Part 24

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**Gulf's POV**

**Beep, Beep, Beep**

I could hear whispers and crying from somewhere in the room but it made my head hurt trying to focus on what it was. I wasn't fully sure on what was going on but I figured I must be in a hospital because I can hear the beeping from the monitor. The sound was too familiar from when I spent a month in one after my accident.


Was I in another accident?

But how could I have been in another accident, I was with Mew all morning and we went hiking and then we...


I wasn't the one that had the accident, I just passed out from dehydration, exhaustion and stress.

But if I'm here than where is Mew?

Last time I saw him he was...

Gulf: I let out a groan as I try to open my eyes. "Mew?"

Mom: I watch as she walks over to the chair next to me with red puffy eyes and sits down before grabbing my hand. "Gulfie? How are you feeling?"

Gulf: All I could do was squint at her as my eyes try to adjust to the room. "My head is spinning and my throat hurts but I think I'm okay. What happened?"

Dad walks into the room like a zombie as he collapses in the chair next to mom and just shakes his head at her.

Mom: I watch as tears fall from her eyes as her grip on my hand tightens. "A nice young lady at the hiking trail you guys went to called the hospital and an ambulance came to get you guys. Once you were safe they found out who you were from your wallets and called us. We came over as soon as we could, you've been asleep for about 6 hours now."

Gulf: "Where is Mew?"

Dad: He looks down at his hands as he begins to cry. "He got out of surgery about an hour ago and just became conscious but he's not doing too well..."

Gulf: I could feel myself about to cry as I try to sit up. "Is he okay?"

Dad: "Well he has a severe concussion, a few broken ribs, a fractured wrist, and a broken ankle. All of those things can heal though."

Gulf: It took everything in me but I slowly started to get up and pulled off all of the wires that were attached to me. "I don't believe you, if that's all there was than you wouldn't look like someone just died. Where is he?"

Mom: She puts a hand on my wrist with worry on her face. "Honey you're not well, you need to rest some more before you get out of bed. Come on lay down for a little longer and let the nurses take a look at you."

Gulf: I push her hand away as I try to stand up but begin to wobble. Fuck these legs!! "I need to see him."

Dad: He stands and holds his arms out like he's ready to catch me as soon as I fall. "Son your mother is right, you should rest. He'll still be there when you wake up."

Gulf: With a deep breath I ignore the rushing in my head and slowly take a few step forwards as I try to get to the door. "I'll rest once I know he's okay..."


Gulf: I whirl around on her feeling pissed off that she's fighting with me instead of helping me. "BECAUSE I LOVE HIM..."

They both go silent as I start to slowly walk out of my room and head to the desk.

Gulf: "Excuse me can you tell me, where can I find..."

Dad: He grabs my shoulder and wraps an arm around my waist to keep my steady. "Come on I'll bring you to him..."

Gulf: I gave him a weak smile as he starts to walk us down the opposite hallway and I whisper. "Thank you."

He just nods his head as we walk down a hallway and stop In front of a doorway.

Mew must be inside...

Dad: I was about to open the door when he grabs my wrist. "Gulf I need to tell you something."

Gulf: Not wanting to argue with him about the I love him comment I just shake my head and grab the door as I pull my other hand from his grip. "We can talk afterwards, right now I just need to see him and then I'll deal with everything else afterwards."

Dad: I had just pushed open the door when I see the look of worry on his face. "Gulf I really need to..."

Ignoring him I make my way into the room and stop in my tracks as I see Mew covered in bandages and wires. The machine next to him was beeping steadily but what scared me was the fact that he was sitting up and staring out the window with a blank expression on his face like he was experiencing everything for the first time.

Gulf: I take 4 steps into the room. "Mew?"

Mew: He slowly turns around to look at me as a smile forms on his face. "Yes?"

Gulf: Feeling relieved that he could talk I make my way over to him and sit down in the seat as I grab his hand. "How are you feeling?"

Mew: He stares at our hands in confusion as he looks back up at me. "I'm feeling as good as I can I guess."

The door opens and in walks mom and dad as I ignore them and continue to hold his hand.

Gulf: "Do you remember what happened?"

Mew: He looks behind me at our parents with confusion as he pulls his hand from mine and points at me with his thumb. "Dad, who is this?"


My heart dropped as a tear fell down my cheek and everything seemed to go blank as his words spiral in my mind over and over again.

H-he doesn't remember me?...

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