Part 28

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**Gulf's POV**

**6 Months Later**

Boun: He looks over at me from the driver seat of his car with a sigh. "When are you going to start talking to him again? The first few weeks he was back at home you were fine but after that you've been avoiding him at all costs. Shouldn't you tell him the truth now? He's been awake long enough."

Gulf: I just ring my hands together as I look out the window. "There's no point. I think it would be better this way, I waited for him to get his memory back and then the doctor said that he will have permanent memory loss. So why would I put myself through the pain of trying to force him to remember me? He's already doing so well with classes and he's made new friends. I'm not needed anymore."

Boun: I could hear him mumbling to himself but I knew he was just worried about me. "Stubborn."

After Mew came home I was determined to treat him the best I could without crossing any lines and it was getting easier because I had hope that he would remember me. Than a week before school started his doctor called us into his office after the new scans and tests came out showing that his results were permanent. After that I spent a week away from home at Boun's home to try and regather the pieces of my broken heart. When I got back to the house and school started up again, I asked dad to turn his study into my room or I was going to move out.

Being close to him just hurt too much...

Ever since than I avoid him at school and at home unless its breakfast, lunch or dinner time.

Yea we can have normal conversations every once in a while when he catches me by surprise or corners me but other than that we don't talk.

I don't want him to see me cry...

Gulf: "I might be stubborn but we both know this is the best decision for Mew. If he found out we were together than he might not be able to wrap his head around it and it could cause more issues. You know this."

Boun: I could feel his frown from here as he pulls into the parking lot. "I know your right but I don't like seeing you upset like this."

Gulf: "Don't worry, I'm okay."

No I'm not but he doesn't need to know that even if he can tell that I'm lying...

I just need to get through the rest of this year and then I can graduate, get a job and move away before my feelings become uncontrollable.

I wish I could forget too...

Boun: He starts to laugh as we begin to get out of the car, we're early again... "Enough about that, I actually have a surprise for you."

Gulf: "Boun you know I don't like surprises."

Boun: "Well I can guarantee you're going to love this one and maybe hate it a little bit too."

Gulf: As sarcastically as I could. "Well that's reassuring."

Boun: He just rolls his eyes as he grabs my wrist and begins to pull me toward our first class. "Come on it took a long time to get here and getting to class early is the perfect excuse to see it first. I need to find Prem after this so let's try and make this fast. Okay?"

Gulf: I just nod my head feeling a little annoyed because he was giving me a head ache. "Sure, I'll follow your lead. This better not take all morning though, I still want to eat breakfast."

Boun: "Don't worry it will literally take a minute."

Gulf: "Whatever."

Boun: He lets out a sigh as we turn down the hallway to our first period. "You know you've become a grouch again after you and Mew broke up. You should try and find someone new, maybe it will make you feel better."

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