Part 26

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(Don't worry its suppose to be super short. Love you my little sprinkles!!)

**Gulf's POV**

**A Week Later**

I feel hollow...

The man I love really doesn't remember who I am...

I had thought about trying to tell him the truth but I talked to the doctor and he said that it wasn't smart for me to confuse Mew's mind when he's unstable so the best bet was for me to wait until the memories come back but the part that scared me was that the doctor doesn't think his memories are coming back...

So what am I supposed to do? Do I just pretend like I'm his brother and ignore every single emotion in my body that tells me to hug and kiss him until he remembers me because that is all I want to do right now but I won't...

I can't afford to be selfish right now.

The only thing I can think of is to wait and see how things unfold, maybe I can get him to fall in love with me all over again but I don't know how he fell for me the first time...

Boun wasn't too happy about it either when he found out about our accident. I tried to explain that my phone was broken and that Mew never brought his but he didn't care, he kept saying "what if you guys had died?" and that kind of hit me hard.

Thankfully he has calmed down a little bit now with the help of Prem who was also an emotional wreck and they would come with me every time I went to the hospital to visit Mew.

The doctor said that it was okay for us to bring him home now as long as he didn't get out of bed a lot or try to do any physical activities.

Honestly out of all of us his dad was taking it the hardest, especially when Mew's left arm was taken out of the cast and saw his scars for the first time. They were in the room for hours talking and crying about the past. It was painful to watch. I've only been keeping it together the best I can because I know it would be what he would want.

Mom is also back to working all the time to distract herself but she should be home today to welcome Mew back.

Dad Is currently at the hospital signing all of his discharge papers and I am cleaning our room.

My first night back I kind of flipped out and trashed the place...

Now everything was neat and back in its spot like before, let's just hope he doesn't flip out about the one bed situation like I did the first time I got here. I had gotten so use to sleeping next to him that it was weird any other way.

I just want things to go back to the way they use to be.

I want my Mew back...

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