Chapter Three

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"Three Aces." Y/n announced as she set down three cards. Two were aces and one was a king of hearts. "I call bullshit!" Kirishima yelled. He picked up the three cards she had put down. He smiled triumphantly and handed the whole stack back to her. "Damn it. I thought I had gotten away with it!" she whined. Tamaki and Kirishima both laughed and continued. "Four sixes," Tamaki stated, setting four sixes down. Kirishima glared at his cards and at her. "Two fours." he said, smiling. "Bullshit!" Y/n yelled, she laughed as he gave me a playful glare. "I have three fours! Therefore you cannot have two fours!" She laughed as tossed him the stack and they continued. 

"Three kings," Y/n announced. The two looked at her and laughed. "Bullshit!" both yelled. "Fine." She kept her cards. They all laughed and continued playing. Y/n's body tingled like a shiver went up her spine and her head snapped to the side. "Y/n are you okay?" Kirishima asked, with his hand outstretched towards her. She nodded and looked around. About two minutes later a dark-haired man walked in. He looked exhausted and expressionless. But his aura was very frightening. "Oh, Aizawa sensei," Kirishima said, a smile splayed over his face. "I'm here for Y/n," he stated. Chills ran up and down her spine as I got up. The man she now knew as Aizawa looked very intimidating. She followed him silently.

"Fatgum needed me to get you and bring you to U.A high school. He said your education didn't get completed. Principal Nezu will fill you in later." Aizawa stated, She nodded and looked up at him. "B-but I thought I'd be too old to be accepted into any school," she mumbled, looking at her feet. A drawn-out and annoyed sigh came from the man beside her. "You'll be fine. Your education was halted due to the LOV kidnapping you. And due to no further education, you can't get a job. On top of everything you don't have any family to contact, so you will be staying with some of the pros till you can handle yourself." He answered. Y/n froze in place and looked up at him with wide eyes. 

"M-My mother is dead?" She choked out. Aizawa stopped and slowly turned to her. "You didn't know?- Shit." He cursed. Tears welled up in her eyes and her head dropped. "I knew something was wrong when even the pros couldn't give me her number," she whispered. She felt his arm wrap around my shoulder and pull her with him. Soon they slipped through a set of gates and into the school. He pulled her with him as he navigated the large school like it was nothing. They came to the principal's door and he let her go. The door opened and I automatically found somewhere to sit. Fatgum stood by the desk and an animal in a suit sat behind the desk.

"What happened? What's wrong?" Fatgum asked. Aizawa sighed and sat down."You didn't tell me that she didn't know about her mother." He answered. Y/n could feel all eyes on her. "I was going to tell her once we got everything situated. Everything has been very hectic." Fatgum replied. Their eyes moved away from her. "I knew something was wrong since you couldn't get her number for me. It's okay, it's not your fault." She murmured, she lifted my head and looked up at them. 

"Miss L/n, we at U.A. would like to welcome you into the school. I have heard about your circumstances of why you couldn't continue schooling. I am glad to welcome you to the hero course here-" "Why are you putting me into hero courses? I am quirkless. The only thing I know of is Shigaraki's quirk didn't work on me." She cut the principal off. He nodded and smiled.

"Because. you need to learn how to defend yourself. Also, who's to know, maybe you have a shield-like quirk. We will have you take some tests to see where you sit with your studies, with the results we will know where to go from and how close you are to being able to pass the exit exam." He answered, his smile made her a little more confident. She nodded at him and stood up. "Miss Y/n L/n we accept you here at U.A High as a student in the hero course," Nezu stated with a smile. 

Aizawa took her around the school grounds to get her acquainted with her surroundings. He showed her where her class would be with him, and where any of her other classes would be. "You don't have to take English if you don't want to. We understand your anxiety with loud social situations, and Hizashi can be a bit much even for people without anxiety." Y/n nodded as they sat down for a break. "As Nezu said, you'll be taking some tests. They will gauge where you sit with your studies. If you pass them with high enough marks, you can take the high school exit exam." Y/n listened to him as she gazed at the trees. "What happens if I don't pass them?" "The results will tell us what classes you need to take to get you up to speed." She smiled as she felt herself relax. "Thank you, Mr. Aizawa." He didn't respond as she leaned back and watched the clouds roll. 

Edited 1/18/2023   Word Count: 911


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