Part 7

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**Gulf's POV**

I woke up to something stiff under my back and my left side feeling a little numb. Figuring that I had fallen asleep on top of one of my pillows I didn't think too much about it until whatever it was began to move.

Feeling a slight amount of panic I pop my eyes open and slowly look over to my left. That's when my voice got stuck in my throat.


I had forgotten for a split second that I no longer lived in my old home.

Why the hell is Mew cuddling me though?!?

I inwardly groan as I try to move his leg off my thigh but it backfired because the next thing I know he's rolling on top of me with his nose pressed into my neck. To make matters even worse, he was only wearing fucking boxers right now.

He should have slept on the floor like I told him too!!

I was about to push him off of me when he lets out a little sigh in his sleep causing his breath to tickle my neck. The sensation was strange and I had no idea what it was. Seeming to have forgotten about pushing him off I just lay there as he continues to murmur into my neck.

Remind me to kill him once he wakes up...

What do people see in him though? Like yea he's kind, yes he can play music, yea he might be smart but other than that I can't see it.

It's his fault I had to move...

Letting out a sigh I try not to make a sound as he pushes his other arm under me so that he is now hugging me in his sleep.


Glancing at his face I begin to get angry because I know that he isn't the reason I had to move I just don't know how to cooperate with everything that's been going on. There is too much changing too quickly and its freaking me out.

The truth is I don't want to hate him, he just makes me feel things I haven't before.

He drives me fucking insane...

With that thought I began to feel angry again as I decide that he has spent enough time on top of me already as I angrily shove him off of me causing him to fall onto the floor with a thud.

Mew: "Fuck!?!"

Gulf: I wanted to smile but instead I scowled and rolled my eyes before standing up. "Next time sleep on your own side of the bed. I don't need a parasite laying on me."

Mew: He lifts an eyebrow as he rubs his side and crawls back onto the bed. "Parasite? Is that what I am now?"

Gulf: Without a reply I walk into the bathroom and close the door before pulling my shirt off and staring into the mirror. "It's okay gulf, he's just an obstacle I need to get over. I got over the last one and any one that comes along. I'm okay..."

Feeling frustrated I take a quick shower and exit the bathroom with my guard up because I had forgotten my clothes on the desk. 

To my surprise he was nowhere to be found. Letting out a sigh I move over to the desk and begin to get dressed. Glancing over I could see that Mew's clothes were missing, maybe he already went to school.

Feeling slightly better knowing that I was alone I took my time getting ready and organizing my backpack. My boxes were only half unpacked because I didn't really help Mew much last night but I am able to find the things I need.

I think the only good thing that has come out from this is that their house is much closer to the school than mine was.

Finally ready to leave I glance around his room for the actual first time and see that It's a lot simpler than I had originally thought it would be. I don't want to but I hope I can get use to this...

Gulf: I was heading down the stairs when I spot Mew and Mr. Suppasit sitting at the breakfast table. "I'm going to class, be back later."

Mew: He looks up before dropping his fork and making his way over to me with a smile. "You okay now? Do you want me to bring you to school?"

Gulf: Feeling a little panicked I just shake my head and start to walk out. "No I'm okay, I'm just going to walk. It's not very far to begin with."

I could see the disappointment in his face but he didn't push it as he nods his head and walks back to the kitchen. It seemed like my mom wasn't here right now either so I really had no reason to stay.


The walk to school wasn't too bad and my first few classes kind of went by in a blur too but Boun was acting really fucking weird all day and it was kind of annoying me. So as soon as the bell rang I grabbed his arm and pulled him toward the other side of the building where most people don't really go.

Gulf: He lets out a sad sigh as I stop walking and turn around to stare at him. "What is it? You've been acting like a dead person all day."

Boun: He looks at me with sadness. "Even if I told you, you wouldn't care."

Gulf: "Don't play that card to get out of this, what's going on?"

Boun: "Well I ate with Prem last night and I found out he likes someone and It just makes me sad and worried that it might not be me like I thought it was since he is always pulling away from me or acting distant."

Gulf: Feeling annoyed I turn round to leave. "You were right, I don't care..."

Boun: He grabs my arm keeping me from leaving as anger crosses his face. "Why do you do that?"

Gulf: Frustrated sigh. "Do what?"

Boun: "Every time I talk about Prem you close up and act all pissed off all the time. It's like you hate him and you don't even know him."

Gulf: I try to pull my arm away from him because I didn't want to talk about this. "I just have more important things to think about."

Boun: "Gulf stop being like this, I really need your help right now. You know how much I like him, why can't you just help me?"

Gulf: "Because I don't want to."

Boun: "GULF!"


Boun: I could see the tears building up in his eyes and It immediately made me regret snapping at him. "..."

Gulf: Feeling like a dick I took a step forward to try and comfort him but I didn't know how. "Boun I'm sor..."

Boun: He cut me off as he looks up at me with a dark laugh. "You just said someone left you because they found out you like guys didn't you?" Fuck... "That's what it is isn't it? The reason you hate Mew so much? You like him and you don't know how to deal with it so you resort to being an asshole but that can't be right because you've hated him for years." He goes silent for a second before his eyes go wide. "YOUR GAY!?!"

Gulf: Not wanting to listen to this bullshit anymore I roll my eyes and pull my arm away as he tries to stop me once again. "I don't know what the fuck your talking about but if you don't drop this I don't know if we can be friends anymore. I won't except someone that labels me as something I'm not, especially something that disgusting."

With that I left him there behind the building. At first I was going to head back to the cafeteria but I was too pissed off that I had lost my appetite.

He doesn't know what he's talking about, I'm not gay and I will never be gay.

Taking a deep breath I will myself not to cry as people stare at me walking toward my next class. I can't let anyone see the real me, I must bury it deep inside and maybe dad will except me again.

With a sigh I wipe my face and enter the classroom.

I'm not gay and I don't like Mew.

I don't...

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