Part 27

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**Mew's POV**

The doctor said I could go home today but I don't even remember what home looks like. Dad tried to show me pictures to jog my memory but I couldn't place any emotions into the photos. They just looked like things you would see if you flipped through a scrap book.

I'm currently sitting on the bed at the hospital while dad fills out all of my discharge papers.

I know I should be excited to go home but I'm more scared than anything. Everyone just expects me to pick up where I left off but how am I supposed to do that?

My so called best friend Prem told me that school starts in like a month and I don't know how I'm supposed to face everyone at the university if they come up to me and ask questions. I'm not going to know who anyone is.

I'm going to have to make friends all over again...

Dad: He knocks on the door to get my attention. "Are you ready to go?"

Mew: I look up with a fake smile as I try to calm my nerves. I don't want him to see that I'm uneasy. "I'm ready!"

Dad: I could still see the sadness in his eyes but he tried to hide it from me as he wraps an arm around my shoulders and grabs my bag with his free hand. "Well let's get going than. I have a surprise for you."

Mew: Feeling confused as I follow him down the corridor of the hospital. "A surprise?"

Dad: He starts to chuckle. "Yes a surprise, I want to bring you somewhere. I'm hoping it might help you regain your memory. It has a lot of our life and emotions in it."

Mew: "Where are we going?"

Dad: "You'll see."

We kept quiet as he lead me out of the hospital and across the lot to his car.

I'm really curious as to what could possibly be so important that it could bring me back my memory when not even people could do it.

I don't think it's going to work though...


The drive there wasn't too bad but it was interesting trying to get use to the bumpy roads. I don't understand how people can drive in these death machines every day?

Does everyone have a death wish?

Dad: He looks over at me with a smile before pulling into a winding road. "Were almost there."

Mew: "I still don't know where there is."

Dad: "You will soon enough."

Mew: I was silent until we made a left and that's when a very pretty building came into view. "Wowww..."

Dad: He was grinning now as he pulls into the parking lot of the fancy building. "Do you like it?"

Mew: "It's amazing, what is this place?"

Dad: "It's our restaurant, when we built this you thought it would be a good idea to have it as close to nature as possible and that's how we came up with this cottage idea. Plus it stands out on the streets and that's how we get more customers."

Mew: This is amazing!! "This was my idea?"

Dad: He nods his head with a smile. "You were maybe 10 when you thought of it but I thought it had potential. To be fair we are in renovations right now to open a new location and to add a second floor to this building but for right now it's pretty amazing."

Mew: "You're going to make another one?"

Dad: He gets out of the car as I follow and begin to walk toward the front door. "Yea, this location is getting overly crowded and it's getting harder to have so many staff in one building so im building another one in the next town over." He pulls us inside with a laugh. "Come on your going to love the inside even more."

Mew: We walked down an elegant hallway until it opened up and wowww... "Woah..."

Mew: "Where did this idea come from?"

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Mew: "Where did this idea come from?"

Dad: He looked happy and sad. "Your mother, before she left us she sketched a whole bunch of designs and ideas for us and I used my resources to make her visions come true so that we could always have a little part of her every time we came here."

Mew: I almost didn't want to say it but I knew I was going to have to. "This place is amazing and it's hard to imagine it being a part of my family but it didn't work, I still don't remember anything..."

Dad: He looks away with a sad smile as he heads over to the bar. "it's okay, I was only wishing. Don't worry I think you'll have it back in no time, maybe we should stop trying to force it though. We will let you live your life now instead of trying to get you to remember your old one. Just stay out of trouble and I won't stop you from your decisions."

Mew: "Do you mean it?"

Dad: He downs a glass of bourbon and laughs. "Yea I'm sure, there wasn't anything important for you to remember anyways. You have your family and your safe, that's all we ask for."

Than why does it feel like I'm missing something?...

Dad: He pours me a glass of water as I sit down next to him at the bar. "Be careful with how you act around Gulf, you guys didn't have the best relationship when you met but a little while ago you guys were able to fix your problems and grew really close. I know that your relationship with him meant a lot to you so try not to tarnish it no matter how weird things might seem. He cares about you and I know you're not use to it but don't push him away. If you regain your memories and learned that you treated him badly than you would be filled with guilt."

Mew: I couldn't help but smile at that because I never had any intention of hurting him to begin with, he seems nice and I want to protect him. "Don't worry, I have intention in hurting him. I can feel that I value him so nothing will happen. Plus how bad can brothers be?"

Dad: He starts to laugh as he downs another class of bourbon. "You have no idea."

We drink silently together as I begin to think about everything.

My brother is pretty weird but I would never hold it against him, it's just that every time I give him a hug or smile he reacts funny. At first I thought it was normal because I don't know any better but then a family came into the hospital one day when I was getting some fresh air and they had two sons. Their behavior was much different than how Gulf treats me. It's almost like he treats me like the most precious thing in the world.

Maybe he has a brother complex?...

Being held in a hug and a kiss on the forehead aren't crimes though so I'll just let them slide for now.

I really wish this would have worked though, it would be so much easier if I could put memories in front of the feelings that I have running wild in my heart. It's been driving me insane.

I want to remember everything from the basic family traditions to the most ridiculous thing we eat on a Sunday, I want to prove that I was a good sibling but I can't...

I want to remember you Gulf, I really do.

I want to know it all...

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