Chapter Eleven

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Y/n could hear the worried footsteps pacing back and forth through the door. She already knew he was worried. She couldn't help herself from running yesterday. Her body moved on its own and she couldn't stop it. "She's okay, Toshinori is bringing her back over right now. We had her stay at the Midoriya's just to be safe last night."  Aizawa's tired voice echoed through the door. The heavy footsteps stopped and they started marching away from the door.

"You mean to tell me that, while I've been stressing out the entire night and half the day yesterday, you knew she was okay and didn't bother to tell me?!" Y/n flinched back away from the door, every time she heard yelling or arguing she was always in the middle of it and got hit. An annoyed sigh rang out before Toshinori decided to open the door. Both men turned their heads fast towards the door. Fatgum's face went from pissed to happy. He immediately rushed over and picked Y/n up. "You had me so worried! I didn't hear from you or anyone about where you were! I thought the worst had happened!" He spoke so fast that his words were almost jumbled up. He set Y/n down in a chair and sat down in an identical one beside her. 

"What happened?" His voice was scratchy from strain. "I couldn't stop myself. I needed to get away from them. My body moved on its own. I kept running till I tripped and fell. Izuku, Katsuki, and Kirishima helped me. And Aizawa told me to stay with the Midoriya's for the night." she explained, her gaze staying on her hands in her lap. Her fingers twisted around themselves as she waited for his response. "I'm not mad at you. I understand that fight or flight instinct. I was just very, very worried." He replied, his strained voice softening as he sighed. Y/n looked up and saw his face. He was crying. 

"I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have run off!" Her mouth spat out. Her body instantly cringed into the seat. "No-no! It's my fault. I should've gone after you instead of chasing the villains. I-" he started to blubber, his face was a mess as he tried to clear it up. "I was just so worried that they had gotten you. I looked all night- No one told me you were okay! I kept looking, and I tried asking some people for help." He sighed. He wiped his face with his arm and grabbed her. He crushed her in an almost bone-breaking hug. She slowly wrapped her arms around his neck and relaxed into his comforting warmth. 


The familiar walls of Principal Nezu's office walls comforted Y/n with the neutral colors. He started going over everything with them, and all of them were on edge. "Now that everything has been cleared up. Due to the sighing of some members of the League of villains, we need to put you under better protection. You have to have someone with you at all times." He stood up in his chair to reach for his teacup. "Now I would suggest you stay at UA for the foreseeable future, but you can choose whether you stay here or get passed between the pro heroes. I won't force you to make a decision at this moment, but you need to have an answer for me by tomorrow." He explained. He sipped on his tea a little loudly and set the cup down gently. 

Y/n hugged herself and took calming breaths. She needed to make a decision now, or she won't make one at all. "I- I'll stay in the dorms!" Fatgum looked slightly disappointed, but she didn't want to make him keep tabs on her 24/7 it was just not fair to him. Nezu nodded and snapped his fingers. "I'll let the students and teachers know. Aizawa, she will be under your care. I trust you will keep an eye on her and protect her." Nezu announced. Fatgum hugged Y/n and let her go. "I'll visit when I can. With how they do things, I know you won't be able to leave the campus without a pro hero attached to your hip." He sounded like he was joking, but his face was serious. Y/n nodded and hugged him again "I'll be okay. Be careful." she replied, he smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes. 

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