Chapter Eight

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A loud beeping from my alarm clock pulled Y/n from her pleasant dreamless sleep and into to loud reality of the dorm. After smashing the button she sat up and listened to the sounds of all the other students running and yelling in the hall. She slowly got up and pulled on a pair of plain pants and a F/c shirt and continued on with her morning routine. She would want nothing more than to crawl back into bed and go back to sleep, but She had promised that She would visit Fatgum every weekend. After brushing her teeth she stared at her reflection in the bathroom mirror. Her s/c skin looked paler than usual. Her hair looked a bit frazzled, and there were noticeable dark circles under her e/c eyes. From what she remembered of her mother, she looked exactly like her. Y/n sighed and headed out of her room, grabbing her go-bag as she slammed the door shut behind her. By now the halls were empty and the whole dorm was silent. She quietly slunk through the hall and downstairs.


Y/n tried to keep herself out of the crowd, or at least keep people out of her personal space. Today being exceptionally hard, due to some commotion. She slowly pushed her way through the hoard of people and managed to get herself toward the front line. Police stopped anyone from going any further, but she could clearly see Mt. Lady fighting a villain. She quickly moved back through the crowd and darted out into an alleyway. She followed it out to the other end and followed the main road to Fatgum's agency. Y/n slipped her headphones on and played some music, letting the autoplay choose her playlist.


Her head bobbed to the tune as she walked. Almost nothing could distract her. She joined a small crowd of people walking and just followed them. She was almost there when the smell of food took her attention away. She quickly followed the smell to a stand nearby. Seeing noodles her stomach cried out. She pulled out and counted her cash, then quickly got into line and ordered some. She thought of fatgum and decided to get some for him too. The vendor happily gave her the food and change back and sent her along her way. She jogged the rest of the way to his agency, food in hand and headphones on.


Y/n didn't recognize the lady at the front desk. The woman looked like she was fresh out of college, she didn't look like she knew what she was doing. "Hi, I'm here to see Fatgum." the woman looked up with her brows furrowed. "Is he expecting you? Name please?" She demanded. "Yeah, I'm supposed to stay here in the dorm area on the weekends. I'm L/n Y/n." She explained, her irritated gaze didn't leave Y/n, but she did look her up and down judgmentally. "Just wait over there." She instructed and pointed to the hard plastic chairs. She scrunched her nose and grabbed the bag. "Nevermind. I'll just go up then." Y/n stated flatly, her tone coming out harsher than she meant. "Wha- what are you doing?! You can't go up there without permission first-" Y/n cut her off as she slammed the door for the staircase. She hated stairs, but if she'd take them over that lady. She could hear the woman's heels clack as she chased her. That just made Y/n run faster, her anxiety kicking her feet into high gear. She made it to his floor and slammed the door behind her, She ran as fast as she could to his office and quickly closed and locked his door behind her. She could hear her heartbeat in her ears as she tried to calm down.  

Fatgum got up to comfort her as he saw her disheveled state. "What happened? Are you okay?" He asked, She could see the panic in his eyes. "I-I'm okay. The new desk lady wouldn't let me up here." she panted, she could see relief flood him just as his office door was getting knocked on. He opened it and let the woman in. Two men accompanied her. "I am so sorry Mr. Fatgum! She just rushed past me-" 

"It's fine. She's allowed anywhere in this building at any time. She's a guest of mine." He cut her off, then he waved off the security guards. Y/n plopped herself into one of his chairs and set the food on his desk. The desk lady retreated back to the main floor after glaring at her. Fatgum sauntered over to his desk and sat back down. Surprisingly for how big he is, he didn't make even the slightest sound as he walked. Y/n unpacked their food and handed him his to-go box. "I was hungry, and I decided to get some for you too," Fatgum smiled and instantly dug into his food. Y/n lightly smiled to herself and started to dig into her food.



Fatgum had gone on his patrol and Y/n was left alone to do as she pleased. She was peacefully laying in her bed, rethinking everything. Nothing felt right. She thought about all the shit she had been through. Her arms itched at the thought of all the needles they used. The room started to spin and give her tunnel vision. She quickly sat up, hugging herself, and she could feel the waterworks start up. This small room made her feel claustrophobic. She got up, her whole body shaking as she opened the door and stumbled down the hall. Everything looked different, it made her feel sick. She could feel herself hyperventilating, her breaths coming faster as her vision blurred even more. 

Her tears made everything worse. She could feel herself scratching at my arms. Her time spent with those bastards gave me PTSD. She felt like she was missing herself, everything felt wrong. She felt broken. Everything is wrong. She should be dead. Her mother is gone, and her father is too. She has no one, She has nothing. Her vision cleared up just enough to see that she was on the living room floor. Everything was dead silent. There's no one around to help her from this hell. An involuntary sob ripped from her lips, but she couldn't hear anything but her own thoughts. 

Everything was blurring back up, her mind made her see that dark room they put her in. Y/n's body automatically curled into a ball as she kept crying. She felt hopeless. She knows they will come back for their "prized pet"  as he called her. She just wished she would die. If they had just killed her back then, she wouldn't be troubling these people. She didn't have the balls to do it. She could feel her sobs make her body shudder. But she couldn't hear my own crying, she couldn't see, and she couldn't will herself to move. 

Suddenly she felt big, warm arms wrap around her body and hoist her up. She tried to flail away but whoever picked her up, held her tighter. She started to feel more secure in their arms, her body slowly relaxed and her cries softened. The familiar smell of takoyaki made her relax. When she was finally able to open her eyes and see, Fatgum was hugging her. "Can you hear me now?" Fatgum asked, his voice heavily laced with worry and fear. She slowly nodded her head yes. 

"Are you sure? I found you in here, and you looked really bad. What happened?" He asked, he tried to set her down, but she clung to him. "I-I don't know how to explain. I started thinking about everything that happened to me. And everything felt wrong..." her voice was barely above a mumble. She pulled away from him and curled up on the couch next to him. He put his arm around her and pulled her close. "Its okay, don't worry." He reassured her. Y/n kept her gaze on her lap. I'm being a burden. Her thoughts were not helping her in any way. 

"I'm pretty sure she had a PTSD attack on top of an anxiety attack." Someone piped up from the doorway. Y/n's head snapped up so fast her vision was blurred for a second. Tamaki walked in and handed her a blanket and a glass of water. "It's okay to have those. Especially after what you went through. We will try to help you through it." He added, she could feel his anxiety flooding off of him. "Thank you.. for putting up with me,"  she murmured. Fatgum hugged her and Tamaki put a hand on my shoulder. "You're welcome. Don't worry, we won't let anything happen to you." Tamaki replied, he had a slight smile on his face. She could tell he was trying to put up a confident front for me, to make her feel better. Y/n's eyes felt heavy and she leaned onto Fatgum. She felt safe. Her eyes fluttered shut and everything went dark.

Edited: 1/18/2023 Word Count: 1,514

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