Part 23

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**Prem's POV**

I could hear birds chirping outside my window as I groan from the pain in my thighs and back side. I could also feel Boun's breathing against my neck but I didn't want to wake him up. He didn't go to bed until 2 in the morning last night and then probably woke up around 7 so he would be awake enough to come over here, so I don't think 5 hours of sleep is enough. Plus he is always adorable when he is sleeping.

The other thing that he probably doesn't think I know is that he doesn't actually want to study this much like I do but he's saying he does because he doesn't want to let me down. I don't care if he studies with me though, as long as he is in the same room with me and doing something he enjoys than I don't care what he does. He could play that new video game he wanted to try out but hasn't because he's always over here studying.

I've tried to tell him this before but he doesn't really listen to me.

Slowly grabbing his arm that was around my waist I place it by his side as I scootch out of the bed and start to pull on a pair of sweat pants. I didn't care too much about wearing a shirt because it's pretty normal for me. My mom does tell me to wear one every once in a while but for the most part she doesn't mind.

Being as quiet as I could I made my way over to the bag of snacks that he had brought me and pull out the sandwich. I felt kind of bad because I wasn't really craving a sandwich right now, maybe I could eat this for dinner and mom could make me some fried eggs.

With a groan I watch as Boun turns over in his sleep and starfishes across the bed. I couldn't help but start to grin as I watch him begin to snore again.

He's such a sleepy head...

Getting to the living room was a challenge. My entire back side and ass was sore as fuck and I was trying to act like nothing was wrong.

Damn Boun why did you have to be so aggressive...

Mom: I was groaning to myself when mom comes around the corner with a grin. "Sore?"

Prem: I swear to god if my face turns red I am going to die. "No I just didn't sleep very well last night and now I'm hungry."

Mom: She walks into the kitchen as I follow her. "Same as usual?"

Prem: "Yes please, I don't know why I always crave the same things right after I wake up. I feel bad though because Boun brought me food."

Mom: She shrugs her shoulders as she starts to cook. "You've been like this for a few years now, you always eat the same things for breakfast because it's good for your stomach."

Prem: "I guess so, I haven't told Boun about my stomach issues though so he always buys whatever he wants to."

Mom: She was silent for a second before she continues to cook. "Don't you think it would be smart for the person your dating to know about your food allergies and health conditions?"

Prem: "MOM!"

Mom: She turns around with a grin before shrugging her shoulders sarcastically. "What? Did you really think it wasn't obvious that you two were more than friends?"

Prem: I could feel my face turning red as I stare at the counter. "Is it really that obvious?"

Mom: "Well to be fair your father is the one that guessed it first and then I started to pick up on the signs and now you just confirmed it so yes it is obvious."

Prem: "What made dad guess it?"

Mom: "He said that when he was in college he never met up with any of his guy friends so much unless he was trying to get laid and then he started laughing and joking about how you guys could be laying each other and then he went silent and started to question if you were sleeping with each other."

Prem: I fold my arms against the counter as I burry my face in my arms. "Oh god..."

Mom: "Don't worry were not going to make you guys break up, we just want you to be careful and understand that not everything will be easy with this way of life. As long as you are happy though your father said he will try his best to understand you. He might not like the idea of his son being gay but he said he still loves you the same because you haven't changed but it's going to take him a little bit of time to adjust. Is that okay?"

Prem: I let out a relieved sigh as I glance up at her through the cracks in my arms. "Yea that's okay, it's more than I was expecting to be honest."

Mom: She turns off the burners before placing a plate Infront of me. "Is that why you never told us?"

Prem: Sitting up I begin to eat and answering in between bites. "Yea I know that dad use to have a friend that had a son that was gay before we moved here and then his friend ended up leaving his family because he couldn't take it anymore. Dad said he still talks to the family but he has never told me who they are. I didn't want dad to react the same way his friend did..."

Mom: She begins to rub my head as I continue to eat. "Oh honey, your father loves you and he understands that his friend was immature and naive. Just give him a little bit of time and everything will be okay, at least now you guys don't have to hide your relationship anymore."

Prem: "Thank you..."

Mom: She gives me a wink before getting up to leave as she stops at the door way and turns to face me. "By the way, let me know when you guys want the house to yourself next time. I don't think the moaning is good for my ears."

Prem: "MOMMM!!"

I could hear her laughing as she leaves the kitchen. I was left at my seat eating my breakfast as my face burns 100 different colors.

So she did hear us, fuck this is so embarrassing...

I'm going to kill him!

After finishing all of my food I put my dishes into the sink and then stare at the floor as I head to my room. On my way there I could hear my mom snickering to herself as I try to avoid eye contact.

Pulling open the door I had planned on slamming it shut but at the last minute I decided to just let him sleep and beat him up later.

Now that I was full and slowly feeling better I sit down at my desk in the corner and start to work on some practice assignments that were found in one of my books I had bought. I understand that Boun doesn't like studying but I find it quiet entertaining and it's amazing to see the progress I can make on myself by doing so.

Every once In a while I couldn't help but glance over at the peacefully sleeping Boun and smile to myself. I'm happy my parents like you and support us.

I really hope your parents are okay with us too...

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