Spin-off #2 Bad Ending

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Song inspiration- Atlantis By Seafret

"It's not working! Why! Why! WHY!" 

Shigaraki stormed around the warehouse. Countless times they did more experiments on Y/n and none of them seemed to be working. All she was useful for was a punching bag and someone Shigaraki can abuse with all ten fingers. His movements stopped as he turned to her. He grabbed her by the throat and dragged her with him. He found Kurogiri and made him warp them somewhere. It took a moment for her to realize that they were in Taishiro's office, in Esuha city. 

Shigaraki stepped into a closet and waited till he heard Taishiro walk in. "Please! Please! D-don't hurt him!" Y/n begged her voice barely a whisper. Shigaraki glanced out the cracked door. He slammed it open and stormed over to Taishiro. He threw Y/n's body to the side as he charged toward Taishiro. He didn't even have but a microsecond to react. Taishiro Saw Shigaraki and he wasn't able to do anything by the time he realized who it was. Shigaraki's hand splayed out over Taishiro's face. "Checkmate bitch." Y/n curled in on herself as she tried to erase the image of Taishiro being disintegrated. His eyes were full of tears as they landed on her. 

"I love you!" His last breath was wasted to declare his affection to her. Shigaraki kneeled down and picked up his skull with four fingers. Y/n shrank away as he tried to dangle it in her face. Taishiro's office door was slammed open as several heroes filed in. Shigaraki pressed a button on a small remote he had hidden in his coat pocket. "goodbye!" his sinister laughter filled the room. He dragged Y/n by the throat as a portal opened up below them. It closed back up as soon as their bodies fell through. 

"Now, you have no one to go back to. You are mine. Forever." his laughter bounced all around the walls and back on her. "Next I'll be targeting all of the 'Friends' you made. That includes all of those precious students you enjoyed hanging out with!" His hands closed around her throat as he held her to the ground. "And after I'm done with them you won't ever, I repeat, EVER see the light of day again." He released her neck as he sat up. "At least, not as a human. If you work out the way we want as my little pet project, you will be our best Nomu." His body shook as he started to cackle again.

Edited:1/19/2023  Word Count: 425

Both spin-offs WC: 896

Entire Book + both spin-offs WC: 51,777

Author's Note: Thank you all for reading my entire story! I enjoyed writing Candied Heart, and Just going back over it to edit it made me fall in love all over again! I hope you all loved the story, and I hope to hear from all of you about your thoughts on how it panned out! 

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