Part 33

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**Prem's POV**

Well let's just say our plans didn't go the way we wanted them to.

On the way back to the house we saw an elderly couple stranded on the side of the road because their car broke down and they were supposed to do there errands today because I guess there granddaughters birthday is this weekend so Boun and I offered to drive them around town and help.

We just got back to the house and its almost 5 o'clock at night. So we spent around 9 hours with strangers today and now we are exhausted.

It's a good thing my parents don't care about Boun spending the night anymore, he is practically a part of the family now and it's nice. He is currently downstairs with mom and dad as he waits for me to change my clothes.

Heading downstairs I stop outside of the kitchen to hear the conversation that they were obviously having thinking I wasn't going to hear it.

Mom: "You know we love you like one of our own sons but I don't think this is appropriate, you guys have only been together for less than a year."

Boun: "I see the time we have been together as trivial compared to the time I have spent in love with him. It is my own fault for not confessing sooner but now I wish I had if I had known what I know now. So please allow me to do this. Ive spent almost 5 years loving him..."

Mom: "What do you think?"

Dad: "Well I can see that he is sincere towards our son and they have been nothing but happy lately so I can't really say no." ... "Are you sure this is what you want?"

Boun: "I'm sure."

Mom: "Welcome to the family Boun, I'm happy to have another son."

Boun: "Thank you mom..."

Slowly I begin to creep back to the stairwell and hop onto the bottom step to make sure they know I'm coming down.

Based on the bit of conversation that I had heard, all I am is confused.

Maybe Mew is right, I am a little slow. There convo sounded happy though so maybe he was asking for us to move in together or something.

Oooo maybe he was asking if he could move into the house and that's why they were iffy.

Not wanting to raise my hopes I just shrug my shoulders as I head back to the kitchen.

Prem: Turning the corner to the kitchen I stick my head in with a smile. "What you guys up too?"

Boun: He was grinning from ear to ear as he walks over to me and grabs my hand. "Nothing much, are you ready to go swimming?"

Prem: Now that I knew he was hiding something it made me curious but I didn't want to ruin whatever it was so I stayed quiet. "I'm ready, are they joining us?"

Mom: She just lifts the hand that was holding the knife that she was using to cut vegetables. "You go right ahead dear, your father and I are going to finish up in here first and then head out there. Dinner should be ready soon."

Prem: "We won't, I'm pretty tired now so I don't think I will be in there very long anyways."

Boun: With a wave he tugs my hand toward the back door, where the patio was connected to the pool. "Let's just take a quick dip than before going to sleep."

I was silently smiling to myself as I watch Boun from behind. He was still very muscular even though he doesn't really work out too much and he always takes care of his health. I really hope the situation with his cousin doesn't stress him out too much. I like seeing him happy and smiling.

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