Chapter Twelve

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Nothing could prepare Y/n for the warmth the Todoroki family gave to her, aside from Enji. Y/n couldn't care less for him, he could get curb stomped for all she cared. Shoto invited her over after the encounter with the not-sorry sack of shit. She shook off her nervous thoughts and pulled on a clean pair of black slacks, an f/c shirt, and a plain gray button-up shirt. She glanced at her matted-up bed head and grabbed her brush, attempting to brush it out as she clenched a hair tie between her teeth. She pulled her hair back into a slicked-back ponytail. She looked like a dude. Chuckling to herself, she headed out. Shoto led her downstairs and outside to the front. Endeavor stood by the gate, he looked like a kicked puppy and also looked like a pouting toddler all at the same time. She could feel the eye roll from him as he escorted her to his home. 


The moment Y/n walked into the house a white-haired boy appeared. He seemed really relaxed even though the tension in the room was thicker than a ribeye steak. She smiled politely and bowed. "Hi, I'm Y/n L/n." she introduced herself. She felt a hand on her shoulder and stood back up. "No need to bow. I'm Natsuo Todoroki. I'm Shoto's older brother. Who might you be?" he asked. Y/n looked up at their"father" and back at him. "I am your oldest sister," she answered, his expression looking puzzled. "Wait- you gotta be joking. But-" she cut him off. "I was born before Fuyumi. Enji here had me with my mother and proceeded to tell her to get rid  of me, but  she didn't." She explained. They had moved into the living room and were sitting down with Fuyumi. 

"So you mean that our father had an affair with your mom," Fuyumi questioned. Enji had disappeared from the room while they were conversing. This woman looked like she was about to snap his dick in half. Y/n couldn't hold in her laughter. Everyone in the room looked at her like she was crazy, but she couldn't hold it in. "Yes. That's what I mean by it. I'm sorry for laughing. You looked like you were ready to beat his ass if he hadn't left." She kept lightly giggling to herself. Everyone agreed and joined in. 

"Thank you for having me here. My mom died and I didn't connect the dots of what she told me to Enji." Y/n bowed "Quit bowing to us! You're family. You don't need to bow unless you are apologizing!" Natsuo complained, Fuyumi proceeded to thwack him on the head with her hand before hugging her. Y/n's body slightly froze at her sudden hug, but she softened up and hugged Fuyumi back. "It's nice to know that I have a sister! All these boys are so annoying!" She laughed, Y/n chuckled, and agreed. Shoto showed her out and led her back to the dorm, Enji following close behind them. 


"So what did you think?" He asked, his voice sounding bland. "They were nice. I'm glad that I've got some family left." she trailed off. Her thoughts started to get the best of her. A cold hand grabbed her shoulder roughly and stopped her. "Don't think, just breathe." Shoto's voice had some warmth to it as he stopped her thoughts. "Thank you. I just haven't been able to get myself out of this rut." she half smiled at him, and he returned it and pulled her along with him.

Hearing the satisfying click sound resonate through her bland room, indicating her door was shut and locked. She dragged herself over to her bed and started to strip down for the night. Everything got tossed onto the desk chair messily as she crawled blindly into bed. Everything sounded so peaceful. Too bad the peace won't allow her to sleep. Her phone rang, lighting up the room and nearly the shit out of her. She grabbed it immediately and answered it without seeing the caller ID. "Hello?" She groggily grumbled. A worried sigh sounded through the phone and a very familiar and panic-inducing chuckle rang through it.

"Hello Y/n~ I hope you know your vacation away from us will be very short-lived." The horrid voice growled through the phone. She could barely see anything as she threw the phone away from her and curled herself into the tightest ball she could manage. Her body started to hyperventilate as her world spun upside down. 

Help! Please! Someone, anyone! 

Her mind wouldn't let her cry out for help. And her body refused to move as she tried to get it to move. She couldn't see anything, everything was black, and all she could hear was his voice.


"Y/N! Its time to get up! We're gonna be late!" She couldn't bring herself to move. The sunlight was blinding in her room, but she could tell she hadn't moved an inch from last night. She heard the door handle jiggle and the door swung open. Mina's bright and happy form bounced into the room, but all that optimism dissipated when she saw the state Y/n was in. "W-what happened? Is everything okay?" She asked, like lightning she was next to Y/n and hugging her. "I-I got a call last night. A-and I'm scared. They're going to come for me soon." She answered. Her face dropped even more before getting up. "Why didn't you tell someone?" She asked, she looked around and picked up the mess from the night before.

"I haven't moved since the call. I went into a panic and shut down. I have been like this since last night." Y/n explained. Y/n tried to move, her entire body felt stiff and sore. "You didn't sleep at all did you." She assumed, Y/n gave her a nod and slowly got up. Mina retrieved Y/n's phone from the floor. A relieved sigh left Y/n when she saw the screen wasn't more damaged. "We are going to leave right now. So grab some clothes. I don't care what you're wearing. Grab anything. We need to talk to Aizawa." she demanded. Y/n obliged and got ready. The pink-endowed girl dragged her as fast as she could to class. Damn near tripping her up every other step.

Edited: 1/18/2023  Word Count: 1,059

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