Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Nothing could ever make Taishiro feel any happier than spending the rest of his life with the woman he loves. She just made everything feel perfect. Like heaven. He doesn't know how Heaven could be better than this. Seeing her beautiful bedhead every morning when he wakes up. Getting to see her giggle and laugh as she dances around their home as she cooks or cleans. Getting to lay down by her side every night for the rest of our lives. No, Heaven couldn't compare to how it feels to be with her. He'd give away everything to be by her side for all eternity. Kirishima and Tamaki were the two best friends he could ever have. Tamaki is his groomsman and Kirishima is his best man. He couldn't think of anyone better to fill those spots. Y/n had Nemuri as her maid of honor and made her sister Fuyumi her bridesmaid. Taishiro's heart clenched at the thought of her walking down the aisle. "Heya, Tai you ready to go down?" he turned around and smiled nervously. Kirishima and Tamaki were both standing in the doorway. Both of them had on tuxedos with yellow button-ups. He had on something similar but his had a white button-up shirt with a yellow bow tie. His mother made him wear a bow tie. He took a deep breath and nodded. 

The song that I wrote this part to was "From the Ground Up By Dan + Shay" 

Taishiro stepped down the aisle with hesitation, his mother held his arm as she urged him to keep moving. Behind him was Kirishima with Nemuri, and behind them was Tamaki with Fuyumi. They all stood at the altar as the doors swung open again. Eri bounced happily down the Aisle in her golden dress, her pale hair was curled up and a beautiful black, glittery bow was placed on her head. She dropped white and yellow rose petals down the aisle. She stood between Nemuri and Fuyumi. Taishiro looked out at the crowd with a big smile. His family sat in the front row in front of him. Y/n's family and close friends sat in the front row on the other side. Everyone else sat wherever they wanted. Even Enji stood in the back of the room waiting.

The door opened again and Y/n stepped through, Toshinori Yagi held her arm as they walked in. Her father Enji stepped up and held her other arm and the tree walked down the aisle. Nezu sat on Toshinori's shoulder with a gleeful grin. The smile on her face was brighter than the shiniest diamond. Her dress flowed out around her, and the sweetheart neckline paired with the mermaid-style bottom complimented her figure. Her hair was done in a beautiful style with a crown of mini yellow roses placed on her head. The bouquet of roses she held was yellow and white with a silky orange ribbon holding them together. Taishiro couldn't wait to have her in his arms forever. When they reached the alter, Toshinori and Enji passed her hands over to his. Toshinori and Enji stepped off the altar and sat down on Y/n's side of the seating area. The officiant cleared his throat to get everyone's attention. 

"We are gathered here today to witness the Ceremony of two lives, Miss Y/n L/n and Taishiro Toyomitsu being joined together. The bride and groom wrote their own vows, so let us listen."

Taishiro took a deep breath and held back tears. "Y/n, the first time I laid eyes on you, I had no idea that you would be the one I was searching for. You were thrown into my life, and like a hurricane, you turned my life upside down. I wouldn't have anything any other way. I want to be the one to walk with you, to love you, to guide you, and to take care of you for the rest of my life. I want to be your everything. I promise to always be there for you and I promise to love you with all my life." He studied her face as tears welled up in her gorgeous e/c eyes. She took in an unsteady breath as she got ready to speak.

"Taishiro, the day I met you, I thought it was going to be my last day. If it weren't for you swooping in to save my life, I would've never been able to fall in love with you. When I woke up and saw your face, I had never felt so happy to be alive. After that day, every time I saw you I felt my stomach tie up in knots. I realized I was in love with you after I realized that I only ever felt that way around you. Whenever you're around I feel happy, whole, special, and loved. I want to feel that way for the rest of my life, and I want to be by your side till death do us part. I want to be the one to hold your hand and love you for the rest of our lives." The Officiant stepped forward and held out his hands. 

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