Part 8

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**Mew's POV**

I was still trying to figure out why Gulf was so upset this morning but I was never really able to come up with the answer. Maybe he really just doesn't like being in my presence at all. Which is fine I guess, eventually I will get him to warm up to me. No matter how long it takes.

With a sigh I look up at the teacher who was dismissing our class and try to finish writing down all of the notes. To be fair I already knew the majority of this stuff but I figured either Gulf or Prem might like some notes so It wouldn't hurt.

Once I was done writing everything down I start to get up and leave for lunch when one of the girls from my class walks up to me with a smile.

Xiang: She sits down in the seat across from me and then sets down a basket. "Hey Mew, I was wondering if you could do something for me."

Mew: Figuring that it was for me since a lot of girls like to give me things I let out sigh and try to be as kind as possible. "Xiang, I know that I have known you for a long time now but I just don't see you that way."

Xiang: She just rolls her eyes with a laugh before pulling a letter out of her backpack and setting it on the basket. "Not you Mew, I was wondering if you could take this to Gulf for me..."

Mew: Why was she asking me this and how did she know Gulf? "Gulf? You mean my brother Gulf?"

Xiang: She nods her head with a smile. "Yea lately he has been kind of distant with everyone and it's made me kind of nervous to approach him with this but I have actually liked him for years now and I figured you were the easiest person to ask for help."

Mew: I couldn't help but start to laugh nervously as I stare at the basket. "Do you really think that's appropriate though? I really think you should just give it to him yourself."

Xiang: She stands up all giddy before pushing the chair in to leave. "I can't do it myself right now, please understand and THANK YOU!!"

With that she had disappeared out of the classroom and down the hall.

What the fuck just happened?!?

I couldn't help but glare at the basket with the hand written note in cursive that spelled out Gulf's name. I don't know why but this whole thing made my stomach turn and I didn't like it. Gulf hasn't publicly been with anyone for a while now and it was kind of refreshing.

Either way though I knew that I would give this to him because I'm just that type of person.

Feeling a little pissed off I throw my backpack over my shoulder and head out of the classroom to go look for Gulf. I had the basket in one hand as students watched me walk down the hall and whisper. 

With each and every passing minute I began to hate this more and more.

I really don't want him to start seeing Xiang...

Trying to keep my breathing calm I grip the basket with a death grip as I enter the cafeteria and look around to find Gulf. No matter where I looked though I couldn't find him.

I was near the entrance on the other side of the cafeteria when I see a group of girls talking low and then staring at me.

Bri: "It's his brother you saw outside right? What do you think he was yelling about?"

I made eye contact with her for a split second before processing what she had said as her friend group goes silent.

I could feel myself panicking as I quickly make my way outside to try and figure out what she was talking about because I don't care about people getting into fights here but if she's right and Gulf is losing his shit somewhere than I need to help him. It was only necessary to take a few steps though because as soon as I rounded the corner to the building I could hear him talking loudly to Boun.

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