Chapter Five

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>A few days later< 


Bang, bang, bang.

"Y/n! You gotta get up!" She could hear someone yelling and banging on the door. "Fatgum, what are you doing? It's six in the morning." Someone groaned. "I gotta get Y/n up for school. I don't want to intrude in her room, but she needs to get up.." Fatgum answered. Y/n groaned and rolled out of the bed. Stumbling blindly towards the door, once her hand touched the knob she swung it open. "Oh! Hey Y/n, you need to get up. I have to drop you off at UA." Fatgum chirped. It was way too early for him to be this happy. 

"I'm up. Now leave me alone." She slammed the door back and flicked my light on. Luckily for her Aizawa dropped by and left her a couple of sets of uniforms. She pulled out the bag and groaned. "Noooooo. Not skirts!" she threw the bag down on her bed and slipped down the hall to Kirishima's room. She knocked on his door and heard him holler to hold on. "Hey Y/n! What's up?" He asked, he seemed to be running a little late too. "Do you have an extra pair of uniform pants? I know I'm a girl, but I don't want to wear skirts.." she trailed off. He immediately nodded his head and opened the door wider. He went to his dresser and scrounged through the bottom drawer. "Here! My mom had to hem some of my pants for me, but she accidentally made them too short! And here's a canvas belt, it can go really small if you need it!" He handed them to her with a big smile. 

"Thank you so much! You're a lifesaver!" she grinned and hugged him. He hugged me back and closed the door behind her. She ran to her room and quickly changed. Kirishima's pants were a little baggy, but he gave her that belt. She tucked the button-up into the pants and put the tie on. She put the blazer on but left it open. She quickly brushed her hair out. She quickly brushed her teeth and grabbed her bag. Y/n stopped midway while closing her door. She darted back in and grabbed her phone. Fatgum got her one in case she needed to call someone. But they still hadn't gone clothes shopping yet because they had both forgotten. She jogged down the hall to the elevator and saw Fatgum, Kirishima, and Tamaki waiting. 

"There you are! I thought you might've dipped on us." Fatgum laughed. She shook my head and they all got into the elevator. "No I almost forgot my phone," She mumbled. Fatgum parted ways from them when we got outside. He had to go patrolling and they had to get to school. 


Once we got to UA Y/n and Kirishima parted ways with Tamaki, and Kirishima led the way to Class 1A. They walked in a little late, the class was very loud, and the teacher was laying on the floor in a yellow sleeping bag. Y/n couldn't see His face, but she could feel his aggravation from where she stood. Everyone went silent when they walked in. "Who's she?" "why were you late Kirishima?!" "Another Extra?!" Y/n shrank back from the last one. The teacher shed himself from the sleeping bag and told everyone to shut up.

"Everyone, we have a new student joining us. She is joining this late due to some circumstances, she is to be treated like the rest of you and respected as another student." He announced. He motioned for her to stand in front of everyone. Y/n nervously shuffled in front of the class. "H-hey everyone, My name is L/N Y/N." she introduced herself. A bunch of people started yelling questions and she covered my ears, trying not to go into a panic. 

"One at a time, raise your hands, and she will call on you," Aizawa yelled. Everyone sat back down and quieted down. Hands were flying in the air. She pointed to a very pink girl. "Hiii! I'm Mina Ashido! How old are you? If you don't mind me asking!" She asked with a bright smile. Y/n fiddled with her fingers and shyly looked around. "I'm Twenty-two," her voice barely above a mumble.

"What?!" Everyone yelled. "Why are you in high school?" Someone yelled. She looked down at her feet and kept her focus on the ends of her pants. "She wasn't able to complete schooling after she turned sixteen, Principal Nezu is allowing her to finish her studies here at UA," Aizawa answered for her. Everyone quieted back down. She looked up and pointed at a boy with dark blue hair and glasses. "I am Tenya Iida. Why are you not following the dress code? Females are supposed to wear the uniform skirts." He asked, he seemed to be very uppidy. 

