Part 32

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**Boun's POV**

Bright was walking fast but I knew It was just because he was hurt. Yea I felt bad for him but this was kind of his fault since the beginning...

Boun: "Bright wait up."

Bright: "Stop following me."

Boun: I catch up to him and pull on his arm to slow him down outside of the main building. "Bright, talk to me. Why is this upsetting you so much?"

Bright: He begins to turn around and I could see that he was crying. "I-I did It for him Boun. Like I get that he's angry at me and he has a right to be but I left for him. His dad didn't think he was going to make it and if he did he didn't want to watch Gulf go through the same thing again. How was I supposed to know that his dad abandoned them."

Boun: "You didn't just shut him out though, you shut everyone out. You got on a plane and left without telling anyone where you were going. It took you two years before you contacted me and it was on my birthday to congratulate me on growing a year older. You never started asking how he was doing until it got to the point to where Gulf stopped mentioning your name and became cold and distant. You never showed that you cared and it is no one's fault but yours."

Bright: "I thought if I contacted him he wouldn't be able to get over me and heal but that doesn't mean I didn't spend every minute of the last 6 years thinking about how I could make it up to him. You know I actually came down to visit once, it was around 3 and a half years ago, I wanted to surprise him and get him to forgive me but when I got into town and waited outside the school I saw him with that same guy he was just with. They seemed kind of cold and distant from each other because Gulf was following behind him in silence until a girl came running up to him and threw herself on him. After that he started to smile wide and laugh and I hid behind a wall so he couldn't see me. I could see that he had moved on but it didn't hurt as much as I thought because he wasn't with a guy. I figured he was just with her because of his dad. I didn't know anything."

Boun: "Why didn't you tell me?"

Bright: He lets out a shaky laugh. "Would it have changed anything? He probably would have still hated me like he does now. I love him so much Boun, what am I supposed to do?"

Boun: "Bright, 2 and a half years is a much shorter time frame than 6 years. If you would have shown yourself back then he would have forgiven you, he will never admit it but now that I know you guys were actually together it makes sense. He only stopped talking about you when he started to acknowledge his feelings for Mew. He never told me about your relationship but he would tell me that he missed you."

Bright: "Do you think I should give up?"

Boun: "Do you want my honest opinion or the things you want to hear?"

Bright: "Honest."

Boun: "I think it's time you give up on him, he's happy again and that's even to my surprise."

Bright: "What do you mean?"

Boun: "Well it's kind of a long story but basically Gulf use to bully Mew when he was first learning that he had feelings for Mew until Mew eventually broke down the walls that Gulf was hiding behind. After that I found out about their relationship and they were really happy for about a month before they went hiking and Mew got into an accident causing him to lose him memory for a little over 6 months. Gulf was an emotional wreck watching Mew live life every day like Gulf was someone else. It seems like yesterday Mew regained his memory though because they were being affectionate earlier. So I have to say that I am happy for them because they are happy with each other and it took them a long time to get to this point."

Bright: "Are you sure he's happy?"

Boun: "He's happy, you don't have to worry about that."

Bright: He lets out a ragid breath before his hands begin to shake. "Well if you say he's happy then it seems like I really am unwanted here."

Boun: "Why does it sound like your leaving again? Can't you stay?"

Bright: Shaking his head. "No I don't think so, If I stay here it will just hurt more and I'll end up torturing myself even more."

Boun: "But your home will always be here."

Bright: He starts to laugh as he shoves his hands into his pockets. "Yes this will always be where I grew up but I don't think it's my home anymore." Whispering. "At least Win will be happy about this."

Boun: "Win? Who is that?"

Bright: "He's my best friend, He didn't want me to leave to find Gulf because he knew how big of a toll it took on me the first and second time I left. He didn't want me to get hurt again so he begged me to stay and give up but I couldn't do that so I left anyways and transferred universities. He will be happy that I'm coming home now."

Boun: "Well I'm glad you made a friend."

Bright: "He's definitely something, he tends to put up with my shit and doesn't let my temper go off anymore. He has also helped me study more, we built my company together and now I play sports too. Basically he helped me become human again after Gulf and I broke up. He is the definition of a perfect friend."

Boun: "Are you going to be okay?"

Bright: "I should be, in a way I had a feeling that this was going to happen but I was hoping that I was wrong. I plan on putting myself into my business more and try to finish school."

Boun: "So you're going to bury yourself in work?"

Bright: "yep and eventually my heart won't hurt so much."

Boun: "Bright..."

Bright: He pulls me into a hug before pulling away. "Don't worry too much, really I'm going to be okay. I've calmed down now and I think it would be smart for me to get on a plane as soon as possible. So I'm probably going to leave tomorrow."

Boun: "But you've only been here for two days."

Bright: "I promise I'll come to visit from now on. I'll see you again."

Before I could reply to him he pats my shoulder and then turns around to leave.

With that I was left in a daze as everything does front flips in my brain. So much has happened the past few years and it's kind of over whelming.

Prem: He comes up to me looking concerned before wrapping his arms around my waist. "Are you okay?"

Boun: "Hmm?"

Prem: "You seem out of it and I saw you as I was walking to the main gate."

Boun: "Oh, yea I'm okay. Just feeling a little overwhelmed with information right now."

Prem: "Would you like to share?"

Boun: Putting on a smile I play with his hair before leaning down for a kiss. "No need. I'm not going to worry myself with any of it anymore, your all I need right now."

Prem: It looked like he was in deep thought for a second before he starts to grin. "If that's the case, would you want to skip classes with me today?"

Boun: "Are you sure? I know you care more about your grades than anyone else I know."

Prem: He just shrugs his shoulders with a laugh. "Taking one day off won't affect my grade, I've already done all my class work for the next three days."

Boun: "If that's the case than yea I would love to skip my classes today. Where do you want to go?"

Prem: "Let's go home and swim, we haven't gone swimming in a while and I want to make up the negative memories with new positive ones."

Boun: "Sounds like a plan."

With a smile he grabs my hand and we make our way to the parking lot.

That's right, even with all the problems that are going on for the people around me I am actually doing quite well. I have been happier than I have ever been and it is all thanks to this man next to me.

How did I get so freaking lucky?...

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