Part 31

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**Mew's POV**

I woke up by the tossing and turning of Gulf beside me, in an instant I sleepily pull him into my arms full of worry.

He must be having a nightmare...

I could feel his body trembling in mine and I didn't know how to help him.

Yesterday must have been harden on him then I had thought...

Sitting up I pull him up with me and lean against the back board of our bed as I slowly begin to rub his head and hum to him.

Mew: Whispering. "Babe it's okay, I'm right here... I'm never going to leave you again so please wake up for me." He continued to mutter and cry in his sleep as I try to rock him to calm down. "Please wake up Gulf..."

I'm not sure how long I did this for but the longer he stayed asleep and shivering the more my worry rose.

Gulf: He bolted forward causing me to jump a bit. "I DON'T WANT TO DIE!"


He was panting with his eyes wide and horror painted across his face.

Mew: I was a little startled and trying to slow down my heart but I knew I didn't want to make anything worse as I tried my best to hide the extent of my worry. "Are you okay?"

Gulf: He slowly turns around with tears in his eyes. "Mew?"

Mew: "I'm right here, what happened?"

Gulf: His lip begins to tremble as he crawls into my lap and wraps his arms around my neck before burrying his face in my shoulder. "You're here..."

Mew: "Yes im here. Are you okay?"

Gulf: "So it wasn't a dream?"

Mew: Feeling confused. "What wasn't a dream?"

Gulf: "You remember me?"

Mew: I gently touch the side of his face and guide it to look at me. "Of course I remember you, didn't we fix this yesterday?"

Gulf: "Yesterday?"

Mew: "Yea, after the accident yesterday I brought you home and we talked about everything that has happened to you since I woke up. We spent hours crying and apologizing to each other. What exactly did you dream about?"

Gulf: He looks around to fully grasp his surroundings as he continues to attach himself to me which I did not mind at all. "Y-you didn't know who I was and you saving me was just a dream. I went to the building and went over the edge and then realized I didn't want to die but it was too late..."

Mew: I could feel my heart tightening as the full extent of his pain truly dawns on me. I hurt him so much after losing my memories... "I'm sorry..." pressing my lips to his forehead I let out a soft sigh as I close my eyes and rest my forehead against his. "I can promise you that I remember and the doctor confirmed that I will be okay now. You don't have to worry about me forgetting you again. You are everything to me. I won't leave you all alone anymore..."

Gulf: He laughs softly as his grip against me tightens. "I'm so happy..."

Mew: "Are you sure you're okay?"

Gulf: "You remember me and you still love me. There is nothing left to worry me."

Mew: "What are you going to do about Bright?"

Gulf: His face falls and he looks down at the bed sheets. "I want people to know that were together... The hardest part of you losing your memory was that everyone knew you as my brother not my lover so I was forced to keep my secret. I want to be public with you..."

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