Chapter Ten

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Y/n shielded her eyes from the sunlight as she tried to open them. Her entire body was soaked with sweat and she felt like she was being suffocated. Once her eyes adjusted to the brightness she saw two of her classmates on the bed with her. She held in a laugh as she tried to wiggle her way out. Izuku was at the end of the bed, he had his feet up by her head, and she could see the little all might heads decorating his socks. Bakugou was taking up most of the bed. She was squished up against the wall, he had his body sprawled out on the bed, and Izuku's legs were the barrier between her and Bakugou. She carefully squirmed her way out from under the blankets and sat up. She only had two ways out. Either climb over Bakugou, very carefully at that. Or scoot to the end of the bed and risk hurting her foot more. She chose the first option, and slowly enacted her plan. Swinging her good leg over him and braced herself on the wall and bedside table. Once she felt the floor, she pulled her other leg over. She managed not to jostle the bed too much and avoided touching the sleeping menace. She smiled to herself and limped her way to the door. 

The moment she opened it the sweet smell of freshly cooked food billowed into the room. She limped out into the living room and followed the smell into the kitchen area. Inko was cooking and Y/n watched her dance around to whatever music she was playing from her earbuds. She turned around and almost dropped the plate of bacon and eggs. Y/n helped her and set the plate on the counter while she turned her music off. "Good morning Y/n. I wanted to make breakfast before everyone got up. I take it the boys are still piled up in Izuku's bed?" She guessed. Y/n nodded and sat down on one of the stools. "Yeah," she answered, Inko chuckled and turned back to the stove. "I checked in on you three this morning and saw that the boys had moved up into the bed. They used to do that when they were younger. Izuku always wakes up first. I was expecting him to be the first one up." She smiled at the memories. Her smile never left her face. 

"Yeah, Bakugo woke me up and said that I had woken him up. He shoved me over and got in the bed. And Izuku slept walked into the kitchen and got a glass. When he came back to the room he was mumbling about water and was trying to drink air. I told him to go back to sleep and he thought I was you." Y/n explained. They both shared a laugh and she started telling Y/n stories of Izuku as a kid. Soon the two boys emerged from the room. Bakugo grumbled about something and Izuku looked really nervous. "How's your foot doing Y/n?" Izuku asked, taking a seat and digging into the food Inko made. "It could be worse. It only hurts if I put my weight on it. It's probably sprained." she answered. He let out a hum in response. Bakugo sat down and turned his phone on. For two minutes straight all that could be heard was his phone chiming nonstop. 

"Shit. I forgot to tell that old hag I was staying here." He grumbled, he immediately stopped when they all felt the pissed glare of Inko burning into Bakugo's head. "What did you say?" she asked, her tone low. "Nothing." He grumbled back, then he started stuffing his face. Inko went back to the kitchen and they could hear her start talking a minute later. "God Fucking Damn it." Bakugo growled. "What's wrong?" Y/n asked him. His red eyes burned into her e/c eyes for a second. "Aunt Inko is calling his mom," Izuku answered flatly. Izuku looked a little scared, Bakugo nodded and went back to his plate.

"What's wrong with that?" Y/n asked, both boys whipped their heads to look at her. "Aunt Mitsuki is-" A loud slam of the front door cut him off and the trio all looked towards it in fear. An older female version of Bakugou walked in. Her whole body radiated death. She stormed over to them and grabbed Bakugo by his ear and started yelling at him. "Katsuki Bakugo, if you ever pull this shit again I will personally beat your ass halfway around the world." Izuku and Y/n both shrank away from her and scooted away from them. Inko walked back in with a smile on her face. "Hi Mitsuki!" she chimed. Mitsuki turned to her and her whole persona took a 180. 

"Hi, Inko! Thank you so much for telling me where my son disappeared to. He was supposed to come home for the night and spend time with his family." She replied. She still had her son's ear pinched between her fingers. "I-I'm sorry Mrs. Bakugo. I got hurt and they brought me to Miss Inko's." Y/n apologized, Mitsuki's expression went from annoyed to worried to proud. She immediately released her son's ear. "Oh, It's okay! I understand. I was worried since my son didn't come home and didn't tell me where he went. I'm just glad he was helping someone!" She crowed happily. The three all sat back down and the two older women left the room to talk.

"That wasn't as bad as the last time you didn't tell her you were staying here," Izuku stated. "Yeah, my ear fucking hurts, but at least she didn't try to beat my ass like last time." The pissed blonde replied. They all shared a look and continued eating their breakfast. "Do you have a phone?" Izuku asked, Y/n nodded and pulled it out. The screen was now cracked from her tumble yesterday. It was one crack across the screen that was barely noticeable. "Here, I'll give you my number." He answered taking her phone. He entered his contact into it and saved it. He went to hand it back, but Bakugo snatched it up. 

"I'm giving you my number in case you need it. Don't be calling me all the time. And call me Katsuki." He growled and handed her phone back. She now had a whopping five contacts in her phone. Principal Nezu, Fatgum, Aizawa, and now the two boys in front of her. "Thank you, Katsuki and Izuku!" She smiled at the two. Katsuki and Mitsuki left not long after. Y/n and Izuku sat on the couch and watched tv.


Y/n woke up to the sound of a new voice in the room. She had been laid back and her foot was propped up with some ice. "Is Y/n still sleeping?" She recognized the voice as Mr. Yagi., she sat up and moved her leg down. "I'm awake now," She answered for herself. Mr. Yagi looked over at her and she had to refrain from going bug-eyed. This man looked like a skeleton. He still looked healthy enough, but she'd bet the poor guy has been through hell. "That's good. Fatgum was worried. I told him that I trust Izuku to take care of you." He told her. He stood in front of Y/n and held out his hand. "We gotta go as soon as we can." He stated. Y/n nodded and stood up. 

"Inko, where are my clothes from yesterday?" Y/n asked her. She sighed and went to go get them. "I washed them, but the stains wouldn't come out." She said, her pants were scraped up and had a little bit of blood from when she fell. "That's okay. Thank you so much!" Y/n limped to the bathroom and got changed. She folded Izuku's clothes up and gave them to him. "Thank you for letting me use your pajamas and your bed," She told him. He smiled and hugged her. 

"No problem. Let me know what happens!" He happily replied. Y/n followed Mr. Yagi out of the Midoriya's house and outside. Something felt off about him but she couldn't place it. He reminded her of someone. His blue eyes had dark caverns around them, and His blonde hair stood up in an odd way. She couldn't place it. She followed him as they walked down the calm streets. "Are you a pro hero?" She blurted. His head whipped around to her so fast she thought his neck would break. 

"No." He answered flatly. Liar. "Did you used to be one?" she asked. The man sighed and stopped. "Yes. I am retired now." He answered, his voice low. She could barely hear him. "Oh.. Okay." "Why did you ask?" He questioned. She shrugged and sighed. "I don't know. You remind me of someone, but I can't place who." She answered. "Okay." He replied. They walked silently for a good while. "Are you okay? I can tell you've been limping the whole time." He asked, Y/n shrugged again "I'm pretty sure I sprained it. But I'll just walk it off." She replied. "If you insist." He replied. 

Edited: 1/18/2023  Word Count: 1,533 

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