Chapter Eighteen

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Taishiro told Y/n that his mother was gonna come by for the weekend. Nervous is an understatement for what Y/n felt. Schoolwork was barely keeping her mind off of everything. Aizawa gave her a school laptop to use for work since she couldn't attend in person all the time. And thanks to not paying attention in class when she is there, she had ten times the amount of work to do. She knows how to do most of it, but there's just so much to do. Most of what she needed to do were short quizzes and assignments, so they were fast to do, just a lot of them. She hit submit on an assignment and waited. 

The computer started to slow down and glitch, then the screen went black. "No! No! No! No! Please don't do this!" She moved the mouse and clicked on the spacebar as if it would do something. All of a sudden the screen glitched back on, but it wasn't on the school portal. It was of a livestream. She couldn't back out of it or close it. She noticed the camera to the computer turned itself on and was live-streaming everything she was doing to whoever was doing this. "Well, well, long time no see sis." a familiar gut wrenching voice chimed. The face that matched it appeared on screen. "What the fuck do you want Touya. Or should I say Dabi?" She spat. He looked a little taken back. "Oh, so you've finally figured out who I am? How'd you do it, huh?" His sickening laugh cackled through the speakers. "Let's just say I connected the dots. I met the family, and saw pictures of you from before. Maybe you should've done more to hide yourself. Now, what the fuck do you want?" She kept a cold demeanor toward him. 

"Aw... don't be like that. I just wanted to check up on my little sister. Who can blame me? We are two peas from the same pod. I mean, dear old Dad abandoned you and your mother. He abused me and left me for dead. Why would you associate with someone so... so cruel?" She stayed silent, he was trying to get a rise out of her. "Look, I realize that I'm not a saint either, but do you really wanna be around someone that toxic?" His question fell on deaf ears. "I know you killed my mother, and it hurts to know someone who shares my own blood would go out of their way to ruin my life. I refuse to associate myself with Enji, but I won't keep his shitty secrets. Nor will I keep yours. So I'll have you know, that I will be telling your family that you're not dead." She growled out.

"Oh ho Ho! I finally hit the right button! And I don't care what you do with that information. Now, what was that thing with your eyes? They looked almost like they were glowing!" Her brows furrowed and she uncrossed her arms. "What thing?" she asked, he froze and turned his head to the side. He muted himself as he spoke to someone off camera. "Gotta go sis! Have fun~ I will be seeing you very soon!" The computer screen went dark and it started glitching again before returning to the school portal login screen. She kept still for a moment before getting up. She snatched up the computer and its charger and marched out of the room. 


"I don't know what it was about. The computer glitched, shut off, and the screen came back on with a video call. It was Dabi and I couldn't go and get anyone since you left me alone in the dorm!" Y/n yelled at Aizawa. He stood by principal Nezu's desk pinching the bridge of his nose. "I'm not sure what to do. If they managed to get through our encryptions and security, the best option is for her to be under around the clock surveillance." Nezu explained, he was at a loss for what to do too. "Is there a possible way for me to get a GED?" She asked. Nezu nodded. "Yes, there are other options for you to do. It might be best if you do that. You could still pursue becoming a hero, but it would require a few more steps than going through the hero course here." She nodded her head and sat back. "Let's do that. It's hard to focus on my studies when I'm being hunted by villains. How soon can I do it?" Nezu pulled out a stack of documents and handed them to her. "As soon as today if you wish. You just have to sign these papers and I will go get a computer set up for you to take the test." Y/n smiled and got up. "Thank you so much Principal Nezu!" she bowed and grabbed a pen. She started signing papers. "It won't be Principal Nezu anymore." He let out his creepy little laugh and hopped out of his chair. Y/n finished up the last paper and left the papers on his desk. It wasn't long before he came back and got the test pulled up for her.

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