Part 11

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**Boun's POV**

All I have to say right now is that I am fucking annoyed.

It's not that I don't want to be friends with Gulf anymore I just don't know how to approach him. I'm his best friend so why couldn't he tell me the truth from the beginning? He knows that I've liked guys since we met and he never thought it would be a good idea to tell me that he also liked guys? If he wanted to stay in the closet and not tell anyone than that was understandable but I mean he could have told me.

A part of me wants to go over to his house and apologize for blowing him off yesterday but at the same time I think he needs to apologize first.

Maybe that's what he was trying to do yesterday...

Feeling frustrated I rest my head against the frame of my bed and stare up at my ceiling.

Now that summer break has started I don't know what to do with my free time, I usually go over to Gulf's and we play video games and mess around in the backyard with the football. Now that I'm ignoring him though, I don't know what to do with myself. I will go insane if I stay inside this entire time. These are the days I wished I had more friends than just Gulf...

*Knock, Knock, Knock*

Mom: Looking over at my door I could see my mom poking her head through the door with a giant smile on her face before she pushes the door open even further to allow herself to walk into my room before sitting on the bed. "It's almost noon Boun, aren't you going to go over to Gulf's and watch a movie marathon together like you do every year on the first day of your breaks? If you don't get going soon, I don't think you guys will be able to finish all of the movies before the day is over."

Boun: I let out a sigh as I look down at my hands, honestly I had completely forgotten about our tradition that we've been doing since we were little. Everything is just so messed up right now. "Ma, I don't think we're going to be doing that anymore. Gulf and I aren't exactly on the best of terms at the moment and I don't he'd want to see me even if I do go over there."

Mom: She furrows her brow before pulling my hand into her lap. "Why? What did you do?"

Boun: I was about to tell her that I didn't do anything and that this was his fault but I changed my mind at the last second. "We got into an argument over something he was keeping from me and I haven't been able to process it correctly. Yesterday he came up to me and I snapped at him before blowing him off. Now that I think about it though I think he was trying to apologize to me and now I feel like a jerk."

Mom: She was trying not to smile but I could see it as plain as day. "You know, I might not know what you two fought about but I know that you care about him more than you care about yourself sometimes and that can be a good and a bad thing at the same time. Just the fact that you feel bad and know that you were both in the wrong shows that you want to apologize and make up so I think that's what you should do. Grab your movie collection, shove it in your bag and get your butt over to your best friend's house. The both of you are 23 years old, you guys are not children anymore."

Boun: I knew she was right but I was still upset with him for going off on me instead of talking to me like a normal human being. "He was still in the wrong though, why should I be the only one to apologize?"

Mom: Now she was really laughing without holding back. "Honey you just said it yourself that you thought he was going to apologize to you. Stop sulking in this house and go make up with him. He is probably just as hurt as you are right now. You've known each other for 20 years, are you really going to let something like this split your friendship?"

Boun: I was still upset but I knew I needed to be the bigger person. Still feeling a little lazy for some reason I slowly get off my bed and head over to my shelf with my back pack. "Thanks..."

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