Chapter Twenty-Seven

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It had been a few weeks since that night with Hizashi. Surprisingly he didn't act any differently toward her after that night. He still acted as a loyal friend and treated her no different from how he treated her before that night. He held up to his promise of staying friends after. If anything, his little crush on her started to fade. They managed to keep that night a secret between them. Her one-month return appointment had flown by like the snap of a finger. Her doctor cleared her to get a job, so finding one was now the issue. 


Several hundred failed job applications later, Y/n gave up in frustration. She felt bad about asking, but maybe Nezu's offer for her to teach was still on the table... She grabbed up her wallet and phone and headed out of her dorm room. Even though she wasn't a student anymore, Nezu let her keep her dorm room. You'd think he would've kicked her out when he saw the state of mind she was in when she returned. She went to the front of the school building and pressed the buzzer on the wall. The intercom made a dull static sound before a voice came through. 

"What is the nature of your visit Miss L/n?" The office lady was always the main problem with getting into UA High. "I need to speak to Principal Nezu about a Job offer he gave me." She could hear the clacking of a keyboard before the door made a loud buzzing sound. She followed the long corridors to Principal Nezu's office. It seemed like the halls were so much longer now. She finally reached his office and softly knocked. 

"Come in!" she took a shaky breath and tried to settle herself. "Hi, Principal Nezu!" He perked up and gave a wide smile. "Y/n, what do I owe the pleasure?" she sat down and pulled out her resume, and handed it to him. "Is that offer to work at UA still on the table?" He gingerly took her resume and read through it. "I knew you'd come back around! How do you feel about being a Teacher's Assistant? Aizawa has his hands full with Midoriya getting hurt all the time and Bakugo starting fights- Anyhow, he really needs a hand, even if he refuses to admit it. How's that sound?" She considered it and let out a short laugh. "That sounds wonderful. Honestly, the kids will probably be highly confused since I was among them as a peer not so long ago." Nezu chuckled and pulled out some paperwork. "Fill these out and give them back to me. You can start as soon as school goes back after winter break." Y/n nodded and shook his paw. 


The paperwork wasn't too difficult, the worst part was explaining her newfound quirk. Her mother's quirk manifested, along with this copycat quirk that was forced into her. Y/n just listed her quirk as copycat. Nezu looked genuinely surprised at her quirk and kept her in his office for the whole school day to discuss it. He finally released her when his after-school meetings started. 

Since she had her newfound quirk, she didn't have to be put under 24/7 surveillance. And she was able to go out on her own and not have to have any Pro Heroes up her ass. And so far there were no more sightings of the LOV. Shigaraki must've heeded her previous warning. She found herself in the diner Taishiro took her to before she ran off that time they were watching them. She ordered the same meal and waited for it to be cooked. 

The tinkling of the bells on the door caught her attention. She smiled seeing Tamaki and Kirishima. Her smile faded as Fatgum walked into view. The waitress had them follow her to the table across from her single-person booth seat. Kirishima saw Y/n and jogged over. "Y/n! How are things going? Aizawa told us you got away and were going through therapy." His energetic voice warmed her heart and put some ease into her mind. 

"I've been doing really well. My therapist gave me the okay to get a job. You're looking at your new Teacher Assitant!" His eyes widened and his smile turned into a gleeful grin. "That's amazing news! So what's this quirk you got? Present Mic let it slip that your quirk manifested." He asked shyly. She could see out of her peripheral vision that Taishiro and Tamaki were eavesdropping. The waitress came out with her food. She took the plate and walked over to their table. "Heya Fatgum, Suneater. I felt bad leaving you guys outta the conversation." 

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