Chapter Four

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After the surprise Principal Nezu gave her, Aizawa escorted her back to Fatgum's hero agency. Fatgum, Tamaki, and Kirishima had a night patrol. Without them, it seemed so quiet. Though this was much more preferred than being held captive by the league and getting experimented on. Y/n heard something break in the kitchen area, and her body jumped up and rushed to it. She could hear someone cussing on the other side of the wall. Y/n gathered up all her courage and peeked through the doorway. The receptionist lady from downstairs was crouched down picking up shards of ceramic from a bowl she had dropped. A shaky sigh escaped from her lips and the woman jumped.

"Oh! Sorry about that! Fatgum told me to make you something to eat. I went to reach for a bowl and the whole stack came tumbling down!" She nervously rambled, Y/n gave her a smile and bent down to help her. "It's okay, the noise just startled me. I thought someone was hurt." Y/n answered, she nodded and they continued to pick up the shards. "Ow!" She yelped, looking at her Y/n saw she had cut herself with one of the shards. Y/n grabbed her hand and pulled her with her. She took her to the sink and helped her clean it up and bandage it. 

"Sorry, clumsy me. I managed not to hurt myself when they fell but managed to hurt myself when I'm trying to clean my mess up!" she said with a laugh. "Aren't there any brooms here?" Y/n asked her. She shrugged at me and examined the bandage. "If there are they would probably be in the janitor's closet. Normally I'd just call him and he'd clean this up, but he doesn't do the graveyard shift anyway!" She answered, still looking at the bandage. Y/n nodded and almost walked away but stopped. "Where is the janitor's closet?" she looked up and chuckled. "Its right down the hall. It's the last door on the left," she answered, and went back to her hand. Y/n jogged down the hall and found the closet. To her luck, it was unlocked. She quickly went in and searched for the broom, then hurried back to clean up the mess.


"So I never caught your name when Fatgum brought you in." She laughed. They had been getting along really well after the whole incident with the dishes. "Oh its Y/n, I never got your name either!" She replied, her face falling slightly. "I'm Nat. Do you remember anything that happened?" She smiled at me

"I don't know what happened. It's a lot, and I'm not very comfortable sharing it." Nat looked like she was about to cry. "I'm so sorry! I am happy that you're okay!" She cried, Y/n stiffened up as Nat clung onto her in a hug. Y/n relaxed once she let her go. Both girls both jumped slightly at the sound of the oven dinging. "That must be our pizza!" She jumped off the couch and ran to go get it. Y/n looked around the living room area and smiled at the diplomas and trophies of the different heroes who went through the agency. 

"Here it is! A perfect supreme pizza with extra everything!" Nat announced as she walked into the room. She set the pizza down and turned on the TV. Automatically the news came on. "We are here filming FatGum fighting a villain! Sources say he is fighting against a villain named Rappa!" The reporter yelled into the microphone. It was so loud she had to yell so the mic could pick up her voice. Nat changed the channel to keep Y/n from having an anxiety attack.


Y/n woke up to the sound of explosions on the TV and looked for Nat. A few seconds later and she popped back into the room with a bag of popcorn. "Hey! You ate and passed out. I tried to wake you up to move you, but you were not gonna budge!" She laughed. She nodded and sat back up. She was watching a horror movie. Y/n covered her eyes and ears for the frightening scene. Once she knew it was gone she uncovered her eyes and ears. "You're not a fan of horror movies huh? I can turn on something different if you want." She suggested, Y/n quickly nodded her head. "Hey, Nat. Do you have a quirk?" Y/n blurted out. She turned to Y/n and nodded. "I have a simple quirk, I can heal minor wounds, but they transfer to me. So It's pretty much useless. What about you?" She replied. Y/n shrugged. "I guess I'm quirkless. The LoV experimented on me to see if you can make someone deemed quirkless have a quirk. But none of them worked, both of my parent's quirks never manifested." She answered, Nat sighed and softly rubbed her back. Both of them stayed silent as they. continued to watch some cartoons. 


Nat and Y/n were sitting on the couch and heard the elevator ding. Both of them got up to go check. She could get in trouble if it's someone who's not allowed up here, since she's supposed to be in the lobby. They both sighed when Kirishima and Tamaki walk through. Then a tall skinny man walked out. His clothes were way too big and tattered for him. And he was hurt. But he still smiled and came towards us. 

"Well, how'd everything go?" He asked, he sounded like Fatgum but he didn't look like him. Y/n  brows furrowed and she stayed on the couch. "Ya overdid it again didn't you?" Nat asked him. He nodded and scratched his neck. "I might've but Rappa was a challenge." He admitted, he looked a little shy. Then his gaze turned to Y/n. "I told Nat you make ya something. She is a pretty good cook!" He laughed. Y/n stayed skeptical of him and didn't move. 

"Who are you?" Her tone came out ruder than she intended. He, Nat, Kirishima, and Tamaki looked at her. "Wah! Even you can't recognize me?! It's me Fatgum! I just used too much of my fat and now I'm skinny. I'll be back to normal soon." He half yelled. "How- How does that even work?" she mumbled. He didn't look bad, but he looked weird being skinny. Everyone laughed and plopped down on the couch and chairs. "Fatgum, you should have Y/n help you with getting some bandages on. She's pretty good at it. She had to bandage my hand earlier and it still hasn't come undone even with all of my moving." Nat suggested. Fatgum's face turned pink and he sat up. 

"I think I'll be okay for now. It's just some scratches!" He tried to play it off. But Y/n could see his discomfort with his wounds. Kirishima looked ragged too. Tamaki didn't look too bad though. "I'll be right back," she announced. Y/n went to the bathroom and grabbed isopropyl alcohol, bandages, cotton balls, a towel, and antibiotic ointment. She returned and sat down on the coffee table in front of Kirishima. I took his arm and took out the alcohol and the cotton balls. "This is gonna hurt a little bit," she warned Kirishima as she took off his bandages. Carefully, she cleaned his wounds and rebandaged him. Y/n turned to Fatgum, he took off his jacket and she got started on him. He wasn't nearly as bad as Kirishima, but he was still pretty dinged up. Y/n did the same with him as she did with Kirishima and helped bandage his torso. "As long as you You're really good at first aid." Y/n felt embarrassment sweep through her body at Fatgum's compliment.  "T-thank you." 

Edited: 1/18/2023  Word Count: 1,298 

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