Chapter Six

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Sitting on the couch in the living room area in Fatgum's agency, Y/n was torn between whether she wanted to stay or go. It was already Wednesday, she had to return it signed by Friday. She saw Fatgum walk into the room. "Heya! What's got you so down?" he asked, plopping down next to me. She shrugged and handed him the paper. "Aizawa Sensei told me it was my decision and I don't know if I want to live there or here.." She told him. He smiled and handed me the paper. 

"Do it! If you don't like it there, you can always come back here! I'll even keep your room empty if it makes you feel better!" He replied. She nodded and grabbed a pen from the cup on the table. "There." Fatgum hugged her "I promise every weekend you can come to visit me here!" He proclaimed. She nodded in agreement and bumped his shoulder with her fist. "Well, let's go clothes shopping now! We've been putting it off all week!" She suggested. He nodded and they both got up. Y/n ran to her room and left the slip on her dresser. She slipped her sandals on and kicked her door behind her.


"Why is it soooooo hard to find clothes?!" She whined, They had tried all the stores in the mall, and we only came out with three long-sleeved shirts and a couple of pairs of pants. Fatgum patted her back. "I don't know. I just have someone specifically make my clothes, since no one makes my size.." He answered, and he seemed kinda bashful about it. "We could try the market." He suggested, Y/n shook her head no. "Is there maybe a thrift store or secondhand clothes place?" She asked him. He nodded and smiled. "I know just the place!" He happily pulled her up and dragged her along. "Hold on! I got stubby legs!!" She laughed. He slowed down just a little.

"It's across town, but it's a great place. It's where I got everything to start up on my own. Back when I wasn't the BMI Hero yet." He explained. They both sat patiently as the train zoomed along, rocking side to side every few minutes. The train slowed to a stop and he dragged her along with him. He pulled her along two blocks from the train station and stopped on a dime. "Here we are! My good friend works here. Maybe she can help you." He said with a grin bigger than the sun. They went inside and immediately found the women's section. Fatgum disappeared for a minute and returned with a buggy and a companion. 

"I'm not shopping for myself this time! I've got a friend and we couldn't find anything a the mall." He chuckled. Y/n already had an armful of pants. "Here ya go Y/n. Oh and this is my friend Pam. She's from America, but she moved here." He explained to her, she nodded and stuck out a hand for her to shake. "I'm Y/n. It's nice to meet you." she introduced herself. Pam smiled sweetly and took it. She and Fatgum continued to talk while Y/n looked around. She came across some skirts and shorts. She looked through and found a few pairs she liked. She'd try to wear more girly things. She pulled out some bedroom shorts and headed to the shirt section. She found some plain tank tops. A few black ones, two white ones, and a blue one. Sh also found some plain black long-sleeved shirts and some white ones. She finally headed to the uniform section and browsed. A sigh of relief escaped her mouth as she found some of the UA uniforms. She picked up three pairs of pants, an extra blazer, and some extra ties and dress shirts. She walked around the store and looked at some nick knacks. She came across a small ceramic fairy and picked it up immediately and headed back to Fatgum. 

"Are you done?" he asked, she nodded and started setting things up on the register for the lady to scan. She carefully handed her the little fairy and smiled. "I found a little collectible fairy in the glass and decorations section. I couldn't resist it." she said with a smile. Fatgum chuckled and gave the woman his card. "That's cute!" He laughed. They left with several bags on their arms. "I'm glad we found you a good bit of clothes!" He said. Y/n nodded and bumped his arm. "I managed to find myself some uniform pants for school. I don't like the skirts they provided." I replied with a smile. "Thank you for everything, Fatgum." He grinned at her "No problem!"


"Y/n!! Its Friday! You gotta get up!" Fatgum yelled through the door. She groaned and rolled over, She didn't realize how close to the edge of the bed she was and fell off with a loud oof. "Are you okay?" He yelled. Y/n got up and flicked the light on. "I'm fine! I just fell out the bed." with a groan, she opened the door and smiled. "See. I'm up. I'll be out in ten." she told him. He nodded and left. She checked my phone and realized she was already thirty minutes behind schedule. 

"Shit!" I yelled. I rushed and quickly brushed my hair and teeth. I pulled on my pants, socks, and shoes. I buttoned my shirt up and hung my tie around my neck. I wasn't worried about tying it until time to go. "Y/n! We gotta leave now or we'll be late!" Kirishima yelled. She grabbed her phone up and grabbed her bag and slip for the dorms. "Coming!" She yelled. She took one last look in the mirror and ran out the door. Kirishima was waiting outside for her, and they both hauled ass to school. 


They both walked into class and everyone looked at her weirdly. She realized she hadn't tucked her shirt in or tied her tie. She quickly readjusted herself and sat down in her seat before she realized she forgot her uniform blazer. Aizawa cleared his throat to get everyone's attention. "If you haven't turned in your slip I need it now. And Miss L/n, please be ready for class properly and appropriately next time." He chastised. She nodded and grabbed her slip. Y/n, Kaminari, Bakugou, and Mina were the last to turn them in. 


Aizawa sent them out to the field with Cement toss for our P.E. class. Once everyone was changed into the Sports uniform they all lined up and waited for instructions. Cement Toss started telling them to group up into three groups of seven. "Now for today, we will be doing a team test. To see how well each of you can work in a group together." He handed out a green handkerchief to group one, a red one to group two, and a white one to group three. "Now, to start off. One person from each group at a time will take their team's handkerchief, run the track all the way around, and pass it on to the next one in the group. Once everyone in each group has run the track, we will move on to climbing the rock wall where you will do the same. And then finally you will group off into groups of three and do a leg race." He explained. Everyone groaned in disapproval of the last part. 


Y/n ended up in a group with Mina, Midoriya, Kaminari, Tsuyu, Iida, and unfortunately Mineta. On the track they made Mineta go first since he was a creep and would take the longest. Then Tsuyu, Kaminari, Iida, Midoriya, Mina, then finally Y/n. They got second place on that. On the rock climb, Mineta was surprisingly the third fastest. But that was because the girls threatened to break his legs if he slacked off. They got third place on the rock climb. Now it was time to split up. Y/n ended up with Uraraka and Tokoyami since we all were very close in height. Uraraka is Five foot one and Tokoyami is Five foot two. Y/n was right in the middle at Five foot one and a half inches. 

(Sorry if you're not the same height, just pretend for the sake of the story!)

Cement Toss handed out some rope to all seven groups. Uraraka was in the middle so Y/n tied her right leg to her left leg. Tokoyami tied his right leg to her left leg. 

"So the best way to do this race is to hold hands too. It'll help us balance better. So our best bet is if Tokoyami steps forward first when he moves his other leg you move, then I'll move. Okay?" Y/n tried to explain. Both of them seemed to get the idea. Once everyone was ready a whistle was blown and They all started to move. The point was all about the fluidity of movement. One wrong move would imbalance them and they would fall down and come in last. They barely made it in the first place. But Bakugou was cheating. He was basically dragging Kirishima and Momo with him. But he ended up losing his balance and face-planting his whole team. "We did it!" Uraraka yelled happily. All of them shared a victory moment and watched as Mineta got dragged by Aoyama and Sero. They gladly got to sit on the bleachers and share their victory.

Edited: 1/18/2023  Word Count: 1,590

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