part 3

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**Gulf's POV**

**Present day**

Gulf: I glare across the cafeteria at Mew in the lunch line with Prem. "I hate him, I fucking hate him."

Boun: He lets out an annoyed sigh as he eats and grins at Prem standing next to Mew. "You've been saying that for 3 year's Gulf. Aren't you tired of hating him yet? He is literally your brother now and everyone in the school knows you guys are brothers."

Gulf: "He is not my brother, and stop drooling over Prem. It's been three years since we started classes at this school and all you have been able to do is stare at him and mumble like a baby when he comes over. I can't believe you haven't been able to get the courage to ask him out yet."

Boun: He moves his glance back over to me once Mew and Prem were getting out of the line. "He is your brother and you need to come to terms with that. Your mom has been begging you to let the four of you move in together for a year now and since your lease ends in 3 days. You don't exactly have a choice and for your information I have a 3 step plan to ask him out. I just haven't had the right time to activate the plan yet..."

Gulf: "Don't worry, I'm going to make his life a living hell. He'll have to move out eventually. Also that plan is just called a wimp excuse."

Before he could answer me I grabbed the rest of my food and got up to leave once Mew and Prem joined Boun at the table. I didn't like sitting with them and I don't plan on it either.

Ever since Mom and Mr. Suppasit got married 2 years ago everything has gotten gradually worse. At first I tried to postpone their wedding and make my mom want to break up with that man but nothing would work. It got to the point where Mew threatened me outside of the school grounds if I messed things up because I was being selfish. When I tried to protest and tell him to get the fuck off of me he did the one thing I didn't expect him to do. He fucking kissed me.

I knew he had done it to shut me up but it just made me hate him even more, how dare he think he is qualified to kiss me.


After that my mom broke down in front of me because I was giving her a hard time so I stopped showing her the side of me that hated all of this except for when she had asked me to pack my things and move in with them. That was the first time I refused anything Infront of her again. The problem was Boun is right, the lease on our house is going to expire in three days and mom purposefully didn't sign a new contract. So now I have to move my things into that small ass house that Mew lives in and it's annoying.

If I could live on my own I would but I can't...

I didn't want to tell Boun the other reason I'm upset about this move. I found out that I have to share a room with Mew and I have never shared anything with anyone. Let alone the one person I can't stand to breath the same air as.

Why did my mom have to marry that guy's dad of all people.

Dumping my food into the trash can I let out a frustrated sigh as I leave early for my last class. It was annoying that my one friend wanted to hang out with those two more than me at this point. I didn't want to let him know that it hurt so I have been trying to act like I'm okay and it just makes me seem like even more of a jerk.


Not realizing it I had accidently fallen asleep in my class because of how worked up I was and that did not bode well with my teacher. She spent the last 20 minutes yelling at me and that made me miss my bus so I was currently walking the 30 minutes that it took to get home.

Honk, Honk, Honk.

Not really thinking too much about the noise I continue to walk until I hear it again and turn around to see Mew driving alongside the side walk with a lop sided grin on his face.

Mew: "Do you want a ride? I'm supposed to be getting your things today. Mom has to redecorate the house before the owner tries to sell it again."

Gulf: Not wanting to start a fight about how my mom was not his mom but I knew I would lose if I opened my mouth, I always do. "I thought I wasn't moving my stuff in till tomorrow. Go home."

Mew: He just rolls his eyes as he tries to keep his focus on the road. "Come on Gulf get in the car, mom wants us there soon. I just got off the phone with her."

I didn't want to argue with him so I reluctantly get in the car and throw my shit in the back seat as I begin to get more pissed off. Why does my mom like to talk to him more than me?

Mew: "Seat belt?"

Gulf: I point at the road. "It's only 5 minutes away by car. I don't need a seat belt."

Mew: He stops the car and just stares at me. "Seat belt."

Gulf: I move my attention out the window as I mimic his words annoyingly. "I don't want to."

Mew: "Fine."

Before knowing what he was doing I could hear the seat move on his side as he leans over to mine. Feeling slightly panicked I turn to face him and everything in me stops, he was currently inches away from me and I could feel his breath on my face.

Gulf: "W-what the fuck are you doing?"

Mew: that seemed to snap him out of it as he looks behind me and pulls the seat belt around me before clicking it in and sitting back in his seat. "You said you didn't want to do it so I did it for you."

Gulf: I didn't want to look at him anymore, feeling a little weird now as I stare out the window. "You didn't have to do that."

Mew: "Than stop whining all the time and act like a human being. Your little tantrums are starting to piss me off."

I knew I hated his guts but hearing him sounding angry made me feel strange.

Almost like I didn't like hearing him upset.

Shaking my head I just fume in my seat as he drives us the rest of the way home.

As soon as the car stopped I got out of the car and rushed inside.

Gulf: "MOMMM!!" I could hear her using packing tape from somewhere upstairs so I take off my shoes and go to find her. "MOMMM, WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME WE HAD TO MOVE INTO THE HOUSE TODAY?"


Gulf: I follow the sound of her voice until I found her on the floor surrounded by piles of books. "Why didn't you tell me though? You thought it would be better to call that guy instead of your own son?"

Mom: She just rolls her eyes as she builds another box for more books. "You are both of my sons now and I know he would have actually picked up my calls on the first try unlike you. You don't even bother to text me back anymore so why would I try to tell you things when I don't expect a reply?"

Gulf: "But mom.."

Mom: Sounding stern. "Don't butt mom me Gulfie, you already promised that you would't give me a hard time about any of this anymore or I wont pay for your college courses. So play nice with your brother, got it?"

I knew if I stayed in there any longer I was going to go off on her so I just nod my head and turn around to leave to pack up my things.

Mew: As I was leaving the study he was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed while grinning. "Gulfie?"

Ignoring him I continue to walk to my room, I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of knowing I'm upset. I wasn't going to let him know that hearing him say that nick name did weird things to me.

If it wasn't for them I wouldn't be so moody and I wouldn't have let my grades slip so much. Why couldn't I have never met him.

I hate him, I hate him with every fiber of my being. 

He disgusts me.

I think...

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