigh I continue to hang my clothes on the clothing line outside since the weather was actually decent today. It was a little late for doing laundry but I didn't mind, 6 o'clock wasn't too bad it was just getting a little dark sooner than it usually does.

Ever since Mew and I have started dating I have been doing both of our laundry loads together because it was easier that way.

At first mom was questioning why I was doing his laundry with mine but after I did it the first few times she seems to have gotten used to it. There are also times where Mew and I will be hugging or kissing when we think were home alone and then our parents will come home out of the blue. My mom seems to always forget things at home and then makes dad drive her home right away on her dates like she was afraid to leave us alone in the house.

She probably just thinks were going to fight or tear each other's throats out since all we've done the past 3 years was fight. It was getting a little annoying because I do want to spend some alone time with him without being paranoid that they're going to show up out of nowhere but it's okay I guess. My mom is just worrying and it's understandable.

Hopefully everything will calm down in the next month when she realizes that were not on bad terms anymore and once school starts again ill be able to see him all the time anyways.

Maybe we can sneak off for lunch breaks...

I couldn't help but smile to myself as the thought of sneaking off campus with Mew filled my mind. I was in the middle of lifting our sheets onto the clothes pin when I feel strong arms wrap around my waist.

Mew: He nuzzles his nose into my neck before playfully biting my skin and whispering. "Gulf you can do this tomorrow. I feel cuddle deprived right now, won't you let me hold you instead of doing laundry?"

Gulf: I try my hardest not to smile as I continue to hang the sheets. "Mew, the laundry isn't going to hang itself, if you want clean clothes and a bed to sleep on then you'll let me do this in peace."

Mew: I could feel his pout without even looking at his face as he playfully swats at the bed sheets. "Will it take long? I miss you."

Gulf: "How could you possibly miss me that much? I see you every minute and second of the day for the past month and a half. You're not sick of me yet?"

Mew: He pulls my hands away from the half hanging sheet as he turns me around to face him before holding my chin between his fingers. "Don't question me, if I say I miss you than I miss you. I don't care how much I see you in a day, I will never get sick of you!"

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