Chapter Nine

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Safe... I'm safe. Everything is silent, everything is perfect.


Y/n's eyes cracked open to the blinding sunlight. She felt warm and secure. Someone was cuddling her, and she could hear soft snoring. Looking up she saw it was Fatgum. He was still holding her from her episode last night. She noticed his hood was off for once. His blonde hair curled in every direction it could around his face. She smiled as she carefully pulled herself out of his arms and sauntered off to the kitchen. He really did hold up to his promise and had the kitchen rearranged for her. She searched the kitchen for some pancake mix, finding it and some bacon and eggs. She mixed up the batter for the pancakes and started the eggs. She made them scrambled to save time and made the bacon extra crispy, and the pancakes turned out golden brown. She set out two plates and brought the food to the table. Turning the corner into the living room, she saw he was just getting off the phone.

"Hi Y/n! Did you sleep okay?" He asked, she nodded and smiled. "I made breakfast, I know its not much, but after you helped me last night. I figured it was the least I could do." she offered. He looked mildly shocked before his face lit up with a genuine smile. "Well what are we waiting for?!" He crowed. He moved so fast, she had to do a double-take to be sure he wasn't flying. She practically had to chase him to the kitchen. He started eating before his ass hit the chair. 

"Mhhhm! This is so good!" He said, slightly muffled by the food in his mouth. "You're welcome. Its just pancakes, bacon, and eggs. There's coffee if you want some?" He nodded his head profusely as she poured two cups. "Cream and sugar please." He replied. She poured some into both cups and stirred them. Handing him his cup before returning to her own. She sat down and ate slowly, mildly picking, but at least she was eating for once. "So how was your week?" He asked, after he had polished off his plate. Y/n shrugged and picked at her eggs.

"I don't know how I feel about it just yet. The dorm is a bit too loud for me. The schoolwork isn't too bad. some of it is easy, but there are some parts that are a bit more challenging. I guess its not too bad." she answered, in all honesty she wanted to move back to the agency. Its quiet, and the peaceful walk to school would be nice. "I'm glad your studies are going good. If the dorm bothers you too much you're more than welcome here." He replied, he got up and made himself another cup of coffee. "If this week doesn't go too well, I'll come back. I'm going to give the dorm a chance. It could just be loud since people are excited about the dorm." she stated, her tone going flat at the end. Fatgum came around the table and set his coffee cup down. 

"I need to talk to you about something.. Its important." He stated, his usual grin was gone. "Okay, what's wrong?" she asked, her mind going to his phone call. He sighed and sat down across from her. "I got a call earlier. Someone reported seeing some members of the LOV hanging around the area. I talked to Nezu and he agreed to set up some better security, just in case. He told me to ask you if you felt comfortable staying in the dorms and going to UA in person, or if you would like to do your schoolwork over the computer and stay here under our watch." He explained. His usual smile and happy tone were gone, his eyes didn't even have that joyful gleam. "I- I don't know. What do you-" "You have to choose. I can't make the decision for you. Do you feel safe staying at UA? Or do you want to stay here?" He cut her off. "I-I'll stay at UA. If anything happens I'll come back here." she blurted. Her anxiety was starting to skyrocket again, he sighed and reach across the table. "I'm sorry, I know this is hard. I promise I will make sure they go away." He reassured. 


"Do you want to do anything this weekend? I can come with you if you feel like you need someone to accompany you." Fatgum piped up. They had been sitting on the couch watching tv. She looked outside and back to the tv. "Nah. I think I'll be fine. Plus I don't need anything right now."  she answered, he sat back and sighed. "Are you hungry?" He asked. she shrugged, not really sure if she felt hungry yet. "Its late afternoon. You should eat twice a day at least. Lets go get something to eat!" He crowed, got up, and pulled her with him. He dragged her down the hallway to my room. "Go get changed!" He instructed. She shrugged him off and closed the door behind her. She pulled out a pair of jeans and a plain f/c long-sleeved shirt and brushed my hair out and brushed my teeth. She quickly slipped her boots on and opened the door. Fatgum stood there waiting patiently, she followed him downstairs and outside. 

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