Chapter Nineteen

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The song for this chapter is "Until I found you By Stephen Sanchez


Getting to know Taishiro's mother was almost like second nature. After getting to know her, Y/n felt like she had known the woman for years. And she did not hesitate to tell her how much she thought Y/n would be perfect for her son. Her occasional questions about "When's the wedding?" were funny the first couple of times, now it was almost scary how she was trying to smush them together. Taishiro finally managed to get her to stop, the only way to get her to stop was to agree to take Y/n out for a date. So now here they sat, being fussed over. Tai's mother proceeded to buy Y/n several dresses, and an entire makeup set and attempted to buy her a closetful of shoes. Said woman was now focusing on painting her face as Nemuri did. She wanted nothing more than to throw herself out of the window onto the busy street. This was more torture than being run over. 

"There! All done, now you can go look in the mirror!" The older woman chirped. Y/n nodded and turned to the bathroom. "Ah- Wait! Put on the dress while you're in there!" She quickly added Y/n had to stop short and brace herself as a medium-sized dress bag slapped her in the head. She slipped into the bathroom and fearfully stared at herself in the mirror. Thankfully she didn't go too overboard. Her makeup consisted of a nice golden brown with glittery undertones on her eyes, light eyeliner to make her eyes appear cat-like, and a matching l/c* lipstick that complimented her s/c*. 

She did my hair in Y/n's favorite style, thankfully she listened to her request. Y/n carefully peeled back the dress bag from the dress and let out a relieved sigh at the sight. A simplistic dress where the front stopped just short of her knees and the back drifted down almost to her ankles. And somehow she managed to find it in Y/n's size and f/c. Y/n carefully put it and the tights on and looked in the mirror. It took everything in her entire being to hold back the tears that threatened to fall. She looked every bit like her mother, She would've been so proud to see her daughter like this. 

Y/n grabbed a tissue and dabbed at her eyes, careful not to smudge the makeup, and left the bathroom. "Oh, my stars! You look amazing honey! Now slip on these heels and get on out there! You can't keep Taishiro waitin' too long while lookin' like this!" Her accent slipped out as she gushed on. Y/n pulled on the pair of plain black heels and quickly shuffled out of the room. She had to be extra careful with these since Tai's mom didn't know she sucked at walking in heels of any kind. Taishiro wasn't anywhere to be seen in the house as she shuffled around every corner looking for him. She opened the door and almost fell back onto her ass. "Sorry! I didn't know you were there! I gotta be a bit more careful myself!" Taishiro laughed as he held onto her arm to steady her. His bright smile faded as his eyes landed on me. Y/n's ears heated up as she knew that her face would've given her blush away if not for the makeup. Tairshiro's eyes traveled up and down her figure as he took in his mother's handiwork. Y/n smiled awkwardly and waved her hand in front of his face. "Earth to Taishiro? You copy?" His face turned an almost undetectable shade of pink as he held out a bouquet of f/f to her. She gladly took them only for Tai's mom to grab them and shoo them out of the house. 

"Y-you look amazing! My mother matched your style perfectly, much better than Nemuri! Don't tell her I said that! But you look so much more comfortable and beautiful!" He gushed as his feelings flooded over. "Thank you! You look very handsome Tai." If his face wasn't already blushing, it definitely was now. His cheeks were now almost crimson as he hugged Y/n tightly. Too soon for her liking, he let her go and guided her towards a blacked-out car. "I know it isn't much, but it's safer to take this one for today. Aizawa said so." He explained as he held open the car door for her. She nodded and got settled into her seat.



Taishiro's mother had insisted for almost a week that he take y/n out for a date. Not that he didn't want to, just that he wasn't ready to do it yet. He wanted her not to feel pressed to go on one while the LOV were after her. He just wanted her to be more at peace before going on a date. His mother didn't seem to listen whether it be by choice or not. She even shoved him out of his own house to go get a "nicer suit and bouquet of flowers" He went anyways and talked to Aizawa. He wanted Taishiro to take as many precautions as possible to keep her safe. When he asked about talking to Endeavor about her, he let out a sigh. He told Him there wasn't any point to it. That Endeavor just wanted to get this over with asap because she was a "Taint" to his family name. He said that Endeavor refused to say that she was in fact his daughter. Apparently, Nezu and Aizawa were working on getting a DNA test to confirm the truth. 


Seeing Y/n all dressed up made a warmth pool throughout His body. He just wanted to keep her all to himself. Her shy smile made him feel like he won the lottery. Now sitting in the car just inches away, all he could do was hold her hand. His mother was never wrong with her predictions. She told him several months before meeting Y/n, that he was going to go through literal hell, but once he pushed through, he'd find the love of his life. She was not wrong. The blue flames he had to literally walk through felt so hot and cold that he felt like he wouldn't be able to continue. But the sight of her falling so listlessly and the dead look in her eyes when he caught her, shot life back through him. He felt like he had to fight for her. Her grip tightening on his hand brought him back to reality. Soon they pulled into the parking lot for the restaurant and her face lit up. "I've always wanted to come here!" Her smile was so wide that she mentally complained that it hurt but couldn't stop. He got out and escorted her inside. The hostess quickly sat them down and left. Nothing could ruin this night.



After ordering their food, Y/n left to use the restroom and he patiently waited for her return. The waitress was doing really well at keeping tabs on their table. He managed to get through to the manager to get a secluded spot with peace to eat without the press bothering us. But it seemed like maybe the waitress might be one of his fans. After refilling his cup three times, their appetizer being brought to the table, and their food. He realized Y/n had been gone for at least a good fifteen minutes. The waitress came back by and He stopped her. "Ma'am could you by any chance check the bathroom for my date? She's been in there a little while and I want to be sure she's okay." He explained, he told her Y/n's description and gave her name. She nodded and walked away. After about two minutes she came back with a smile. "She's okay, she told me to tell you that she's got an upset stomach-" A wet splat interrupted her as they both glanced at the source. A blob of colorless slime fell off of the waitress. Taishiro felt all the color leave his face as the slime melted off of the woman's face to reveal Toga Himiko. "Whoops! I guess my time ran out! Bye, Bye Mister Fatgum!" The blonde girl ran too fast for him to even get up. He ran to the bathroom and searched every stall before finding a broken window with blood spilled over the broken glass. His face heated up in anger and sadness. He snatched out his phone and dialed Aizawa's number. It rang twice before he picked up. "What's wrong Fatgum? Do you need more advice?" his irritable tone leaked through the phone. It took him a moment to conjure up the words but when he did they were barely audible. 

"T-they got her." Silence spilled through the speaker. "What do you mean?" Aizawa seemed to start panicking on his side of the line. "The LOV. They got her. They- I can't believe I let this happen! What do I do?!" His breaths came faster as he dropped to his knees. 

"What do I do?! I don't know where they took her! Eraserhead! PLEASE! WHAT DO I DO?!?!" two thoughts fell onto his mind and he couldn't shake them as Aizawa's voice faded into the background... 


                                                                                    You failed her. 


                                                                     You broke your one promise.  


Edited: 1/19/2023  Word Count: 1,573

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