Chapter Twenty-Four

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The song inspired for the second half of this chapter is called "Shattered By Trading Yesterday" It inspired the part where Y/n and Taishiro are reunited.


Six-month Timeskip


The mild sting finally dulled out to a mere buzz as the chip in Y/n's arm tried to zap her as punishment. She figured out pretty quickly what they put in her. A simplistic but pain-in-the-ass microchip. The chip could track her location and when she disobeyed orders it would send a painful shock through her system. It also had a feature to dampen her new-found quirk when she got too out of control. Shigaraki had spent the last twenty minutes pressing a button on his little remote to the chip. She could feel the electric shock go through her system, but unlike all the other times it made her buckle to my knees, she didn't react. Oh, she could feel it and the pain it tried to cause, but she learned to embrace it and power through it. "What, is your little zapper not making me give into your every command?" She questioned with a smirk splayed on her face. 

His head snapped towards her as he tried to up the wattage. His level of panic was evident on his face as he realized the chip was not working whatsoever. "If it weren't for your shitty quirk, I'd have disintegrated you already." he dropped the remote to the floor as he started to stress scratch his neck. "Why? Why isn't it working?!" His anger started to spike as he started trying to attack her. She backed up and dodged his attacks. He started to slow down as he realized that she could decide to kill him at any moment and he couldn't do a damn thing to stop her. He stopped completely and started to back off.

Y/n stood about ten feet away from him. She had a small pocket knife and was twirling it between her fingers. Shigaraki warily watched as she spun it. "Y'know, I think I've made up my mind." She broke the silence. She stopped twirling the knife and held it firmly. Shigaraki got ready to run but stopped as soon as She pointed the knife at herself. She stabbed it into the flesh of her arm and snatched it quickly down. She dropped the knife to the floor and used her opposite hand to dig around for the chip. Once she felt the hard pea-sized chip she immediately ripped it out and held it between her fingers. 

Her eyes didn't leave his as he watched the entire ordeal. Something between horror and disgust was how his face looked. She grinned and tossed the chip at him. "You can have your chip back." Shigaraki flinched back as the chip hit his face. She turned away from him and started to walk away. His "Master" has been locked up in Tartarus for about a month, and that was around the time the chip had started to fizzle out. She wasn't anyone's puppet anymore. "Stop!" Y/n perked her head up and turned back to him. "Master will come for you when he gets out. I swear by it. And when he does, I will make your life a living hell." Y/n scoffed and darted toward him. He fell back onto his ass from Her sudden approach. "If you want to ensue Hell upon me, you better learn how to best your own master. Considering he gave me a quirk quite similar to his own, you won't be able to lay a finger on me ever again." Her threat didn't go unnoticed as he practically squirmed in his spot. She stomped down hard onto his family jewels and let out a laugh at his pain-filled cries.


The slash Y/n had made in her arm had long healed by the time she made it into Esuha city. But her body was still half-covered in her own blood. She ignored the sirens from police cars and ambulances as she trudged her way through the city. After a few miles of her ignoring them altogether, the police finally forced her to a stop at gunpoint. She held her bloodied hands up and dropped to her knees while they apprehended her. She let them check her over for any injuries and handcuffed her hands behind her back. The ride from where she was apprehended, to the station wasn't long. It wasn't longer than ten minutes at most. Going into the booking area was amusing to her, seeing the terrified looks from other detainees and other officers. They ushered her into her own cell and gestured to the phone by the wall after taking off the cuffs. She couldn't remember what the Agency's phone number was, so she turned back to the officers. "If you could, would you contact Fatgum's Hero Agency and get him on the line? Tell him he is needed at this precinct." She watched their wary faces as they shared looks and nodded. They scurried off and She found herself somewhere to sit.


"-Why did you call me here? What's the situation?" The familiar bubbly voice She knew echoed into the room. "There's a girl here, she said you must come here. We don't know her reasons." Fatgum sighed and asked for the cell number. Y/n stood up and folded her arms as he came into view. His jaw went slack as his eyes laid upon her. "It's a long time comin' Tai." He snapped his mouth shut and quickly ordered the officers to release her. "H-How are you here? We've been looking everywhere for you and kept coming up empty!" His eyes teared up as he started to blubber. Y/n sighed and stepped through the cell door. "I've somehow awakened my mother's quirk. And the League succeeded in gifting me quirks." She knew the look on her face and her words were devastating to him. "W-what happened to you? Why are you covered in blood?!" He started to panic as he completely looked her over. "It's my own blood. They chipped me so I ripped it out." He let out a choked sob and he grabbed her up and clutched her to his chest. "I'm so sorry! I'm so, so sorry! I broke my promise! A-And you'll never trust me again, I know it!" His arms constricted around her and she started being suffocated. "T-Tai- Taishiro! I can't breathe!" She choked out. He immediately dropped her and dropped to his knees in front of her. "I missed you so much, I felt like such a failure as a hero and your protector when they took you." Y/n stood silently listening to him cry. Really she should be the one having a complete mental breakdown right about now. 


The Heroes who followed her case specifically, sat around a table in Fatgum's agency while She stood front and center. "They didn't expose me to all their secrets, but I did find out one thing. The reason they targeted me is that Dabi chose me. And they needed someone quirkless who could be used as a specimen to forcefully put quirks into." Several of the pro-Heroes were shocked at the very least. Shoto stood beside her, even if they hadn't spent much time around each other, he still wanted to protect her. "Why did Dabi choose you specifically?" Y/n let out a breathy sigh before holding her head up. "The villain known as Dabi is in fact, the eldest son of Endeavor. Touya Todoroki." She announced. Enji's head perked up with a deep scowl. Others looked completely shell-shocked and were staring at the current Number One Hero. "It can't be true that Dabi is Touya. Touya died a long time ago." Shoto stated, his brow furrowed and he looked a bit taken aback. She pulled out a picture of Dabi and one of Touya. She set them on the table under the projector. She made the pictures show up on the wall. Someone gave her a laser pointer and she cleared her throat. 

"Alright, hear me out. I believe that Dabi is Touya because A- Touya had flames of blue fire that were so hot they felt cold. Dabi exhibits the same quirk. B- If you take a closer look at the picture of 'Dabi' You can see his hair roots are white whereas the rest of his hair is black. Touya had red hair as a child but it turned bright white due to his quirk. So that means if Dabi is Touya, then Touya has been dying his hair. C- Touya had to keep getting medical attention due to his quirk burning him during his training sessions with his father. Dabi has burn scars all over his body from what you can see in this picture. D- If you take a close look at their eyes, both men in the pictures have the same electric blue eyes. And if you take a glance at your lovely number One Hero, his eyes match as well." She concluded. 

Several people looked convinced, but most of them kept glancing between Y/n and Endeavor. "There's no hard evidence to show that Dabi is Touya, so this information will be disregarded." Y/n narrowed her eyes and let a smirk play out on her face. She turned back to Endeavor and started making strides up to him. "Consent to a DNA test then. I managed to snag a little bit of blood from Dabi. We can prove who is right then. Ball's in your court now, Enji." She sneered. She was going to drag this sack of shit down to her level if not lower if he chooses to abandon both of them. He let out a scoff and looked around the room. Taishiro and Shoto both shared a worried look at Y/n's behavior.

"Fine. If it will appease your little charade, I consent to a DNA test." 

Edited: 1/19/2023  Word Count: 1,660

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