Part 29

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**Just a warning there will most likely be some spelling errors because I haven't revised it yet but I wanted you to have this chapter before I passed out for tonight.  :)** 

**Mew's POV**

So far things have been going very well for me, I was able to bring up my grade average to first place and now I have many people that want to call me friend.

It's weird to think how far I can come from not knowing anyone to being able to feel excepted around everyone in only 6 months. At first I was skeptical because I didn't know anyone and I figured that life from now on would be difficult but it's not.

The only thing that kind of bugs me is the fact that Gulf is ignoring me on purpose, like I get that he must be upset that I can't remember how we bonded as brothers but I don't think that's enough reason to stop talking to me all together. I want to get to know him in this point of time too, what happened to the side of him that attached himself to me the first 2 weeks of my recovery?

I miss that person...

No matter what though, I will not let it affect my mood, If he wants to act that way than that's on him. As long as he allows me to be some part of his life than I can except that, all I can do now is watch him from the sidelines and hope he makes the right choices.

Ooooo another thing too is that I can definitely see why I call Prem my best friend, that guy is hilarious. Yea he might be shy and timid sometimes but he is stupid honest with me sometimes and he's not afraid to be who he wants to be.

Right now I'm on my way to school to hand in an early report for my first period and then I'm going to get some breakfast with prem. I guess he's supposed to meet up with Boun so they might be a little late, I'm not fully sure yet.

I also told dad that I would come over to the restaurant after class and work a shift. I guess he's a little shorthanded so the help would be extremely helpful until summer break starts. Which isn't until months away so I have quite a lot of shifts ahead of me. I don't really mind though, I find it fun being a waiter at the family restaurant, dad cooks really good food for break time too.

Other than that the only other thing I can think of is this girl named Xiang who keeps trying to get close to me, there was one point she told me that we were dating but I knew it was bullshit because my family would have told me about it if it was true. So I try to stay away from her as much as possible.

I was on my way to the classroom when I see a small crowd around the entrance to my first period and then I heard shouting.

Who the hell is fighting right in the middle of the school?

Pushing through the crowd I stop at the door and stop.


Why can't he learn how to stay out of trouble and be kind?


Stranger: "I-I didn't want to."

Gulf: "Why Bright, why did you leave me when I was dying? Why didn't you try to explain things to me? Why did you have to break me?"

Bright: "I..."

Gulf: "Do you have any idea what you did to me?"

Bright: "I didn't want to."

Gulf: "YOU DESTROYED ME! I loved you so much and you left me alone to fight for myself."

At this point I could see that it wasn't a fight for something stupid, Gulf genuinely looked hurt and upset and I didn't know how to feel about it or how to react so I turned around and walked away to leave him to his own mess. I can turn in my report when class starts.

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