Part 1

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**Gulf's POV**

**Three Years Ago**

Gulf: I had woken up late for classes today and it was exhausting running around the entire house trying to find my school uniform so I just stopped moving on the stairs and yelled. "MOMMM, WHERE IS MY UNIFORMMM?!?"

Mom: I was about to give up on her help and continue to look for it on my own when she pokes her head out from the kitchen. "Did you say something Gulfie?"

Gulf: With a deep scowl I take the last few steps down the stairs and head into the kitchen. "Mom, how many times do I need to tell you to not call me that anymore?"

Mom: She comes over to me and rubs my head like a child as I try to block my hair. "No matter how many times you tell me this I am still going to say that you are my son and until you stop being my son I will always call you Gulfie, even if your old and gray."

Gulf: I push her hands away as I try to fix my hair. "Not the hair, it takes me forever to look like this in the morning."

Mom: She just rolls her eyes as she plates some food and sets It In front of me. "I will never understand how you can think hitting on girls and being popular is more important than your grades. Who taught you these things?"

Gulf: I just shrug my shoulders as I begin to eat. "I taught myself, it's not like your ever really home to be able to help me with school or spend any time with me unless I'm getting in trouble at school."

Mom: She sits down across from me with a sigh. "You know I have to work a lot as a nurse, there are always unexpected calls and the hospital has been short staffed lately. You getting in trouble is not a good thing, it keeps me from my work and then it's hard to pay the bills."

Gulf: "I can get a job though, if I get a part time job then you can stop working so much and I can actually see you more than the 30 minute breakfast talks and the 2 hours your home between night shifts. I miss you mom..."

Mom: He reaches over to rub my hand before giving me a sad smile. "Honey, I don't want you to experience what it's like out in the real world yet, try and be a kid for a little bit longer while you can." She pulls her hand away when I wanted to protest as she stuffs her face before looking out the window behind me. "By the way, I want you to come straight home today. I don't want you going to Daniel's house today."

Gulf: I roll my eyes once again as I finish eating. "It's Daisy mom... Daniel was last month. Why do I need to come home? What's going on?"

Mom: She gives me a weak smile before finishing her food. "Okay, okay Daisy. How many girls have you gone through since the beginning of the year started 6 months ago?"

Gulf: I was trying to count on my fingers but I think I lost count. "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, no, 12, 13..."

Mom: She raises her hand to stop me before choking on her food for a second. "Never mind, I don't want to know. Just be safe... Anyways I want you to come home early because there's someone I want you to meet."

Gulf: I was starting to get bored of this conversation but I didn't want to be rude to her so I was trying to pay attention. "You are the one that asked. Who do you want me to meet? Is it another one of your colleagues? The last one you brought over was really pretty, what was her name again?"

Mom: She holds her head in her hands like she has a headache. "Her name was Jo and no I don't want you to meet a colleague..." She was fidgeting with her fingers for a few minutes before I poked her arm questioningly. She lets out a sigh. "I want you to meet the man I've been seeing the past year..."

Gulf: My brain hurt from trying to think about what she was saying so I didn't get angry. "You've been seeing someone for a year now and you didn't think it would be important for me to know this?"

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