Part 9

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**A Week Later**

**Gulf's POV**

It was currently 5 in the morning and I still couldn't sleep correctly. Yea I stopped fighting Mew about making him sleep on the floor but it was making things worse, every freaking time I wake up we are closer than we were the night before. It's gotten to the point to where he will fall asleep with his arm around my waist and his head resting next to mine. At first I chewed him out for it but he just laughed and made a stupid comment about how it's more comfortable this way because he won't be sleeping on the edge of the bed anymore.

Lately I have been too tired to really fight back or even talk to him at all about anything. If I'm being completely honest with myself, I'm ignoring Mew. Which is why I am currently sitting at the kitchen table reading a book and trying to stay as quiet as possible. I only needed to wait another hour and then I could head to school early again.

Thankfully Mew doesn't usually wake up until around 7:30ish so I have been succeeding in ditching him lately. No matter how hard I try I have been failing at removing the words that Boun had said to me. I know that I was too harsh to him and really shouldn't have said the things I had but I didn't know what else to do. I was scared of what I was, I knew that I didn't want to be this way and Boun is the only other person I know that likes guys so I took my personal anger out on him. I want to apologize, I just don't know how or what to say...

For the past week Boun hasn't said one word to me, he just brushes me off in the hallways and whenever I try to say hi or ask him about an assignment he just turns around and walks away in the opposite direction. A few days ago I had asked Prem if he had heard from Boun and that's when I found out that him and Boun haven't been talking either. I guess some sort of misunderstanding happened and Boun has been ignoring him too.

First I want to fix things with him and then I can figure out my own mess. The only real thing I knew was that I was slowly losing my strength to deny the fact that I liked Mew.

I mean who wouldn't?

He's kind of perfect and all I've done the past 4 years is shit on his image and treat him like a plague.

Even if I didn't have the weight of trying to gain my father's approval by being with woman, I don't think Mew would ever bat an eye at me after the way I've treated him and I don't blame him...

God I'm an asshole and all it took for me to truly realize it was losing my best friend for a fucking week, maybe longer. 

Who knows when he'll actually talk to me again.

Mom: I was so deep in my thoughts that I hadn't even noticed her sit next to me at the kitchen table. "Hey Gulfie are you feeling okay lately? Your father and I have noticed that you haven't really been talking or eating much lately and we've been a little worried about you."

Gulf: I didn't even have the energy to correct her about calling Mr. Suppasit my father anymore. I was so drained. "I'm okay mom, just a little worried about my final grades that come out today. I'm not sure I did as good as I thought I would. Being nervous and worried has messed up my appetite so I haven't really been eating much either."

Mom: She pulls my hands into hers on the table and gives me a gentle smile. "It's okay, you won't have to worry about those things for much longer. Today is your last day of classes and then you can spend the next few months relaxing and studying for the new school year. You only have another 2 more years and then it's all over. You've got this."

Gulf: I could feel my eyes watering but I just shake my head with a smile before taking a deep breath and gripping her hand with mine. "Thanks mom, I do feel a little better now. It's just one more day, just like you said." With that I look down at my watch and saw that it was 6:34 now. With a quick movement I slide my hand out of hers before standing up. "Can you let Mew know that I went to school early today too. There's some things I would like to finish before class begins."

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