Chapter Twenty

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After Fatgum's call three days ago, they did everything to find her. It was as if she vanished into thin air. The Hero Commission gave him a few days off due to him not wanting to work with anyone. He hasn't stopped looking for her for even a second. Even Aizawa's sleep-deprived ass knows he's going to crash hard if he doesn't slow down. Endeavor even stopped working his normal routine to help look for her. The only information they had to go off was that the League had gotten to her. 

A loud door slam shook Aizawa from his thoughts. Taishiro stormed out of his room and stormed towards the front door. Aizawa quickly stood up and blocked his way. "Where are you going? Do you have any leads or ideas?" He ignored Aizawa and tried to push past him. Aizawa stood his ground as he tried to leave. "I need to find her! I promised her that I'd keep her safe! I can't just sit around knowing they're hurting or torturing her!" His voice sounded broken, his face full of regret as tears threatened to spill over. Aizawa let out a sigh and led him back to the living room. "Firstly, you need to put on your hero costume. I need to grab my scarf. Secondly, we have to be extra cautious. We can't just go chasing any lead we get. Alright? We need to take a look around the restaurant and go from there." Taishiro nodded in agreement before going into his room to change. 



Y/n's head ached as her eyes fluttered open. The last thing she remembered was going to the bathroom at the restaurant. "Hey! Hey! Big sis is awaaaaake!" a familiar voice yelled out, followed by a crazed giggle. Her body froze up as she tried to crane her neck around to confirm the source of it. She couldn't find the source in the darkened room. The only source of light was from a doorway with the door cracked open. Several annoyed sighs resounded through the doorway as the door got kicked open. "Hey, there little sis. Have fun on your short vacation?" Y/n's eyes widened as she recognized the voice. Then the lights flickered on. 

The brightness made her head spin even more. "What do you want from me Touya?" She could see the faint white roots growing back in. They just barely shined in his black hair. "Nothing. Absolutely nothing. However... My boss wants something." He let out a strained laugh as her face paled. "What the fuck do you mean?!" Her voice cracked as she yelled at his retreating figure. Toga bounced in with her needles with a sadistic grin stretched across her face. "No! Touya! Stop her! Please, don't do this to me!" 

Her screams fell on deaf ears as he replied "Its Dabi sweet-cheeks! And I wouldn't help you anyways! My brotherly love only goes so far!" His head popped into the doorway for half a second. "You're just shit outta luck now. Once Shigaraki gets back No one will be able to save you." Toga inched closer to her, ready to stab her needles into her neck. Y/n tried to pull away as far as she could. Touya let out a sigh and stepped into the doorway. "Toga! Leave her be. Shigaraki might let you have a taste later. But it's best we don't put more marks on her before he gets here." Toga pouted and dropped her arms to her sides. "But I was really hoping I could get a taste of big sis's sweet blood!" Touya stood his ground and Toga left dejectedly. After she left the room Touya walked over toward her. "That's as much as I can do for you. I warned you to get the fuck away from here. Love ya, sis, sorry about this." Y/n felt a hard object collide with the back of her head then throbbing darkness overtook her.


"Wake her up already! I don't have all night!" A hoarse voice startled Y/n awake as cold water saw sloshed into her face. She coughed and gagged as she got waterboarded. "There you are. How was your short trip?" She looked up at the source of the voice and wanted to cry. Pale blue hair stuck out in every direction, fiery red eyes glared back at her, and his scarred skin sent shivers up her spine. "Shigaraki. What do you want from me?" His maniacal laugh filled the room. "Didn't you hear me back then?" her lips downturned into a scowl. 

"I said you were mine. You are my pet. I don't know how you got out, but you aren't going anywhere." His crazed grin made her mind go blank. The only other person in the room was Kurogiri. She watched as he left her to the crazed man-child. "You're mine. You will never leave my sight again." Shigaraki released the ropes around her and dragged her over toward his bed. He retied her hands to one of the bedposts and left her there. "Get comfy. You won't be moving from that spot for a while. And I swear, if you make a mess on my bed I will tie you to a shit tank next." His threat wasn't a joke. She cringed into the bedframe as he sat on the end of the bed holding his handheld game console, he had put those gloves she got to good use as he was able to hold the console with both of his hands. 


He finally fell asleep as the sun came up. Y/n tried to pull her hands from the ropes and found that they were loose enough that she could slip her hands out. Remembering his threats she carefully got up without jostling the bed. She carefully felt the wooden floorboards before each step to keep her steps as silent as possible. Soon she got to the bathroom door and quickly did her business. The small nightlight in the wall outlet gave her just enough light to see herself in the cracked mirror. 

So far, her face seemed to be unscathed other than a few minor scratches. She checked the rest of her body as best she could, but without better lighting, she couldn't tell if she had any bruises or scratches. She poked her head back into the room and saw that Shigaraki was still laying on the bed in the same position. His breathing sputtered and stopped for a second before resuming as he rolled over onto his belly. She let out a breath she didn't know she was holding in. Y/n continued towards the door, using the same technique from before, keeping as quiet as humanly possible. 

The old wood door was the worst obstacle so far. She knew it was going to creak if she didn't open it the right way. She held in a breath and cautiously opened it. Baring her weight against it and pushed it into the frame to keep the noise to a minimum. She had the door wide open now. All she had to do was make sure there wasn't anyone nearby and try her damnedest to get out alive. 

As she made her way through the small apartment. She got through the living room and kitchen and was nearing her way to the front door. All seemed to be going well, She had ten more steps between her and freedom. An ear-deafening floorboard creek behind her made her freeze in gut-wrenching terror.

 "And where the fuck do you think you're going?" 

Edited: 1/19/2023  Word Count: 1,272 

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