Chapter Seven

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Y/n slipped out of her room and into the silent hall of Fatgum's agency. It was weird not having Kirishima around. She heard a distant door slam shut and someone run down the hall. Turning into the kitchen, she saw no one in sight. Quietly sighing, she started raiding the kitchen for breakfast. She found her favorite cereal and some milk. Y/n pouted as I looked for a bowl, looking through the shelves, she found them... Except they were on the highest shelf. Not seeing a step stool, she started to climb onto the countertop. She stood up and grabbed a bowl and turned around to jump down. "Y/n! What are you doing?" She heard a familiar warm voice yelp. She immediately lost her balance from surprise and almost went tumbling to the floor.

"Here, let me help you!" She felt really big hands grab her from under her arms like a child and carefully put her down on the floor. She turned to face the large man, her face completely red. "What were you trying to get to?" he asked. She quickly turned to her cereal and milk and made herself a bowl. "I-I wanted a bowl of cereal. Everything is too high for me to reach.." she answered, taking a spoonful from her bowl. He smiled and laughed. "I'll get everything moved down for you! Everything was built in consideration for my size, I'll help you with situating everything later." He beamed, She nodded and ate her cereal. "You don't have to move everything. If I end up staying in the dorms then I won't be here as often as you." She replied, his smile faltered a little bit, but it was almost unnoticeable.

"I probably should do it anyway! If I have more interns that are smaller than me then they won't have to worry about it either!" He countered, Y/n shrugged, and smiled. "Don't you have to do patrolling today?" She asked him. They both plopped down on the couch and kicked back. "No. I'm just here in case they need me. I do have some paperwork on some stuff that happened recently. But it's pretty much just reading a report and signing off on it. What about you? I know it's the weekend, got anything planned?" He returned, She shook her head and smiled.

"Nothing really. I gotta pack up what little I got and get ready to go to the dorms. Other than that I pretty much don't have anything to do." She answered. She'd be lying if she said she wanted to go. If anything She just got comfortable here. She hoped she wouldn't run into too many issues with the dorms. They sat in awkward silence for a few minutes. Fatgum seemed to be trying to find the right way to say something. He finally found his thoughts and cleared his throat.

"I need to talk to you about something.. Important. Nezu wanted me to try and talk to you about your parents. He wants to know if your parents had quirks and your family history if you can remember." He explained slowly, letting her take in his words. "I can't remember much about my family history. Just that my mother's side had a lot of healers, she herself was one with the powers of healing and blueish flames, and my father never knew his parents, but he had a simple fire quirk. I never manifested any of them." She answered. Her voice was low, but loud enough for him to hear. Fatgum hummed a response and smiled. "It's okay, even if you're quirkless you can still be a hero if you want!" He beamed, her mood rose some and she smiled. "Thanks, I'm just glad someone can say that," She mumbled. He got up with a huff and held out a hand. "Let's go get some yakisoba from some of the stands!" He offered, Y/n slightly smiled and took his hand. 



Y/n sat on her bed staring at the empty room. Three boxes and her school bag sat beside the door. She wanted to stay, but like Fatgum said. If She doesn't like the dorms she can always come back. She's gotta try new things even if she doesn't like them. Four small rapps on her door echoed through her room. "It's open," She chimed, quickly jumping up. Fatgum and Aizawa entered her room. "Are you ready to move to the dorms?" Fatgum asked me. She shrugged and smiled. "I got everything. I'm just saying goodbye. Y'know, just in case I end up liking the dorms." She answered with a grin. Fatgum laughed and picked up a box. Aizawa grabbed a box and walked out. "Well then! Let's get everything into Aizawa's car!" He crowed, he looked happy, but He felt sad to see her go. Y/n followed them down to the elevator and outside. Aizawa put everything in and got into the driver's seat. Y/n  turned to Fatgum and hugged him as tight as she could. 

"I'll come over every weekend if I end up staying in the dorms." She said, slightly muffled by his jacket. She could hear his laugh rumble through him. "I'll see you next weekend then! And just let me know if you need anything!" He chuckled. She pulled away and nodded. He opened the passenger door for her and closed it once she slid into the tan seat. As soon as Aizawa heard the click of my seat belt he took off. "I know you're twenty-two, but don't go around hugging your teachers," Aizawa stated in a tone that sent shivers through her. "I'm sorry. I just wanted to hug him since I probably won't see him for a while.." she murmured, her mind wandering with anxiety. The depressing hobo-looking man huffed a response and sped up. She stared out the window and tried to calm her mind. 


"Here is your room (Y/n)!" Mina cheered, she followed Y/n into her dorm room with one of Y/n's boxes. "Geez! I honestly expected our rooms to at least be painted something other than a bland cream color!" she complained. Y/n looked around, the color didn't bother her, if anything it calmed her down more. "It doesn't bother me... I like it better than some loud color." she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. Tamaki's voice would be louder than hers right now. Mina turned to Y/n with mock horror written on her face. "Oh my god! I've gotta help you redecorate this room!" she fanned herself as though she was dying. A quiet chuckle escaped Y/n's mouth and she instantly covered her mouth. "I got you to laugh! That's the first time you've laughed in my presence!" She cried happily. A loud alarm buzzing made her set the box down and she started to drag Y/n with her to the living area. 

She dropped Y/n's hand when they got to the room. Principal Nezu was joined by Aizawa and All might. Nezu jumped onto the coffee table and insisted everyone listen. "Okay! Now that everyone is here and I've gotten everyone's attention. There are some major ground rules!" He started his speech. 

"Boys are not allowed in the girls' rooms and girls are not allowed in the boys' rooms. Ten PM is the curfew for when you need to be inside and in your respective rooms. Drugs and alcohol will not be tolerated on school or dorm grounds. Parties are not permitted unless under the teacher's and principal's permission. Does everyone understand the ground rules?" He announced. For a small creature, he had some lungs and a voice box on him. Everyone nodded and responded with some kind of acknowledgment of his speech. He dismissed everyone and left. Y/n just stood there confused, wondering what kind of animal he was.



Shigaraki watched the girl from afar, as she sat alone in her new dorm room unpacking the little she owned. The man cursed as he scratched at himself. He didn't like the fact that the supposed heroes stole his plaything. He was even more pissed as he found out that Dabi purposefully surrounded the girl from exiting her room during the tower's fall. The male stopped scratching and paused. 

"She will be mine! I won't let them take her away!" he growled. Kurogiri stood beside him and listened to him rant about taking the poor girl back. He felt bad for the girl,  she had everything taken from her, and now she's finally gotten something back. He didn't speak a word of it to Shigaraki. He knew better than to put his opinion into, what he considered a man-child's, head. Shigaraki quieted down and turned to the other man. "Take us home." He growled as he scratched furiously at his neck.

Edited: 1/18/2023  Word Count: 1,478

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