"I-I just don't feel comfortable with skirts or dresses... So I asked Kirishima if I could borrow a pair of his pants," she answered, He nodded and sat down. Next, she pointed to a green-haired boy who looked like he was about to explode from whatever he wanted to ask. "I am Izuku Midoriya! What kind of quirk do you have? And can you explain how it works?" He asked, he seemed to be bubbling in his chair waiting for her answer.

"I don't have a quirk. I was born quirkless." I mumbled. "Ehhhhhh?! Not another quirkless wannabe!" a blonde-haired boy yelled, he looked like an angry pomeranian. "Shut up Bakugou." Aizawa glared at the boy, his eyes glowing red and his hair floated up. Bakugou sat down and sucked his teeth at the man. "You can go sit down, you can continue this later on." He handed her a text book and a few sheets of paper. She nodded and went to an empty seat in the back of the class. Aizawa stood up and started the lesson for the rest of the class. 


Y/n decided to follow Kirishima for the day. Seeing as how he was the only one she knew other than Aizawa. She went to set her tray down next to him but the angry blonde started yelling. "No, she can't sit here. Go sit with the other extras!" He yelled, his voice barely being heard over the noise of the cafeteria. Y/n shrugged and grabbed the apple and milk off her tray. Kirishima tried to stop her, but she smiled back at him. 

"Its okay! I'll catch up later." She hollered to him, she went back to the classroom. She silently snacked on her apple while reading through the book Aizawa provided. She was so invested in the book that she didn't hear the door slide open. She didn't realize someone else was with her till they grabbed her shoulder. Causing her to nearly choke on her apple. It was an older blond man, his hair was in a weird updo, he was wearing sunglasses indoors, and he looked... weird. 

"Sorry, I'm Present Mic. I saw you by yourself in here. Is everything alright?" He asked, he seemed upbeat and happy. "Oh, nothing. I'm just not used to lots of noise. And I don't really fit in with the others... I'm older than them, so I guess they don't want me around." She answered truthfully. His smile dropped completely and he sat down in a chair beside me. "What do you mean?" He asked, he took off his glasses. She sighed and rubbed the back of her neck. "I'm older than everyone. I'm twenty-two. I kinda want to do something like a home study instead." she answered. He nodded his head.

"So you're the one Principal Nezu was telling the staff about. He told us that you had some issues with schooling and couldn't do it for a while. He said that you need to be acclimated to being around people again and to treat you no different from everyone else." He explained, he kept rambling on about the school. "Well If you need help with anything just let me know. Also, I'm your English teacher." he finished up. He wrote down his number on a piece of paper and gave it to her. She nodded and relaxed back into her seat. Why do I have to do this? Maybe I can convince someone to let me do home studies.. her thoughts wandered as she finished her apple. She quietly studied for another ten minutes before everyone came back into the room. "I'm sorry!" Kirishima mouthed to her as he sat down. She nodded and smiled. Aizawa pulled out his math book and started droning on for the next subject.


Finally, the last bell rang and we were dismissed for the day. "Hold on, before you leave I need to announce something." He stated, he looked tired, but was still very intimidating. Everyone halted and shifted their attention to him. "The dorms will be opened back up in two weeks. Get these permission slips signed by your parents or guardians and bring them back by Friday. We need to have permission to keep you in the dorms, and you will have to sign the slip yourselves. You have to understand the rules of the dorms and have to sign off that you will follow them. That is all." He said as he passed out the paper slips. He stopped when he got to Y/n.

"You can advocate for yourself, whether you stay at the agency or move to the dorms." He stated as he handed her the slip. She nodded and thanked him. Kirishima gave her a thumbs-up and walked over. "C'mon! I gotta get back to the agency and pack up." He laughed and helped her pack her backpack up. 

Edited: 1/18/2023  Word Count: 1,637

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