Part 16

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**Mew's POV**

I cannot believe he is actually opening up to me!!

He brings his hands up to my neck, deepens our kiss and softly sucks on my lower lip as he tangles his fingers into my hair.

Mew: I just need to double check though because this seems way too good to be true. Pulling away from him for a second as I try to catch my breath and steady my thoughts. "Are you sure?"

Gulf: He nods once before kissing me again. "I'm sure."

That's all I need to know...

I don't want to waste any more time now, he is mine and I don't want him to be so sad anymore.

I wasn't sure how much time had passed but I knew it wasn't enough, yes I was holding him against me for dear life as he sits in my lap trying to catch his breath but I wanted more. I wanted to feel him being shy and I wanted to experience all of my firsts with him.

I want him to be my first...

He leans his head against my shoulder as I rub the back of his head.

It was obvious that he was in deep thought but after some time he looks up at me with a smile before somethings flashes over his face. He begins to look down before slowly pushing his fingers under my shirt which caused me to suck in a breath. His fingers were cold but I didn't care, it was the feeling of his skin against mine that made my body go into shock. Even if it is just a few finger tips against my ribs I didn't care, he was actually touching me without the look of disgust on his face and it filled my heart.

I could feel his intense gaze on my chest as he moves the shirt higher up until it was pulled over my head. He goes still for a second as he holds the shirt in his hands and then lets it fall to his side. Without a word he gently places his hand against my chest and slowly pushes me down against the mattress before leaning down to lock our lips together. It was easy to feel his urgency and gentleness at the same time, I could feel that he was still nervous and I wanted to help him as best I could.

So I held his neck with one hand as my other went under his shirt against his hip. He went still for a split second but acted like it didn't happen as he pushes his tongue between my lips as I begin to suck on it. He lets out a small groan and it made me crave more. I knew I didn't want to do everything with him just yet but I did want to feel closer. I just want to feel him and I'll be satisfied.

Releasing my hand from his neck I move it to his other hip and begin to feel the smooth skin underneath his shirt, every once in a while I would feel soft bumps and it made me realize that he still had those scars that I knew nothing about. As I distracted him with kisses I grab his shirt to attempt to pull it off but right when it lifts past his belly button he freezes and pushes himself off of me before pulling his shirt back down.

Gulf: He looks at anything but me before whispering. "I don't want to take my clothes off."

Mew: I let out a sad sigh. "Is it because of your scars?"

Gulf: He looks up with shock. "You know about those? How?"

Mew: "I saw them when I was changing your clothes when you passed out after your fight with Boun. I didn't want you to overheat when you slept so I put you in some shorts and a t-shirt when I noticed them."

Gulf: "Oh..."

Mew: "How did you get them?"

Gulf: He looks away with a grimace. "It was 5 years ago and I met some really shitty people, that's all you need to know..."

Mew: He starts to get up to leave when I grab his wrist. "Hey please don't go, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable I just wanted to know who hurt you but if you're not ready to tell me than that's okay. Uhm, can I tell you a story instead?"

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