Chapter Twenty-Two

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"It has been a week since the acquaintance of pro-hero : Fatgum, Miss L/n Y/n, was kidnapped at this very location. So far there has not been any information regarding who took Miss L/n. If you have any information regarding her whereabouts, please don't hesitate to call the number on the screen." Taishiro pressed the power button on the remote and had to keep himself from throwing the remote in anger. Aizawa had gone home after day five. He said that he felt like Taishiro could hold his own ground from there. He couldn't be more wrong. Taishiro's eyes glanced over the common areas of my house. For every night Y/n was gone, there were multiple to-go containers for each night. His kitchen counters were covered in them. His mother knew nothing of what happened, and she had left for home while they were gone for their date. Several of the other pro-heroes took it amongst themselves to regularly check in on him. 

His guess was that it was to keep tabs on him and keep him from running off to find the LOV by himself. Taishiro heard the incessant tapping on his front door. His garbled sigh got caught in his throat as he tried to keep a front for his good friend. "Heya Fatgum! I was sent to check in on you. There's been a sighting of Shigaraki with Y/n. So we need you to come down to the agency." He slowed down as he took in Taishiro's disheveled form. 

"Woah! What the hell happened to you?" Keigo pushed him back into the apartment and shut the door behind him. "I've been using every waking moment to find her. I haven't given myself much time for self-care, I can't give myself time like that. Knowing that they could be slowly killing her right now." Keigo frowned at him and made him sit down. "You're going to get yourself thrown off the case if you keep going like this. You will take a shower, shave, and get a fresh hero suit on. Otherwise, I won't let you into the meeting." Taishiro just slumped his head and gave a weak nod. "When the meeting is over, you need to rest up. I will make you drink Ny-Quil if you try to say you can't sleep." He scolded him. Taishiro nodded feebly and went to his room. 


Keigo was right. A hot shower, a shave, and fresh clothes made Taishiro feel more energized to continue looking for Y/n. The entire meeting was about where to go from next. Y/n was recently seen being dragged unconsciously by Shigaraki. Their whereabouts were now unknown. The informant said that she looked almost dead if it weren't for her occasional twitch and she seemed to be laughing or crying. They couldn't tell since they were watching from afar. The only reasonable option was she had to be crying from pain. Hawks took an aerial view while Taishiro stuck to the ground. The hounds that were searching for her came up empty. They stopped short of a spot in the middle of an alleyway. Their conclusion was Kurogiri's quirk. They called it quits when they kept coming up empty. "Tomorrow is another day." Someone had reminded him. He felt more hopeless, but he had to hold onto a tiny straw of hope that was left in him.



I woke up with my body strapped down to a medical table. But I was not in a hospital. I could hear the faint sound of voices on the other side of a familiar set of heavy metal doors. The voices quieted down as the door was slammed open. "Why if it isn't my favorite pet project. Now, what behooved you to run away, hmm?" I kept my eyes steeled to the slowly cracking cement ceiling. I couldn't look at him, if I did, it would hurt more. A sharp prick drew my attention to my left arm. One needle was poked into my arm and a eerie substance was inserted into my bloodstream. "Now Shigaraki, we already know there's something in her to prevent your quirk from activating on her. But I haven't found a quirk in her to be the reason. So I need you to be more patient with her, if you bring her back in this condition again I will be forced to take her from you." Shigaraki grumbled out a form of agreement.  I could feel the restraints being undone as he slowly walked around me. Even if I could dart up and run away when they were gone, I wouldn't do it. All for one was not a force to meddle with. He had the ability to give me quirks with his quirk, but he wanted to find an alternative way to do it through medicine. He wanted there to be a way to forcefully take and give quirks even when he wasn't around. And I'm the first of many to be in his little "Pet project". 

"While I am sending her back with you, do not mistake this as a chance to kill her or keep hurting her. I don't want you killing my little pet. If you bring her back here while this close to death again, I might just kill you." All for one's voice was almost the equivalent to nails scratching on a chalkboard. He put quirk dampening restraints on me before releasing me back to Shigaraki. "Now, let me know if anything new happens to her. Anything. I want to make sure that this works this time." Shigaraki nodded his head and pulled me along with him through the portal. 


Shigaraki didn't even entertain the words that had fallen out of AFO's mouth. He continued to beat the living shit out of Y/n when he got her back to the hideout. He kept her tied to that damn chair all the time. The only times She wasn't in the chair was when she was being used as his (dare the narrator to say it) plaything. Even though it had been maybe a couple of weeks since She saw AFO she hadn't felt any changes. Though, with the quirk restraints, her best guess was that If he managed to succeed she wouldn't know just yet because of the restraints. 

Shigaraki had left her in the room hours ago. She just let her chin rest on her chest while her head dangled downwards. This chair was almost a safe haven to her now. It seemed like when she was tied to it, Shigaraki either was leaving her alone for a while, or he was gonna beat the living shit out of her with her arms tied behind her. The click of the doorknob made Her head snap up in the door's direction. She let out a short sigh at the sight of Touya. 

"Jesus Christ. What the fuck has he been doing to you?" His question was really just his own thoughts, not really asking her. "Oh y'know, experimenting on me and beating me... among other things," she answered nonspecifically. His bright blue eyes darkened at her last words. "Damn. I really didn't think-" she cut him off with a laugh "You thought what? That Shigaraki would go easy on me? I tried to escape after he tied me to his bed. I clearly pissed off the man-child. I honestly didn't think he had it in him to do this much to me. But hey! Life loves to keep me on my toes!" She sarcastically joked. Touya flinched back, that was a first. Touya looked nervously towards the door before stepping behind her. "I can't let you go, but I can let you stretch and get something to eat and drink." She felt the chains and quirk restraints drop off of her body. After a few seconds, she felt so much more energized. 

Touya took her into the common areas and had her sit at the breakfast table in the small dining room. He made her a few sandwiches and gave her a glass of water. She ate almost like a rabid animal. She didn't even touch the water till she had eaten all of the food. She chugged the water down and went to the sink. She turned on the cold water and hung her head under the running faucet. She gulped down as much water as she could and let the cool water run over her face. Meanwhile, Touya watched in mild disgust and awe. Touya flinched at the sound of the front door being slammed open and shut again. Touya and Y/n locked eyes for half a second before Shigaraki stormed into the room. "Why the fuck are you out of the chair? And where are your restraints?!" His voice made the room feel smaller. He came closer, ready to beat her again. She dropped to her knees and placed her hands over her head. But blows were not delivered. A soft rumbling made all three of them pause to glance around. It stopped as quickly as it started. Shigaraki turned back to me but didn't start hitting me. "Your eyes! It worked! We've finally implanted a quirk into you!" His body shook as he let out an eerie laugh and snatched Y/n up from the floor. "What's going on? How do you know I have a quirk now?" Questions kept filling her mind as he jerked her around. He came to a stop in front of the bathroom and made her face the mirror. 

He was right. She had to have some sort of quirk now. Her eyes glowed a pale blue, almost the same blue as Toya's flames. She tried blinking and rubbing her eyes to get it to go away, but it wouldn't. Shigaraki laughed and laughed as she poked and prodded her face. 

"Now, phase two can finally begin!"    

Edited: 1/19/2023  Word Count: 1,658

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