Chapter Fourteen

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It was unusual for the voice hero Present Mic to be so calm. Y/n had half expected to listen to him yell every time he spoke. But he seemed to be understanding of her situation and tried to be as quiet as he could be. He managed to keep quiet as they watched tv. At some point, they both passed out on the couch. Now Y/n sat at the small breakfast table drinking a cup of tea. When she woke up she was on the couch with a blanket draped over her. Mic was gone, and Aizawa wasn't here. He wasn't supposed to leave her alone, but he must have felt it was okay as long as she was safe. The sun was barely peaking through the curtains, they couldn't have been gone for too long. She got up and cleaned her cup. The silence was deafening, more so than an unruly crowd. She wondered if she'd rather have some background sound. Turning the tv back on and resuming the show, she settled back into the couch.


The sound of the door opening and the security system beeping woke her up. She sat up quickly to assess who just entered. A relieved sigh escaped her mouth once she heard the familiar loud blonde talking Aizawa'a ear off. She shuffled into the kitchen and saw the two putting groceries away. "Where did you guys go?" She asked. Both men slightly jumped at the sound of her voice.
"Damn! You startled me. I almost forgot you were here!" Mic laughed, his entire being shivered lightly. "I needed to go get groceries since I'm not alone for the time being. I can't let you starve." Aizawa answered, his voice always sounded so bland. Mic hopped onto one of the counter stools and happily talked away while they put the rest of the groceries away.


Nothing could be more boring than having to do schoolwork without music, or at least that's what Y/n thought. She had tried to put on some music, but Aizawa almost immediately shut it off. His exact words were, "How can anyone focus on anything with annoying sounds playing."
After he lectured her for half an hour, he holed himself back into his room. After a while, she could hear the sound of his shower turning on. She took this as her chance to sneak some music while she worked. It didn't last long before her headphones were ripped off her head.

"I thought I told you no music. How close to done are you with your schoolwork?" He questioned, he looked like a wet cat. His usual messy and kinda frizzy hair now was flat against his head. It was weird seeing him in a casual outfit. It almost made her laugh. "I just have to submit the work. I was about to check it all over before submitting it." She answered, he nodded and bent over the chair to have a look. He went over all of her work before clicking back on her History assignment. "I know I'm not your history teacher, but I will say you're missing some stuff. Go back over the essay. I can see some errors, but I won't give you the answers." He said. He started to walk out of the room but she stopped him. "Thank you, Aizawa! I'll let you know when I'm finished." He nodded his head before leaving the room. She could've sworn she had seen the hint of a smile on his face.


With a big yawn and stretching till her joints cracked, she stood up from the office chair. She quietly tip-toed down the hall into the kitchen to get herself something to eat. She grabbed a stool and started to climb up to get to the snack stuff. She had just grabbed a bag of chips when she heard something rustle behind her. Y/n's body spun around so fast, she lost my balance and the stool went sideways. She fell flat on her ass, but at least she didn't hit her head or break anything. Her gaze shot up to look at Aizawa, who was standing above her with his arms crossed. With an annoyed sigh, he held out his hand and helped her up. "You better be done with your schoolwork." He spat, he seemed more annoyed than usual. "Yeah, I finished it and was hungry. I thought a snack wouldn't hurt anything." She mumbled.

"I don't feel like cooking, so we are going out for dinner. And I asked Fatgum if he would watch out for you tonight so I can go out for patrol." He said with a bland tone. A tingling warmth spread through her as I smiled. "When will we be leaving?" she asked, her excitement starting to get the better of her. "In a couple of hours. It's only five in the afternoon. You can have a snack, but don't let it spoil your dinner." He grumbled. He left the kitchen in a sullen mood. She took her bag of chips and continued into my room to eat.


As it got closer to time to leave Y/n started to get ready. She pulled out a pair of black leggings and a baggy gray long-sleeved shirt. Mina had given these to her since she refused everything else. And she had already seen the pink and purple shirts and skirts Mina had snuck into her bags. That girl might just be the death of her. Y/n sighed and pulled on her ankle-high leather boots. Checking herself in the mirror, she brushed her ragged hair out. She really needed a trim. She made sure she looked presentable enough and exited her room. "You ready to go? Don't forget your school stuff. You'll be there for a few days till I am off work." Aizawa reminded her. She nodded and grabbed the canvas bag she had packed. She had two bags. One with her necessities, and the other with her school stuff. She showed him and he nodded. He turned away and started to head out, she quickly followed and slipped out the door behind him. After he locked up we walked down the street.

"Where are we eating at?" Y/n asked, her voice barely loud enough over other people's passing conversations. He didn't hear her, but it wasn't too long before he slowed down and opened a door to a restaurant for her. The inside was dimly lit with small lanterns. Once they were seated she noticed the big bright yellow blob of joy everyone calls Fatgum. He happily made his way over and joined them. "Hey! How's everything going?" He whisper yelled. "Pretty good. School is easier since I don't have as many distractions." She answered. He sat down beside her and immediately asked for a menu. "I thought this would be a great place to eat since I know Eraserhead isn't too keen on people and publicity." He said, his volume level returning to normal. "I like it. It's quiet and very calm," she added. Aizawa just nodded his head and went back to his menu. Soon a waitress came by and took their orders. "So what do you want to do? Tomorrow is Saturday so we can do whatever we want." Fatgum asked, she could see plans forming in his head. "I think it would be in both of your best interests to stay indoors. Don't forget, you are still at risk due to the LOV." Aizawa's voice rose as he got onto them. They both stayed quiet and just nodded their heads.


"Now that the party pooper is gone, what do you want to do?" Fatgum excitedly asked. Y/n shrugged and smiled.
"Since it's almost dark, I'd like to lie down and watch f/s. Is that okay?" She told him. He looked confused before nodding his head. "I've never seen f/s. What's it about?" He acted like a little kid. "No way. You haven't seen it?! Now I gotta start over and introduce you to the best show ever!" She laughed. "Then it's a plan! Time to binge f/s!" He announced, he put Y/n on his shoulders and started walking toward his house.

Edited: 1/18/2023  Word count: 1,368

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