Part 15

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**Gulf's POV**

What the hell has gotten into Mew?

It's currently 6 in the morning and I haven't been able to fall asleep yet, his words just keep circling in my head and it's been frustrating. How the hell can he like me? I never did anything nice for him, I've been an asshole for 4 years now. Feeling frustrated I push my head into my pillow and let out a groan of annoyance.

Why does he have to be so freaking perfect?

It just makes me feel even more guilty than I already do.

The question that I keep asking myself though is do I say yes?

If he's known that I like him than why didn't he say anything sooner? I mean I know I have no right to talk since I never actually admitted that I liked him but Bright never made me wait to know his feelings he...

Right, Mew isn't bright...

Gulf: With a big yawn I roll back over onto my back and just stare at the ceiling. "Am I really not going to sleep today?"

Great now I'm talking to myself.


If it was 5 years ago I would have understood because I was a decent person back than but I am nothing like I use to be...

I was about to let out another groan when the door slowly pushes open and in comes Mew tip toeing across the room like he was a ninja. I guess he didn't notice that I was wide awake since all of my lights were off.

At first I was just going to watch him being weirdly quiet as he headed for the closet and slowly pulled it open but the closet door start to squeak.

I couldn't help it as I bust out laughing.

Mew: He turns around startled as he holds his chest. "Shit Gulf, how long have you been awake?"

Gulf: I had to stop laughing first as I sit up on the bed to stare at him still looking very SUS. "I haven't slept yet actually, what are you doing?"

Mew: He points at the closet. "I was having trouble sleeping so I was going to take a shower but then I realized that I didn't grab any clothes yesterday when I left so I was trying to grab some without you waking up." He starts to laugh as he turns on the closet light before pulling something out of the closet. "So you haven't slept yet?"

Gulf: I nervously shake my head. "No, not yet. I uhm couldn't get your words out of my head."

Mew: "Why not? It's a pretty simple yes or no question when you think about it. You like me and I like you, I'm not going to make you tell anyone. So what's the issue?"

Gulf: "Why do you like me?"

Mew: He comes over to the bed and sits down next to me before reaching a hand up to brush a strand of hair out of my eye. "You know, I'm not even 100% sure, I just know that I feel better when your around, I feel safe and whole. It's easier to laugh around you and your childishness is kind of refreshing to all of the seriousness I've had in my life since I was little. I just feel like I want to protect you from everything and everyone."

Gulf: Wow. "I am not childish."

Mew: He raises an eyebrow at me. "Really? Than what do you call hiding my drum sticks from me every day before practice for a year?"

Gulf: "Uhm..."

Mew: He starts to laugh. "if that's not childish than I don't know what is."

Gulf: I could feel my face turning red as I look away. "Shut up..."

Mew: "You know, if your trying to get me to stop liking you than you need to learn how to not be so adorable."

Gulf: "I am doing no such thing..."

Mew: He lets out a sigh as he pulls my legs on either side of him and fully pulls me into his lap now as he gives me a big smile before whispering. "Are you sure about that because from where I am sitting, you are currently 4 shades redder than you usually are and it makes me want to pinch your cheeks." He leans forward and gently brushes his nose against mine. "So what do you say? Will you let me try and make you happy?"

Gulf: I couldn't really speak or think but I was able to choke out my tiny thoughts. "I-I thought you were going to wait for my answer?"

Mew: He wraps his arms around my waist and rests his head against my shoulder as I slowly bring my arms around him. "If you were planning on saying no you would have pushed me away already..."

Gulf: "..."

Mew: My brain officially does not work. "So will you give me a chance?"

Gulf: "Okay..."

I could feel him smiling against my shoulder and I slowly began to smile as the feeling of being close with someone begins to warm my heart.

I had forgotten this feeling...

Mew: Not being able to hold it in anymore I begin to cry against his shoulder as he pulls away with a look of concern. "Are you okay?"

Gulf: I just nod a little bit as I begin to laugh and wipe my face. "Yea I'm okay, I just got overwhelmed for a second. I've been burying who I am for a long time and I don't think I realized just how much it was destroying me until now. I feel happy..."

Mew: He starts to smile before reaching up with a hand to hold his palm against my face. "You don't have to hide anything from me Gulf. I understand if you don't want to tell anyone but don't hide from me anymore okay?"

Gulf: "I won't."

He lets out a sigh before pulling me into a kiss that felt urgent but also soft, almost like he was afraid I was going to be taken from him.

That's ridiculous, I just became yours.

I'm not going anywhere...

If I'm going to try this again I won't allow myself to lose love this time.

I won't let it happen.

Bringing my hands to his neck, I deepen the kiss and softly suck on his lower lip as I tangle my fingers into his hair.

Mew: Pulling away for only a split second as he breathes hard. "Are you sure?"

Gulf: Not wanting time to change my mind I nod once before kissing him again. "I'm sure."

That's all he needed too.

I'm not sure how much time passed but he held me there against him until we both ran out of breath and the nerves were slowly going away.

I leaned my head against his shoulder once again before closing my eyes.

I'm sorry I love him, I know its not what you wanted but I can't deny it anymore.

I'm sorry dad...

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