Chapter Twenty-One

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The song for this chapter is "Red Cold River By Breaking Benjamin" 




"And where the fuck do you think you're going?"


Pain radiated throughout Her body as her head hung low and her torso slumped in on itself. When Shigaraki caught her sneaking out, He chained her to a chair and beat her senseless. Unluckily for her, his quirk won't work on her, so her death would be slow and painful. She could hear him panting to himself as he tried to calm down. She couldn't see a damn thing now, so she guessed that meant it was dark out again. 

Several of the other League members stopped by his room and tried to convince him to ease up on her, but he refused to stop. He had said that she knew better than to run away, and that She deserved every bit of everything coming to her. Blood trickled down from her head and dripped onto the floor noisily. She couldn't see the damage done to her body, but she knew it was severe enough to warrant needing stitches and possible surgery. She could feel the stinging in her ribs as she breathed short and labored breaths. Just knowing that they're most likely bruised if not cracked. 

If they were broken she would've been dead by now. Shigaraki sucked in a sharp breath as he stalked back over to deal more blows on her. "Hey Shigaraki, Master is on the phone." She silently thanked the stars that Touya came to her rescue. Shigaraki let out an annoyed grumble before leaving the room. Touya didn't leave though. He walked over and put a hand on her head. "Sorry, it had to be this way. I really tried to get you out of this hell hole." He crouched down in front of her, she tried to lift her head to see him, but could only move her eyes without letting out a cry of pain. "Why'd you pick me?" she croaked out. Her voice sounded so strained it was barely audible. "I don't know-" "Bullshit. I know you were the one who suggested kidnapping me way back then." She cut him off. She could feel the blood pool in her mouth but she didn't have the strength to spit it out. It just dribbled through her lips and into her lap. "I'm sorry Y/n. I really thought this would turn out differently. If I knew you wouldn't conform to the League, I wouldn't have even thought to bring you here." His voice was barely a whisper, He curled an arm around her but quickly let go as she hissed in agony. 

He jumped back and kicked the chair. Shigaraki's annoyed growl echoed in the room. "She's my plaything! You're not allowed to touch! Get out!" Touya left with one final glance back at her. "Since I'm not allowed to hurt you anymore, I have to take you to Master so he can continue his work on you." His words sent shivers down Y/n's spine. "But first!" He undid the chains and tied her hands behind her back. He snatched her up and threw her to the floor. Looking up at him, she could just barely make out the sadistic grin that stretched across his face. "I'm going to finish teaching you a lesson. Master only said I couldn't kill you, he didn't say I couldn't have fun with you."




Y/n didn't know how long she had been laying on the floor staring at the ceiling for, but she knew that it was at least twelve hours since Shigaraki had caught her trying to escape. Sunlight poured through the now uncovered window. It was covered up the previous day with old newspaper, now it had been torn off. She could hear Shigaraki's loud snores from the bed. And she hadn't dared to move yet, knowing her body was at its absolute limit. But she needed to assess the damage done, even if she knew it would be absolute agony.

Y/n spent the first five minutes trying to steady her body to be able to sit up. Then another ten trying to keep herself from letting out any sounds. Her legs were battered and bruised, anything on them that weren't bruised had cuts or bite marks. Her arms were still tied behind her back, but she could feel that they were most likey decorated just the same way. From what she could see on her torso, She had one severe cut across her abdomen along with dark purple bruises, and handprint bruises on her sides. 

She looked up from her body to see the chair she had been tied to. Blood was splattered all over the floor around it and on it. Half the room had her blood on the walls and floor. She willed her strength to scoot herself over to the uncovered window. She stood up on her knees to see out. Her one last hope was shredded away from her as all she could only see were woods. She sat down with her back to the window and leaned her head on the wall. Tears spilled over her cheeks as she choked back sobs. No one was going to find her. No one was going to help her. If she survives what Shigaraki did to her, his Master was going to end up killing her with his experiments. There is no escape. She came to the conclusion that she was going to die by their hands. Her body automatically made her start to sniffle from the crying and it made her freeze up when she heard Shigaraki start to stir. 

"Do you really have that much of a death wish?" His hoarse voice bounced off the walls around her. "Are you really crying like a baby? I know this isn't your first time with all this. So why the fuck are you acting like a damn baby?!" He started to raise his voice. Her body flinched in response, but it soon relaxed as an airy chuckle fell from her lips. That chuckle turned into a laugh. Then that laugh turned into a guttural cackle. Shigaraki seemed taken aback by her reaction as she continued to cackle. Soon it died down as the room fell into an eerie silence. 

"Y'know, I really wish your quirk worked on me. I wouldn't have had to put up with this bullshit. I would've long been dead... Deader than a doornail. It would've been so nice to have been turned to ashes like my mother. Maybe I wouldn't have had that little shimmer of hope for my life, and that little slim chance of love I hoped for. Maybe by some grace of whatever fucking god or divine being there is out there, one of your Master's experiments might fucking kill me."

Shigaraki's expression fell. His eyes were wide and his mouth dropped open a little. "Wanna say some more shit before you attract some flies?" She let out a hoarse laugh before slumping into the wall. He shut his mouth and his signature scowl reappeared. He reopened his mouth but nothing came out. A subtle knock rung through the air, but Shigaraki didn't make even the slightest movement. 

"You gonna answer it, or am I gonna have to limp over there and do it myself?" She snorted. His mind flickered back to reality and he jumped up to get the door. Of course who else would it be other than Kurogiri? "Master wants you to bring her to the lab." Shigaraki nodded and turned to her. He stalked over and snatched her up by her hair. "Good riddance. Maybe he can finally supply her with a fucking quirk." he grumbled. "Maybe he'll fucking kill me~" She said in a nearly cheery sing-song tone and let out a cackle as he dragged her through the dark and dense mist. One last thought crossed her mind as she lost consciousness.  

I'm losing my damn mind

Edited: 1/19/2023  Word Count: 1,338

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